Saturday 1 July 2006

4 hours to go

Ok, ok... I'll admit I did have a couple of drinks, but unlike last week I don't feel like the living death. Fab night - bumped into an old friend too... bonus!

Anyway, back to the subject in hand... My second 'face to face'. I need to start getting ready!

I'm looking through all my lotions and potions for the miracle face mask! I've got ones that firm, ones that deep cleanse, ones that 'promote radiance', vitamin recovery ones(eh?), pore minimising ones... the list is endless. Why, why, why isn't there ONE that does it all.

But I NEED to deep cleanse, firm, minimise my pores AND 'promote radiance' (I'm happy to skip the vitamin recovery one). So I've looked at all the instructions, and worked out it's going to take about 75 minutes to use them all! Can I mix them all together... that'll work, surely?

Ooh - you know my rule... don't email when drunk. It's OK, don't panic - I didn't. But Dubliner 2 of 2 did! 03:17am in fact! When I finally deciphered what he was trying to tell me, it was touchingly beautiful (not sure, but I think he may be swimming his way over at this exact moment!)

More off Sailor Boy, and Dubliner 1 of 2 :)

But back to today... all plans are in place. Sis... don't forget the call. I've got a cool backup today too - BBQ with real people later, so Mr Dependable/Implusive - you've only got 2 hours to impress, right!!