Saturday 8 July 2006

Oh Dear

Now, I would say all in all my experience of online dating has been immense fun! The only downside so far seems to be actually meeting these people! I got a 'thanks, but no thanks' from last nights last minute 'face to face'.

Nice looking guy, nice personality. He just forgot to tell me his first wife was an alcoholic (and he never drinks), until I was just about to order my THIRD glass of red! Whoops... I thought he wasn't drinking because he was driving :/

Note to self... always read your Potentials profile thoroughly. Especially the bit that says "Drinks: Daily/Socially/Never"

I've checked out my Potentials drinking habits:

Dubliner 1 of 2 (arriving tomorrow) - drinks socially
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) - drinks daily (no surprises there then!)
Potential with no name - drinks socially ('face to face' next Tuesday)
New Potential (Scot in England) - drinks daily

Phew! They all passed :)

So... the big event tomorrow. Dubliner 1 of 2 (my fav! I know, I keep switching them) is on his way here! I'm now getting a bit concerned, becuase he's more than 'seems nice'... more like 'seems amazingly fab'. But what if he's not in real life? What if all his emails have been written by an amazingly fab friend of his, and he's as dull as dishwater?

Maybe I'll call it off and just keep it to emails from his amazingly fab friend instead!

Off to see beloved family for food later... thank you people! Only one problem, I'm not sure if it was the food/drink last night, or butterflies at the prospect of Dubliner 1 of 2 being amazingly fab, but I feel a bit sick :(