Saturday 15 July 2006

Oh Superman!

Sweet... I got another call from Dubliner 1 of 2. Quite funny really, as I was actually buying shoes at the time (amazing bargains... I couldn't resist!). So now he knows how important new shoes are (4 pairs this week - I did take one pair back though... honestly).

The rest of my day was taken up with son's birthday celebrations, including a trip to see Superman (no, he's not a Potential... the film!). Pretty dull film, however he did look a little fitter than any previous Superman, and had fab boots on!

Tea with my beloved family... thank you! My niece has suggested I do a search for a Superman lookalike... hmmm, let me think. How many Potentials are actually going to admit to wearing their underwear outside their tights??

Scot (in England) emailed this evening. Guess what... he told me all about his day! I emailed him back... I wonder if he's got any super powers??

Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) called too... now he does have a super power - the ability to melt me with his accent! I need to double check, but I think my rose count is 6 at the moment :)