Sunday 9 July 2006

Rain stopped play

Woke up ridiculously early... replayed last night's voicemail (again!). Fab accent, Dubliner 1 of 2!

Now unfortunately due to bad weather he couldn't do the 200 mile detour to meet up :( BUT... he wanted to know if it's OK to fly over next weekend!!

I can't do next weekend as my son begins his teenage phase (well, officially he does. In reality that started long ago), so he's coming over the weekend after... the WHOLE WEEKEND!!

That means I've got two weeks to get ready (hopefully my remaining spot will have disappeared by then).

Anyway... the others:

Dubliner 2 of 2... quiet this weekend, but he did say he way going away.
Potential with no name - I need to call him to sort out Tuesday
New Potential (Scot in England) - emailed me today, so I need to get back to him

And I've got another new one... Local guy (maybe this one will be OK!). He's five years younger than me, so he can be the Young Potential! - I've emailed him back.

Son has gone off to Amsterdam, so I'm free for dates (well, actually I'm free one of the nights - lesson with Gorgeous H tomorrow, and Potential with no name on Tuesday... so I'm free Wednesday!)