Wednesday 12 July 2006

Changing plans

My 'face to face' with the Potential with No Name didn't happen... we've rearranged for next week.

No worries. I had a fab night out with a real person. Now P... I said I was off lager, didn't I?

Emails off both Dubliners (they're definitely the best two!). Dubliner 1 of 2 told me I was a 'special person'... sweet :)

He's going to call tonight. Good... My voicemail button is wearing out.

Dubliner 2 of 2 wants to meet up the day before my birthday (yes... I did tell him it was my birthday - gives him oodles of time to get me a pressie or two!)

Now unfortunately I'm going to my first social event involving my new hobby... as as much as Dubliner 2 of 2 intrigues me, I'm not ducking out of that day. Why... I've been told Gorgeous H isn't married (don't know if that means he's single, but it's a start!). So on said social event I've a chance to maybe find out!

More emails off Potential from Weston Super (night) Mare, and a wink of another guy from Ireland, not some where though.

I'll check the map later!