Monday 30 April 2007


First the Yuck... The Whistler wants to meet up again. He was obviously too thick to pick up the 'I'm not at all impressed with you' vibe I thought I was giving (bolting out of the car at a rate of knots without stopping to say goodbye wasn't a clear sign??).

I've sent him a text to let him know I'm incredibly busy with work the next few weeks (which is actually not even a lie!).

Now the Yum. Well, there's two Yums really! First, thank you to my wonderful place of work for the surprise today. A parcel arrived for me this morning, which I was *very* nervous about opening (I sometimes have this fear that a Potential will send an embarrassing gift!). No need to worry... it was a box of Curly Wurlys.

WOW... 60 Curly Wurlys!

The guys know my passion for Curly Wurlys could actually drive me to kill a small child at times! I was tempted to eat them all there and then, but it's much better to savour these delicious little moments. Guys... if you eat them all tomorrow while I'm out I will be again tempted to murder, only this time it won't be small children, it will be you lot!

And the second Yum... The Teacher sent a text! He wants to meet again. A third date ;)