Saturday 23 September 2006


How quickly things move in this online dating world. I've actually got myself another date this evening, and I haven't even had a chance to mention this guy yet!!

Yoga Guy... that's what I'll call him! He's local, and winked at me yesterday. So I emailed him back this morning, and almost immediately he invited me for coffee :)

Apart from yoga (which for some reason I always find strange in a man!) he likes a lot of music, and cites one of his hobbies as wine (and you know that's a plus point in my book!).

Now... I'm still totally responsible for my delightful nieces (I'm still missing one, but she did pop back with her goth friends for 5 minutes... sweet kids!), so this is a quick coffee date in the bar downstairs.

The kids are actually threatening to throw things over my balcony, so I'm going to have to make sure I'm positioned out of missile range!!

The best bit about this date is oodles of time to get ready... no mad rush today, so I'm about to have a manicure :)

Ooh... and before I go, 'Mutual Contact' with Wordy Local Guy has commenced! Seriously, this guy is bonkers. He wants to meet (I usually call that a 'face to face'. He calls 'a real time in the flesh appraisal')

Seriously, he's as mad as a hatter :)