Sunday 25 June 2006

Seven days ago...

We decided (as in me and my beloved family!) that I should do the whole online dating thingie, and I'd have never have thought just a week later I'd be having so much fun!

I've had a date (OK, not brilliant, but a date is a date under the rules), but more importantly I've met (in a 'virtual' way at least)a whole host of fab folks!

Seven days ago I wasn't in regular contact with a Sailor, two guys from Dublin (both equally fab!), a dependable local guy, a superhero (his birthday today! We're currently drinking 'virtual' tequila together) and a GORGEOUS guy from Dorset.

And the others who've come and gone this week have all made me smile in some way (OK, except for a couple of dodgy looking ones, who I can just block).

I'm excited for the next few weeks/months. In a way, I'm not sure I want to meet my soulmate now... It would mean leaving all this behind!

The other (and even fabberer... if that's a word) thing is I've been able to grab my 'real' social life back in a big way. The times I've been able to pull myself away from my PC/mobile I've got myself back out there... and no one's taking this away from me :)