Thursday 29 June 2006


So we Skyped for a bit... then the crucial moment - exchanging photos.

I'm not Mr Incredible's type :(

Ouch!! (note to self. Next time get the Potential to send his first!). It's strange really, you get on so so well with someone electronically, but looks do count for something in the real world.
So the Superhero is off the list, but it's OK because I've had another email of Sailor Boy (who has had my pic!). Talk of meeting up when his ship comes in :)

And the Dubliners are still here (I'm currently re reading the email off Dubliner 2 of 2... remember, he said I was a "very very beautiful" person!). Dubliner 1 of 2 (my fav) has sent me a delicious cocktail recipe containing Baileys and brandy!

Mr Dependable sent 2 emails... one about his day (as usual), but then another one (more about his evening). Caught me off guard that one... for a micro second I was lost for words. I may have to rename him to Mr (ever so slightly) Impulsive :)

My Potential count is slightly down, so I'm going to have to spend this evening doing a bit of searching to get some new ones, until Sailor Boy returns (I'm counting the days Popeye!!)