Sunday, 11 March 2007

Heaven and hell

Two dates down, and what a contrast!

Thursday I went for a drink with the Outdoorsy Guy, and guess what?? He seemed like a very normal, down to earth kind of guy!! We had a couple of drinks, a nice chat, bit of a giggle... a straight forward normal night out. It was a refreshing change to meet someone who doesn't immediately seem to have a bag full of issues! So we've arranged to meet for lunch next week :)

In stark contrast last night's 'Face to Face' with the Rugby Supporting Wine Loving Golfer was officially the Date From Hell.

We'd arranged to meet at half six. So, I start getting ready about an hour before. I'd just jumped out of the shower when I got a text off him... he was there, and did I want him to order me a drink?


I double checked the time we'd agreed to meet (thinking I may've got it wrong). Definitely half six, so I let him know I'd be as quick as I could (and can I have a red drink please!). I'm now trying to speed up getting ready, which he made a little more difficult by bombarding me with texts... does he not realise checking them is going to make me late!

Eventually I got there just before half past... he apologised for being early, but he was so excited he couldn't wait! I should've maybe seen that as a signal things weren't going to be easy, but I didn't. At that point I thought he was quite sweet... he'd even brought me a pressie (my favourite choccies!)

So, on with the date. He told me he was incredibly nervous because this was the first date he'd been on in years! I tried to break the ice by talking about the earlier rugby (my team won, his are heading for a wooden spoon), and that seemed to relax him a bit! After a couple of drinks we got a table for dinner. That's when it all started to go badly wrong!

For some unknown reason I had a desire to stay sober(ish), and so I was drinking oodles of water between glasses of wine. He, on the other hand was drinking oodles of beer between glasses of wine, and was rapidly getting sloshed. And you know how I hate the 'where do you see us going' line of questioning? Well, he went a little further than that, more along of the lines 'this is where we're going'!

Seriously... we've 'known' each other by email for a couple of weeks, only just met in real life, and yet this guy had pretty much mapped out the rest of my life! And it was the style he was doing it... bear in mind he was drunk, but actually telling me he thought my 'problem' was down to the fact I hadn't met a guy who could take the lead, and that he was there to change all that :/

By now I'm fairly certain I'm not going to see him again (and have decided to skip dessert), but there was one little nugget of information about him that made me 100% sure... he was MARRIED!!

And when I say married (I have met people before who are not 'quite' divorced), I mean very much married, but he's signed up for online dating because he thinks his life needs to change direction :/

I'm sitting in a restaurant with a pissed up, cheating bastard who can't understand why I'm not falling at his feet. Even the bloody waiter was giving me sympathetic looks! I suggested we get the bill... at which point he asked if I wanted to go dancing?!?

I'm obviously not giving him the right signals here, so it was time to be blunt with him. The bill arrived, and I suggested splitting it. Although he could hardly string a sentence together by now, he loudly protested no girl of his was going to pay! At that point I knew it was time to go (quickly), so I left my half of the bill, gave him back his chocolates and suggested if he had a decent side to him at all he'd take them home to his wife.

There you have it... the worst date I think I've ever had.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...


You did well there mate!