OK, so I've moved. My new place is is complete disarray so I have to spend today sorting stuff out, but that's not the disaster... the disaster is my broadband is not working :(
You're probably wondering how I've been able to update this? Well, If I perch my laptop out the window I can occasionally pick up someone else's wireless!
I know that's a bit cheeky, but how the hell am I going to continue in my search for 'the one' if I can't connect. This is hell for an online dating addict!
Anyway, having piggybacked some unsuspecting persons network I've been able to let my Potentials know I've moved, but if I don't contact them it's not because I'm ignoring them!
There's been a change of plan with today's 'Face to Face' with Serious Golf Pro. I've still got oodles of things to sort in the new place, so I'm just meeting him for a coffee today, and we're going to do the fabulous range tomorrow, by which time my currently swollen toe (swollen because I dropped a quite heavy and large object on it when moving!), should hopefully not be too bad, and I can squeeze my golf shoes on!
And I still need to find the 'oh so cute' golf skirt :)
Right, must go... it's raining and the keyboard is getting wet!
Sunday, 31 December 2006
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Friday, 29 December 2006
Last one, I promise!
OK, OK... I *may* have overblogged today, but Serious Golf Pro is just so funny!
I've now had 7 emails and two texts off him (bear in mind he only got in touch this afternoon!). A little over the top, and probably a sign that he may just turn out to be too much.
However, I am going to meet him, and hope this initial flurry of communications dies down a little!
So, the date... the driving range. Now, I usually go to a fairly OK driving range. You put the ball down, hit it, swear, and repeat 200 times. The driving range he's taking me to is only on THE best course around... seriously. So I'm going to have to modify the range routine a little and skip the swearing part... shit!
And we're going to have lunch at the same fabulous course afterwards.
Foie Gras anyone?
And more!
'Face to Face' No.18!!!
The driving range on Sunday with Serious Golf Pro. OMG... I'm not nervous, not at all! After all, it's almost like I'm going to have a free lesson! Sorry Gorgeous H... you may well have just been ousted!
Now where oh where is that 'oh so cute' golf skirt ;)
there's more...
So, I finish updating this, and there's another wink! Well, I say a wink, this guy skipped a stage and emailed, asking if I want to have dinner... tonight!!
Actually, he's skipped several stages there! I would say I don't know a thing about him, but in the very short space of time since his email I've been able to find out more about him than you'd think. How?
Through the power of Google!! He mentioned he was a golf pro (no, unfortunately it's not Gorgeous H!), and I've got his full name... so I googled away!!!
Now, on paper (or screen in this case), he looks like a good Potential. He's actually a serious golf pro, and is even on the European Tour circuit. Bloody hell! As he's so good, there are oodles of pictures around (albeit all various golf poses!), so I've been able to get a good look at him!
So, do I want dinner with him.... of course I do!! There is just one fly in the ointment (actually, there's two!):
1.) Voice of Reason is with me, so my only option would be the bar downstairs (and I've now got a new rule not to take Potentials there)
2.) I'm moving tomorrow, so I really should pack stuff, and not eat dinner with serious golf pros!
Damn. Still, if he's keen maybe we can do it another time. Fingers crossed!
Middle names
Two whole bottles of wine... ouch! And I was right - Old Friend was seriously good fun, and fit :)
I went for the more casual side of 'smart casual', but minus the fab boots! A quick practise at walking around my place in them made me realise they were just too high to wear on a night when I knew alcohol was going to feature strongly! So I went for 'almost fab' but 'walkable about in' ones!
Anyway... my Potentials (drinks with old friends don't count as Potentials!):
Baileys Guy: Bless... I had another sweet email off him today, and he's going to call tonight. He's asked about meeting up in January for a drink ( so 'Face to Face' No.18)! So, I'm going to meet someone who distributes Baileys, and I'm not going to be drinking (my vow of abstinence, remember!) I'm slightly revising the detox, to include two days (or maybe three) when I can have one or two drinks!!
Yoga Guy: Bless... he's actually been away for a week, but you wouldn't know it. Daily calls and texts (I'm sure if he could arrange for a carrier pigeon to wing me a note he would!). He's back tomorrow, and wants to know if we can meet up, or if he can pop around (as he'll more than likely by 'just passing'). Funny thing is, I'm moving today/tomorrow... the new girl who's going into my place is probably going to get the shock of her life when he turns up laden down with chocolate and wine!
Should I tell him I'm moving?
Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar): Bless... I had a long long email off him today. There's still very strong hints at 'where do I see us going', and have I made up my mind if I want to go away somewhere with him next week. Ummm...
Dubliner 2 of 3: I'd forgotten how fab he was! He asked did I get my Christmas pressie? What!!! No, I didn't... I hope it hasn't got lost in the post :( He also mentioned he's coming over for the rugby in February, and do I fancy meeting up?
So, that's a couple of dates for the new year Baileys Guy, and Dubliner 2 of 3 (who I've only had one date with so far, so there's still hope for him!)
And I've had a wink today off a new guy. A quick scan through his profile reveals that fun is his middle name! Well, no one is going to put "dull and boring is my middle name", are they?? Ooh, and he loves chilling out on the sofa watching DVD's.
Fun fun fun, all the way :/
Thursday, 28 December 2006
Nervous about...
... tonight's 'non date' with an old friend!
Blimey, In all my 17 'face to face's' I haven't been this excited! I can't decide what to wear, which means I can't decide what colour to do my nails... and I've only got 4 hours until I meet him.
He said 'smart casual'. Now, for a guy that's simple. Change your t-shirt for a shirt, and maybe opt for shoes instead of trainers. For a girl it's a totally different ballgame. So, do I verge on the more casual end of the 'smart casual' scale... skinny jeans, fab boots? Or do I go more towards the smart end of the scale, and opt for a dress?
It shouldn't really matter... this is not a date, remember!!!
Ooh... last night I spoke to Potential No.76 (Baileys Guy). He's lovely, and he sent me a very sweet email this morning too. I think we're going to meet up in the new year.
I'm tempted to make it February, as I'm detoxing in January. That's right... no alcohol in January (oh lord, that could make a whole new blog!). I think I may allow myself two days of drinking, but that's it!
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
I survived Christmas as a singleton :)
Indeed I did. My Christmas Eve turned out to be quite good fun. I got a text of No.17 from Gloucester… I think he felt a bit put out that I'd turned him down in favour of my mum!
So no wallowing in self pity, or slowly getting drunk! That meant I was on top form to enjoy Christmas day!! Yoga guy had left me some pressies the last time he was 'just passing'. Not only was there oodles of chocolate (seriously, I'm getting so bored of chocolate I've started giving it away), but he also gave me some absolutely beautiful crystal wine glasses!!
The rest of Christmas day I spent with my beloved family! Thank you Bruv for the most amazing Christmas dinner, and copious amounts of alcohol available. As I'm sure you all know I made the most of it!
But the nicest part of Christmas day was getting texts/calls off friends (old and new), all wishing me the best. Sounds simple, but 12 months ago if I'd gotten a text of anyone it would have meant getting the third degree (and probably worse), so it was fab to feel safe and happy. Brilliant… even if I stay single forever I'll remember this one as being special :)
Now, Potential No.76 (Baileys Guy). He's starting to sound very interesting indeed. We've got to the stage of swapping numbers, but he's not going to call until I've given him the OK. I like it… someone who seems to appreciate how intrusive it can be to get calls all the time!
Dubliner 2 of 3 has emailed to see if I fancied meeting up again in the new year? Hmmm… he was quite nice, so I may (I fancy another trip to Dublin!)
And tomorrow, it's my drink (not date) with an old friend. I'm seriously looking forward to a night out with him, and I'm surprised we've not done this before!
Sunday, 24 December 2006
'twas the night before Christmas
Xmas Eve... what does a single girl do on Christmas Eve??
Well, here's my options:
Option 1: Wallow in self pity, listening to "It'll be lonely this Christmas" on repeat while getting slowly drunk!
Option 2: Take up No.17 from Gloucester's offer of a night out. I say a night out, but it would mean driving to Gloucester, then spending an hour or so being talked at, without the opportunity to have a drink or two.
Option 3: Go to mum's!
So, option 3 it is. It's actually not too bad. I'm going to have an hour or so there, then come home, pamper myself (got a new Christmas outfit, and I want my nails to match), open a bottle of something sparkly and think back to this time last year... it was yuck!!
Ooh, I've started some new Mutual Contact (No.76). In his last email he mentioned what he does for a living... he only owns a company that distributes Baileys!!! Distributes Baileys... WOW!!!
And Dubliner 2 of 3 (remember... he came over in the summer) has been in touch. He thinks it would be nice for us to catch up sometime :)
And finally, I'm off out for a drink on Thursday with an old friend. I can't call it a date (mainly because it isn't!), but I have to say this guy is seriously good fun, single and quite fit. Lost touch with him for years, but we've been emailing a fair bit over the last couple of weeks!
Happy Christmas everyone... have fun!
Friday, 22 December 2006
Oh lord :(
I've just got an email from the RAC?!?
I was initially confused, until I realised it was a map showing No.17's place. Maybe he thought I could have it in case I was ever 'just passing'.
I've been told on more than one occasion that I can talk. To anyone, about anything... one guy I used to go out with called it 'inane babble'! I've even been told I talk in my sleep.
Well, No.17... he can talk. My god he can talk!!
Over three hours of constant 'inane babble'... that's what happened last night. Maybe he was nervous!! It wasn't even really a conversation. The few times I was able to get a word in, and ask a question, he would then come out with a twenty minute completely unrelated monologue.
Me: "So, No.17... what do you do for a living?"
No.17: "blah blah blah..." on to something about an ex of his who had issues with cows and oriental food!
At one point I was absolutely bursting for the loo, and you know you normally try and wait for a gap in conversation so you can politely excuse yourself. If I'd have waited my bladder would've exploded, so I just had to get up and run!!!
When I get back, there's what I can only describe as the most charming pixie in my seat... a poor guy of about 16, with curly black hair and glitter all over his face (bear with me on this, at that point I wasn't drunk!). No.17 had somehow captured this guy (so he had someone to talk to while I took longer than normal in the loo). The pixie looked in pain, and quickly jumped out of my seat to let me take my place back there as a sounding board.
He gave me a sympathetic look... I just smiled. No.17 is in the background (shouting something about me being his "hot date").
I can't see this one going far! He talked so much I drank him under the table! Honestly, he didn't stop to even drink, so pint for pint my Guinness was disappearing way quicker than his. Every now and then he'd comment on my drinking ability, then down his entire pint to keep up!
Apparently that's alright though (for me to be power drinking that is). "It's OK" he says... "you're Irish". Being Irish makes it OK for me to drink like a fish!
It wasn't because I'm Irish No.17 ... it was because I was bored. It was like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher!!!
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Cheerish the luv!
No, not my spelling mistakes. I just got a wink of a guy who wants to find somebody he can "luv and cheerish". Spell check honey... please!
Or maybe he does indeed want to "cheerish" somebody. Is that like kind of making someone half happy?!?
God knows, but I'm a pedantic hard to please person (apparently)... not likely to want to hook up with somebody who can't be arsed to check their own profile for errors. I did laugh though at his last line... "By the way, I am very good lucking".
I'm guessing he means good looking (although not good looking enough to have a photo it would seem)!
Did she or didn't she??
Find love, that is!
Well, no... I didn't. Sorry No. 16, even though you were *oodles* of fun (and very very cute!), I still sent that email to the dating site demanding my free six months!
The only stipulation of their guarantee is that you have to have been 'actively dating' during your first six months. ACTIVELY DATING... I'm exhausted!!
I was tempted to send them this blog, as proof I've been bloody actively dating, but it seems I didn't need to. They work it out on the number amount of times you've accessed your account, and the email activity you've undertaken, so they didn't even quibble. I'm surprised they didn't add a sympathetic 'better luck next time'!
One of my friends emailed me yesterday, and reckons I must be quite difficult to please, as I seem unable to get past four dates with any of my Potentials.
On the contrary... I'm actually very easy to please. All I want is a simple relationship, with someone who isn't going to follow me around like a lapdog, or need constant reassurance that things are OK with us. Someone who never needs to ask 'so, where do you see us going', because they're happy to just wait and see how things work.
Simple... isn't it??
Ooh... before I forget. Yoga Guy popped in last night (yep... he was 'just passing'!). How sweet though, he left me a bag full of Christmas pressies. Seriously, there must be about 6 pressies there!! Voice of Reason and I have done the obligatory pressie shaking and squeezing to see if we can work out what they all are. I'm guessing at least two are chocolate related!
When I start my Christmas shopping I'll make sure I get him something, so I don't feel guilty :)
Monday, 18 December 2006
I've been thinking
If there's a rush of Potentials before Christmas (which, judging by the winks I'm getting there is), then it may well get even better in January. I mean... a combination of crap pressies and new years resolutions is bound to mean a host of newly single guys, all just desperate to find 'The One' in 2007.
Luckily tomorrow I'm eligible for my free 6 months on the dating site, as I haven't 'found love' yet!
So, unless the Law Prof cuts it tomorrow night, I guess you're stuck reading this inane babble possibly until June 2007.
Seriously moment though... when I signed up to online dating (6 months ago) I honestly thought by Christmas I'd be completely loved up in some kind of coupledom. But no!
And d'you know what... I'm still happy having fun :)
Ooh, and funny moment of the night... I get a text earlier on. Voice of Reason threw my phone at me, but when I checked it, it was a blank message.
Bugger... who's that off (I was thinking maybe Chainsaw Guy had become a silent pervert). No no no... it was from Gorgeous H.
Now... I know in reality he somehow accidentally sent a message (you know... your phone is in your pocket, and I'm probably first in his list of numbers), but my happy thought for the night is I'm in his phonebook!!!
Sunday, 17 December 2006
Steady on now!
Blimey... Potential from Gloucester's keen. We arranged to meet on Thursday, but today he's already suggested meeting on Tuesday as well (I can't... drinks with the Law Prof). Then he sent me a text suggesting we meet this evening.
He did call earlier too, when I was at my Bruv's (who incidentally forgot he'd mentioned cake!). Now, I never answer the phone the first time a Potential calls... only because I want them to leave a message (so I get to hear what they sound like), but he didn't leave one. Ah well, I'll wait until he calls again!
Another Christmas 'Face to Face'
That's right! Potential from Gloucester (No. 75!) has now become Face to Face No. 17! We're going to meet for a drink on Thursday. Guinness or coffee?? Well... my choice, so I'm opting for the Guinness.
I quite like the sound of this guy, and he thinks I have a 'cheeky smile' (and I'm a cutie, remember)!
I know Thursday is likely to be the busiest night of the year, what with the world and his wife all out for Christmas drinks so I'm going to have to choose somewhere quiet(ish). Actually, the bar I'm meeting the Law Prof on Tuesday would be ideal!!
Rugby Guy (remember, from ages ago) has sent me another email. He wants my address so he can send me a Christmas card! I don't think so (although, I remember he was a fairly generous guy, so I could well be missing out on a potential pressie there!)
I think I can safely say I'm not just doing this exercise just for gifts. If that were the case I would have opted for Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). I'm a girl of morals... in it for the fun of dating!!
Ooh, and Yoga Guy... Please please please STOP PLAYING WITH MY HAIR!!!
It's a real pet hate of mine, and anyone with curly hair knows that constantly fiddling with it is eventually going to turn it into a ball of fluff. I know my hair generally looks a little unruly (I prefer to call it that 'just got out of bed', or 'casually tousled' look), but I like my curls where they are, and have no desire to have my entire fringe tucked behind my ears every 30 seconds!
Right, off to see my beloved family (my Bruv has called, and mentioned cake!)
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Christmas rush?
I thought this would happen. There seems to be a rush on winks over the last few days! Here's another new Potential:
Potential from Gloucester (No. 75!) - sounds like quite a fun guy... likes golf, but has a hard time making a decision between Guinness and coffee (not something that's ever troubled me I have to say!). Far enough away, so again unlikely to be 'just passing', and thinks I'm a 'real cutie'!!
How sweet! And he's already given me his mobile number (in less than 24 hours!)
And winks of no less than 6 locals overnight. It looks like my instinct was right, and that loads of people suddenly become single just before Christmas... remember, it saves on pressie buying if you ditch your partner just before!
I'll have a scan through them to find any Potentials in the morning.
Tonight I'm out with Yoga Guy. Yes, he's still on the scene, but I swear I'm making no kind of commitment. He is good fun, and as long as I keep reminding him I'm single, and just dating that's OK!!
Friday, 15 December 2006
Bless... remember Cute from Devon? Well, he winked at me again! I emailed him back, and he reminded me that over the last 6 months he's winked at me 3 times, and I've never winked back at him! And I thought it was just me that was counting!
So another old face, still on the site! I think us old timers should all get together (apart from Chainsaw Guy, who shouldn't even be allowed to mix in normal adult company). We could have a SAD (Single And Dating) Christmas Party - a whole bunch of us either moaning about how we seem to be incapable of holding down a relationship, or in my case celebrating the fact I've successfully (albeit unintentionally) managed to avoid actually getting hooked up!
I've got a new Potential too (honestly... I'm really getting back into this!).
Number 74 - lives about 50 miles away (so unlikely to ever be 'just passing'). He looks relatively normal in his photo, and there's no mention of sofas, DVD's or the Da Vinci code, so surely worth following up!
Take the hint... please!
Chainsaw guy... it doesn't matter how many times you wink at me I'm not going to have any 'Mutual Contact' with you. Ever!!!
A gold star for persistance though!
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Number 16
Face to face... next Tuesday!
He's a local guy, involved in research and law. That's what he said, so I Googled him (it's not stalking. It's a perfectly valid and appropriate way of finding out more about someone. These days I'd be slightly more worried if Google found nothing... what does that say about a person!!)
Anyway, yes - I Googled him. for 'research and law' read Professor of Law. Blimey... an intelligent one! The Voice of Reason actually suggested I buy "Law for Dummies", so I'll know what he's talking about. And my beloved family have built this one up into some kind of mad professor, with wild grey hair, specs and sandals.
In a way that's good. I'm begining to think I should lower my expectations anyway, then as long as he's a little up the scale from The Missing Link I'll be pleasantly surprised!
And this time I may also take a bit of my mothers advice (for once). Her theory is this: because I always tell Potentials I'm a bit of a commitment-phobe they see it as a challenge, and that maybe, just maybe they'll be the one to make me change. So, her plan is for me to make out I'm looking for a very serious relationship, and to actually ask the dreaded question myself.
So, Number 16... just where do you see us going??
Monday, 11 December 2006
As I'm in bored mode, I thought I'd have a quick scan through the last six months, to work out how many Potentials I've had some kind of 'Mutual Contact' with.
Are you ready for this:
73 Potentials!!! 73 - that's just nuts (and that doesn't include any winks I didn't respond to!)
Before you all call me a floozy, I've only actually had dates with 15 of them (and only 9 of them had more than one date!). Fairly respectable, I think ;)
bored, bored, bored!!
That's right... I'm bored with my Potentials. I've just had my third date with Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar), and in what has almost become a pattern with me, after three dates I'm bored.
I know he's got a wine cellar, and that should be enough to have me welded to his hip for life, but no - it's not.
We had a great weekend, but he did the worst thing possible... he asked 'where did I see us going'!
Arghhh...he broke the golden rule! I seriously didn't know what to say. Not only that, he talked seriously about moving over here. I told him the reason I like him was because of the distance between us. If he moves around the corner it just wouldn't be the same!
So, I've kind of put him to the bottom of the list, while I continue my search for an equally commitment shy man of my dreams!!
I've been back on the dating site (mainly to make absolutely sure I'm going to get my next 6 months free). Almost immediately I got a new flurry of winks. Even more bizarrely some of the guys I've dated in the past (Rugby Guy, Chainsaw Guy, Dubliner 2 of 3) all got in touch too!
Now, as it didn't work out with them the first time round (apart from Dubliner 2 of 3, who was quite gorgeous and I'm glad he winked at me again!), why do they think it's going to work second time... Especially Chainsaw Guy?!?
Anyway... the new Potentials:
A slightly strange guy who named himself after Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club. That in itself should be enough to worry me, but no... he's quite funny, so we've arranged to meet up after Christmas (I'm going to struggle to find a free night before, what with work nights out, friends nights out... I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!)
And one other guy, who I'm meeting next week. He 'Seems Nice' (tm) , so I thought I should squeeze him in before Christmas.
Ooh, and Bruv... yes, I do remember who you are, and I'm sorry I missed you today. I'll check your blog to see if the catalogue of errors matches mine :)
Sunday, 3 December 2006
December already!
I know, I'm getting terribly lax with this blog... sorry!
So, since last time what's happened?? My second date with Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) was amazing!! I was the belle of the ball in the most beautiful dress in the world (II), and I got to wear my heels. I pleaded ignorance at the "no heels" small print :)
The party was a blast, and I even got to dance with Coldplay's drummer's dad! And Dubliner 1 of 3 was divine! Quite funny really, when the band were packing their gear away at the end of the night, the singer said he'd never seen somebody smile and giggle as much as I did! Sweet!
And the family... a typical Oirish lot, who could all seriously outdrink me (honestly... I was an amateur compared to them!). At the family lunch they had at least 6 different types of wine. Unfortunately I could only have one glass as I had to drive back later that day.
So anyway, since then... more dates with Yoga Guy. And I've even gone so far as to introduce him to my Bruv, and my friends (gulp!). I'm even thinking of taking him along to my office party. I know, this all smacks of commitment!!
Anyway, back to Dubliner 1 of 3... guess what?? He's coming over next weekend. So I've got to work out a weekend of entertainment so that he leaves thinking my part of the world is the coolest in the world. Easy!
Ooh, and in two weeks I'm entitled to my free 6 months on the dating site. If you don't find love within 6 months, you get another 6 months free. Well, I've found fun, scary moments, nice meals, pressies, neediness, and oodles of other stuff, but not love. Not enough to pass on 6 more months of dating.
Talking of which... it's time to do a new search. I think December will will have loads of new people on the site. December is a time when people become single - it saves you buying pressies!!
I want new dates :)
Thursday, 16 November 2006
It's only 28 hours until my second date with Dubliner 1 of 3, and I'm so organised there's not much left to get ready!!
I tried most beautiful dress in the world (II) on again when I got home, to see if it really does go with both pairs of shoes... and yes, it does!! Even Voice of Reason said I looked cool (from a 13 year old mono syllabic boy that's quite a compliment!)
All my other outfits are hanging up ready to be put straight into the car in the morning. I love going away by car, because you can take oodles more stuff than you need to. A quick count of footwear... 4 pairs of shoes and three pairs of boots.
Hey, I'm away for 48 hours :)
Only one thing left to do this evening... my nails! I did my toes last night (to match most beautiful dress in the world (II) of course), but I want to leave my hands until the last minute in case I chip them!
There's only one *slight* problem with this plan. Today is the third Thursday of November... anyone know what that means??
Its Beaujolais Nouveau day!!!!!
I've got to make a mad dash to Oddbins at lunchtime to pick up a *couple* of bottles. So I need to make sure my manicure is complete before I start delving into what is apparently a fab year for BN... so much for the detox :)
I'm such a wine addict... even my nail varnish is called Shiraz!
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
and breathe!
Thank you, thank you Debenhams :)
Seriously... I can shop! By 8:40am the morning I'm officially the proud owner of the most beautiful dress in the world (II).
I was outside Debenhams at 8:00am, knowing the exact route I was going to take around the ground floor. By 8:10am I've got my choice of 6 dresses in my arms. By 8:30am I've tried them all on, and I've chosen the dress of my dreams.
8:40am it's mine!! I still had enough time to grab some breakfast before I got to the office :)
And... now here's the bonus of bonuses. I actually already have TWO pairs of shoes that will go with the most beautiful dress in the world (II) - strappy heels AND gorgeous little flats.
I've surpassed myself, I really have!
The 'Black Tie Do crisis' increases
So yesterday I let you know about a little crisis, where I can't find the right shoes to go with the most beautiful dress in the world.
Well, said dress is now screwed up in a ball, stuffed at the back of the wardrobe. I picked it up from the cleaners yesterday, and there's still loads of marks over it from a exploded can of hair mousse :(
I've now got TWO DAYS to find the next most beautiful dress in the world (and shoes... and probably a bag, necklace, underwear... you know how it goes!!) TWO DAYS!!!!
Luckily, Debenhams have a two day spectacular starting in a couple of hours, which is why I'm up ridiculously early. My plan... check their website out (kind of like a pre emptive strike), be outside at 8:00am ready to run around in a sort of ballgown trolley dash, shortlist a few, then go back lunchtime with a lady friend. At this stage I don't know who... I'll ask around the office.
And hell, if none of them are free ANYONE will do... developers have a good sense of style, don't they!?!? JP... Sysadmin Honey... I may be calling on you for help!
Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) called last night. Apparently he's a bit nervous about the weekend.
Why on earth is he nervous... he already knows his family!?!
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Operation 'meet the family'
Again, apologies for not keeping this up to date, but yes, you did read the title correctly. I'm going to meet the family... the family of Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) that is!
I know, we've only had one date, but he wants to introduce me to what seems like most of his family... and you know what - this time I'm OK to :)
So, here's the plan. Friday we meet up in the morning and have the day together. Friday evening we attend a black tie do (his brother in law's birthday). I've got a 'black tie do' crisis going on, which I'll get to later!
Saturday we play golf, and have a fab dinner, then Sunday it's a family lunch!!!
Bloody hell... this is all a bit scary. It's Tuesday now, and we're meeting on Friday morning. So I've got two days to get ready!
The 'black tie do' crisis - I NEED NEW SHOES!!!!
There's an ditzy little problem with Fridays do - it's on a boat (ship/boat... I never know the difference) and there's a little bit of small print - no stilletos. NO STILETTOS - are they mad! I have the most beautiful dress in the world, and the most beautiful shoes to go with it, but they're strappy heels, and they're the only shoes that will do. I keep thinking that flat pumps will be fine, but there's something stopping me buying them (almost unheard of, I know). They just won't work!
What am I going to do??? All suggestions gratefully receive (and before anyone says get a new dress, that thought has crossed my mind, but I know I'll end up buying an equally beautiful one that only goes with strappy heels!)
Other news:
Yoga Guy (who's just about still on the scene, as long has he keeps his commitment longings to himself) has got himself into a rather sweet little habit of buying me gorgeous chocolate every time we meet - it's not the way to my heart, but bless him for trying!
Ooh, and I got an out of the blue call from Dubliner 2 of 3... remember, the nice one who came to visit a couple of months back. Now, I'm back in Dublin in a couple of weeks, so maybe I can do a double date again!
Friday, 3 November 2006
Dublin... the story
So so sorry... I know I haven't updated this, and I'm getting nagged! So here it is... the trip to Dublin!
After an emergency golf lesson with Gorgeous H (who offered to caddy for me in Dublin) I set off for the airport (well actually, I was dropped off by Yoga Guy, who *almost* made me late - not funny!).
A completely uneventful quick flight. I only just had time to have a glass of wine before we landed!
Dubliner 3 of 3 was there to pick me up, and I quickly dumped my bags off and we headed out for a drink! He's actually quite a funny guy and we ended up drinking far too much. I rolled back to the hotel at 3:00am, forgeting this was the moment I'd been waiting for for around 4 months.
Woke (bleary eyed) in time for breakfast, and to quickly jump in my own personal sauna (oh yes... my room had it's own sauna AND jacuzzi!). Probably not a brilliant idea afterafter way too much Guinness, but hey - I was on holiday :)
After way too long trying my best to look fresh and radiant, it was time to finally meet Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar).
First impressions... well he looked just like the photos I had of him (a good start). He was a real gent, and offered to carry my clubs to the car (and as I'd declined Gorgeous H's offer of caddying I thought 'why not'!). We had a half hour drive to the course of courses, during which time he started to tell me his life story (more about that in a bit... but it was scarily similar to mine)
We get to the club (remember, this is the course of courses... probably the most exclusive in Ireland!). He pulls out his clubs from the car, and seriously, they're the skankiest I've ever seen in my short golf life. I'm thinking there's no way this guy is a member of this club - he's been exagerating just a little!
Wrong! When we get to the club it's quite clear he's a familiar face there! The people there all seem to know him - I stand corrected!
So, quick change into my first set of golf attire. Big thanks to God of Sun... even though it was the end of October (and it's Ireland) for some reason God of Sun has decided he's going to let me wear my 'Oh So Cute' golf skirt :)
So... without boring you with golf details, he was a gent on the course, and followed all the normal rules of etiquette. And it was a fab game. I seriously played pretty well (thank you Gorgeous H - the emergency lesson was worth it's weight in gold!). Time for lunch... I'm now on outfit number 3, and it's only 1 o'clock!!
We had an amazing lunch at the club, and he made me feel really special!! Then on to out next round of golf. Outfit number 4 (no 'Oh So Cute' skirt this time, but still just as cool). He actually commented on how well I dressed for golf!!!!!
Another good round... this time with challenges of money per hole. To be fair he is a bloody good golfer, and I lost a few euros!
Time for outfit number 5 (I'm not kidding, I took more luggage with me for two days than I would normally take for a two week break!). We're booked for dinner in a sweet place back in the city.
On the way we stopped in Phoenix Park (for those of you that don't know Dublin that's a huge park in the centre that you can drive through, and get lost in!). Now... if you don't like slushy romantic stuff you may want to look away for a couple of minutes. He stops the car in the park so we can watch the deers (oh yes... they have deers there!).
So, we're watching the deers getting amorous, when out of the boot of his car he pulls out a chilled bottle of champagne and two glasses. Seriously!! I'm standing alongside a guy with his own wine cellar, who plays good golf, and keeps champagne in the boot of his car. Have I died and gone to heaven???
On to dinner... again, a beautiful place, where the food was great, and the wine to die for (should I have expected anything less!)
After dinner we had ANOTHER bottle of champagne, and chatted well into the ealry hours!
Outfit number?!?!? (I've lost count). Another golf match, and another attempt at transforming myself from hungover floozy into serious contender. God of Sun had decided to have a day off, and in typical Irish style it was raining... sideways?!?
The course for the day was a links course (by the sea, so fully exposed to the elements!). But it was still a fab game, in another amazing course. After a shower (to warm up!) we had lunch at the club, then spent the afternoon still around chatting for hours.
We've now planned dates (in a non commited kind of way) up to 2010... really!!!
Ooh... and we talked a lot about our strangely similar stories. Without going into too much detail we seem to have had the same experiences with our last relationships (and I hadn't told him anything about mine before I met him). It doesn't make us soulmates, but if you know my story you'll understand it was a rare thing to hear someone else has been through the same.
Serious moment here for a bit. It was amazing to hear his story, espescially coming from a guy. Strip away all the niceties like champagne and fab golf, and there's someone brave enough to open up and talk about things that even now I find hard to talk about. That's the one thing that made the couple of days so much nicer... we've got a common background, which I hope makes him understand why I can get a bit freaked out about intensity.
End of serious moment!
He dropped me back to the airport, and we made our plans for the next date... November in Southampton (I know, sounds strange, but I'll get back to you on that!)
After a 4 hour delay I'm back down to earth (and thank you Bruv for picking me up) back to earth... and what's the verdict?
I do like this guy. We seem to be on a level, and it was fab to finally meet him. Since then he's called a few times, and we've got a few dates planned.
I *promise* to keep you up to date :)
Friday, 27 October 2006
Coming soon!
I know, I know... you're dying to know what happened with Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). I'll give you a full update this evening (loads to tell!). All I'll say for now is...
WOW :)
Friday, 20 October 2006
Cool... only a couple more days to go until I finally meet Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). But, before that I've got a lunchtime date tomorrow with Volleyball Guy, then evening date tomorrow with Yoga Guy. I decided on the comedy club option, even though things with Yoga Guy are taking a turn...
Last night (out for a Guinness) he got a "little" drunk, and kept asking me if I was his?!? He's not getting it, is he. I really like him, but I will never belong to anyone! Been there, done that... and it's an experience I don't want to go through again!
So, I told him again I like him on a level, but I can't commit to anything! Bless... I got a text off him this morning to apologise!
Ooh... I've had a couple more winks over the last few days. One from a sports nutritionist (I can't see that going anywhere. Not once he sees my diet consists of ready meals, minibix and wine!)
And... almost forgot about this. Dubliner 3 of 3 called on Wednesday night. It was totally out of the blue, but within seconds we were chatting like old friends. He says I'm a sharp blade (which, for you non Irish, is actually a compliment!)
I've arranged to meet him the first evening I'm in Dublin (actually, he's picking me up from the airport). Well, I had a few hours to kill :)
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Bless... after my coffee with Volleyball Guy on Monday I get another text to let me know just how much he enjoyed our "conversating"... it's not a real word, it it?!?
He's so funny I met him again today, for some more coffee and "conversating"!!
Before we met I got three texts... One to check what time, two to ask what I'm drinking, and three to ask if I wanted sugar. I can see my mobile bill rocketing with this guy!
When I got there he apologised for not being able to get our usual seat! Ummm... we've only met once before, so there's no such thing as usual!
And how sweet is this... he bought me a little spider cookie. Sweet :) I didn't have the heart to tell him I couldn't eat it (a stupid allergy to anything remotely containing egg!), so I said I was going to save it for later.
Sysadmin Honey, I hope that little spider cookie was special, and you felt honoured to eat it!!
Yoga Guy... just got off the phone from a deep and meaningful conversation. Well, it was deep and meaningful for him - for me, I was strangely fixated on a little row of six Minibix, trying to work out which one had the most chocolate in, so I could save the best one til last :/
Pay attention girl (to Potentials, not Minibix!)
I'm going to meet him tomorrow for a wee drop of Guinness, or two (part of my pre Dublin build up!).
And I've options for the weekend... the Comedy Club with Yoga Guy, or the cinema with Volleyball Guy. Which one shall it be???
Monday, 16 October 2006
13:00 - Met for coffee!
Bless. I got a text off Volleyball Guy earlier today to tell me he was so excited about meeting me he was early... almost an hour early! So I did the decent thing and put him out of his misery by meeting earlier than planned.
His text also reminded me what he was wearing (he told me that yesterday!), and where he was sitting... blimey this guy likes detail!
Anyway, it all became clear when I met him. He was actually a chef in the Navy for 12 years, so obviously his timetable driven days are a hangover from that!
He was actually a nice guy. Now bearing in mind he's looking for his 'solemate', I felt it only fair to point out straight away that I have those 'commitment' issues, and that any sign of intensity has me running a mile.
He asked me if I fancied doing something this evening... not tonight - I'm cooking with the Voice of Reason (although, thinking about it I should've invited Volleyball Guy around... he's the chef, not me!).
Anyway... other emails:
Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). He's sent me an email from Mauritius, with a photo showing just where *I* could now be lying. A deserted beach, blue sky... I'm not kicking myself, I'm not! I'm pretty sure Dublin next week will be just as idyllic!
Yoga Guy. A couple of emails today to let me know he thought the weekend was really special. Sweet :) And he wants to know if I'm free any/all nights this week. Ooh, and he's offered to take me to the airport next week. Is it too cheeky to have one Potential taking me to meet another Potential :/
Donegal Guy... remember him. He's emailed apologised for not being in touch for a couple of weeks, and thinks he should be hung, drawn and quartered?!? Don't worry about it, I've been busy enough anyway!
Ooh.. and I've just had a text off Volleyball guy. Apparently I've made his day!
Sunday, 15 October 2006
If you thought the "C" word was scary
Then the 'L' word is downright terrifying. I've just got off the phone with Yoga Guy, and yes he did it - said the bloody 'L' word.
Yoga Guy... we've had a couple of dates. I admit he's a really nice guy. We went to the theatre last night, and had a lot of wine, and a lot of laughs. And this morning he actually called around with all the ingredients for a fab breakfast. How sweet is that?!?
I am going to carry on seeing him, but I'm so not ready for the 'L' word. So, I told him I have serious 'commitment' issues at the moment, and so as long as he's OK with me on that then we're fine!!
Onto Volleyball Guy. Well... he's getting funnier by the minute. He's got some endearing features (like his 6 pack), but the 'bus nutter' side of him is starting to show:
1. He's given me his mobile number 4 times... already. And sent me a text to test our numbers worked!
2. So funny this one... you know those 'how was your day' type emails. Well, his are kind of timetable style. "10:00am, woke up/showered. 10:17, had breakfast", and so on. Now initially I thought he was joking, but I'm beginning to think this is maybe what he's really like, all the time!!
3. He keeps mentioning the fact he's looking for his 'solemate' (sp)!!
So, armed with the evidence that he may have a screw ever so slightly loose (and, as my Bruv pointed out, why is such a good looking guy on a dating site. At which point I reminded him that *I* was on a dating site. What is he trying to say? Either I'm intelligent but ugly, or stupid but beautiful! Answers on a postcard please!)...where was I??
I'm meeting him tomorrow, for coffee!! It's a lunch date, so short. He's emailed me to let me know what his going to be wearing (already), and can I do likewise. What?? Now??
I've no idea. I'll text him tomorrow, once I'm dressed!
Friday, 13 October 2006
You are feeling very sleepy
I know, I know... I didn't let you know how I got on with Shoe Guy! Sorry :)
Well, it was a very nice evening. He's quiet funny, and willingly stumped up my meal and champagne prize... thank you :)
He called last night to invite me quad biking at the weekend.
Now, that's going to be a little difficult... as usual I've a number of things already going on... a day out with The Voice Of Reason, the theatre with Yoga Guy, and golf with my Bruv, and possibly tea (hint, hint ;)), so as much as an afternoon tearing around up to my neck in mud I'm not sure I'm going to be able to fit it in :(
And talking of Yoga Guy and Shoe Guy, I'm starting to think I've developed a nasty 4 date itch (and before any of you say anything, not *that* mind of itch). They're both nice guys, but there's just no real spark there. Yoga Guy is beginning to do the whole "where do you see us going thing", and Shoe Guy has hinted that I'd love a day out shopping with his daughter... both scary signs of the dreaded "C" word!!!
So my mind is now drifting to my new winks and 'Mutual Contact':
Volleyball Guy... he is indeed quite fit looking (I've seen a photo of him playing volleyball on the beach, and seriously... he's got a proper six pack!). I've had a couple of nice emails off him (not one liners, but not too wordy).
And (now this is a great one). I got a wink of this fella who's a hypnotherapist. He sounds *very* interesting. I emailed him back... I could use the services of a hypnotherapist :)
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Shoe Guy and the meal
It's tonight! I've got a hideous hangover (a ladies night last night, with too much wine and champagne!). Still, I've got enough time when I get home to transform myself.
This guy is actually quite good fun (as well as being a sucker for a challenge, a good loser, and a Richard Hammond lookalike). He emailed me to point out the only reason I won was that he was somewhat distracted by my 'wiggle' when I set up my swing.
Now, that's one thing Gorgeous H didn't teach me. That and the 'oh so cute' golf skirt certainly did the trick there :)
I'm definitely taking both the wiggle and the 'oh so cute' skirt to Dublin. Having said that, one of the courses we're playing at is a links course, which means it's going to be freezing... what am I going to do?? I'll have blue legs!
Other stuff... I've had a wink of a beach volleyball player (very fit looking!), and one off a chartered accountant who is scarily proud of his 33 pots in his garden... no thanks!! And a text of Legal Guy (the short one). Do I fancy going out for a drink??
And Cute from Devon is coming up for a visit! Now, we're kind of past dating each other, so it's just a night out to swap dating nightmares. It'll be good fun :)
Sunday, 8 October 2006
Blues and shoes
What a cool weekend :)
Saturday evening's date with Yoga Guy was great fun. A blues club in the back of beyond, full of old men with long ponytails (well, the ones that had hair left anyway!).
Yoga Guy and I looked like the Beautiful Ones by comparison! He said I looked radiant, and wasn't I lucky I didn't need to wear makeup. I guess that's a thumbs up to the half an hour of playing with my various enhancing and plumping goodies he picked me up!
Now... he did ask again if I wanted to go for a walk with him and his kids. Nope, sorry - I'm playing golf with Shoe Guy!!
These guys must think I'm a terrible golfer... Today's game was all about challenges. First to lose a ball buys dinner later in the week, and whoever loses the game has to buy champagne. I love a challenge, so agreed to both bets. And guess who's now got an all expenses night out later in the week??
That's right... Me :)
He lost his ball on the 7th, and we ended the game with me 1 up... so close, but I won both prizes!!
I did offer double or quits next week for a pair of Jimmy Choos, but he went a bit pale :/
Thursday, 5 October 2006
Don't believe everything you read
Last night's date... hmmm, not *quite* what I was expecting (although it will all become clear shortly).
His profile seems OK, and by email he came across as quite an interesting guy. I went along to this one not even knowing what he looked like (no photo remember), but his description had him down as 6' with blond hair.
So, when this 5' 8ish guy with grey hair introduced himself I was a little bit taken aback to say the least!!!
Anyway, we did have a nice meal and a couple of drinks, and to be honest he was fairly good company, but not for me. I found out he hadn't actually written his profile at all... a friend of his (who obviously has bad eyesight) had put it on the site, to get him out of a rut!
During the date I got a text of Shoe Guy (and Richard Hammond lookalike), asking if I fancied a drink... Damn! It would've been rude to have cut the date short (especially half way through a meal!) so I declined, but we're sorting another night.
However, the absolute best best from yesterday... when I got home from work there was a message off Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar)! He was at the airport on his way to Mauritius, and just wanted to say good morning, and that he'll try to get to a PC while he's out there to email me!
Fab... now I have two messages - a morning one and an evening one. The play button on my answering machine is going to wear out!!
So, plans for the next couple of days (apart from the Dublin countdown - 18 days), is a date with Yoga Guy on Saturday night, and possibly Shoe Guy (and Richard Hammond lookalike) on Sunday night. I turned down the option of Sunday afternoon with Yoga Guy and his kids... it would've implied a hint of commitment, and as much as I think he's a great guy, we all know what happens when it gets to heavy too soon :)
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Impromtpu date tonight
Local Guy (Businessman), who's taking me to the rugby next month is around tonight, and do I fancy a drink!
Well, he 'Seems Nice (tm)', has a wicked sense of humour, so why not!
The only downside is I haven't actually seen a photo of him yet. He did offer to send one over, but I quite fancy the idea of a blind date so I said not to worry! He has given me a description of him, so hopfully I won't be wandering around like a complete loon asking every single bloke if they're my date.
Scary eh!
And today I've started 'Mutual Contact' with a guy who job is a researcher for a major chocolate company!! He sounds fab (well, his job does anyway).More later :)
Get to the back of the class
Guys... learn to spell! Your profile really does give a first impression, so at least make sure you've given more than 5 minutes to check it.
This morning I got a wink of a "loveable rouge", who likes going to "whine bars".
If you don't care that much about your opening line, it really doesn't bode well for the rest of you.
Monday, 2 October 2006
November dates... already!
I know... it's only the beginning of October, but already my diary for November is filling up!
I've just been asked to go to the Rugby (Wales v Australia) with the Local Guy (Businessman) I haven't really mentioned much about. We're still just at email (and sensible ones at that). I get about 4 emails a day off him, and so far I've established he likes rugby (obviously), golf, champagne and good clothes.
He sounds perfect :)
So, that's November 4th sorted out :)
Then the weekend of the 17th Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) is going to Southampton, and would I like to join him for the weekend?? Well, if my Irish trip goes well, and you are indeed the man of my dreams then absolutely :)
I'm alive!
So... Bonkers Chainsaw Wielding Wordy Guy. As nuts in the flesh as he is by email... and his photo on his profile must've been taken, oooh, about 15 years ago!!!
We met for coffee... I got there a little early this time (so I could make sure I had a seat near the exit!), and he comes running in like some kind of Tazmanian devil. Oh dear :(
And the funny thing about this one... his emails made him sound like someone with a lot to say, but 'face to face' (or rather during the 'real time in the flesh appraisal' he didn't really have a lot going for him. I seriously think he spent his entire youth on acid!!
So... off the list.
My second date was with Yoga Guy (in between I did speak to Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar)... more on that later!). Yoga Guy was early, and had brought two bottles of gorgeous wine, and flowers... sweet :)
The driving range first... I was outstanding, he was crap! But we had a lot of fun anyway, and he wants to go again! Then back to mine for the standard online daters date!! He actually took over the cooking (I'm in no way complaining by the way!), I sorted out the wine!
He's a really nice guy, and I'm seeing him again at the weekend (we're going to a blues club?!?)
But on to my favourite... Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar)! I declined the trip to Mauritius (I know, am I mad). He's really keen to meet up when he gets back, so I'm going out to Dublin at the end of the month!!! I can't wait to meet him! We're going to have a couple of days there, including a round of golf at the K Club (if you know golf you'd die to play there!).
So, I've got 22 days to brush up on both my golf and my knowledge of wine.
Gorgeous H, I need your help (the wine bit I can do myself)!!!
And, the best bit about me going out there, is if I decide he's not really for me (and after 4 months of 'Mutual Contact' I can't really see that happening), there's always Dubliner 2 of 3, and Dubliner 3 of 3 to meet :)
Sunday, 1 October 2006
The plan...
OK, today's the day I have my 'real time in the flesh appraisal' with Bonkers Chainsaw Wielding Wordy Guy!
Now, I don't know if last nights storms, and today's dourpour are signs in any way at all... I'm not nervous, not at all!!
Bruv... I'll call you when I get back, I promise!!
Then at 6 o'clock I'm meeting Yoga Guy. We're going to whack some balls at the driving range first (a would wear my 'oh so cute' golf skirt, but I think a raincoat is more in order today!), when we're cooking and watching a DVD... finally I get the standard online daters date!!!
Ooh... and Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) has promised to ring this morning! He called on Friday, but I wasn't in, so he left a message. I've only replayed it once... an hour! His accent is delicious :)
And (sorry, almost forgot about this one) I got a wink yesterday from a surfing male nurse!!! - he sounds like fun, so I winked back at him!
Now, I need to go shopping for some ingredients for tonight's meal. He doesn't eat wheat or dairy (in fact, he sounds insanely healthy), so that's cheese on toast out the window!
M&S here I come :)
Friday, 29 September 2006
There was an Irishman, a Welshman, and a Scot
Those are my top three!!
Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). Now, as much as I would give anything to be jetting off to Mauritius with a man who's voice does something quite amazing to me, Voice of Reason (aka my son) has suggested it may be a good idea to meet up for a weekend first, before committing to two weeks on a desert island. His words... "Mum, he might have a chainsaw too".
Wise words from a teen.
So, I spoke to the Delicious Dubliner last night (for almost 2 hours!). Now, his idea is that maybe I could meet him there for a short break!!!! I'll run that one past Voice of Reason before I commit to anything!
The Welshman (Shoe Guy, and Richard Hammond lookalike) wants to see me again, soon. I think I'll sort out a date with him next week... he's so cute :)
And the Scot (Yoga Guy). We're on our third date on Sunday... and guess what guys - we're going to do the sofa/DVD/bottle of wine date! Seriously! And and and... I'M GOING TO COOK :/
Bruv... I'll be over at the weekend for a delicious recipe (alternatively, remember the suggestion before you jetted off on hols, that you could sneak round and cook things for me, then disappear and I could just finish things off, so it *looked* like I'd done it myself?!?).
So, Yoga Guy is Sunday evenings entertainment, but as my life wouldn't be normal without some kind of complicated mix of arrangements... Sunday afternoon is my date with Bonkers Chainsaw Wielding Wordy Guy!
We're meeting in a *very* public place, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows (a) where I'm going, and (b) what time I'll be back (although that's not an invitation for you all to 'happen to be passing', so you can do your own 'real time in the flesh appraisal'). I'm already starting to feel like Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs... you know the bit where she's slowly walking towards Hannibal Lecter's cell...
Thursday, 28 September 2006
Very quick post... but I'm in shock!
Dubliner 1 of (now) 3 (with wine cellar), who came back from Mauritius last week, has only asked if I want to go out there with him... next Wednesday!!! For TWO WEEKS!!!
WOW :)
I'm not actually sure if I can do it (time... babysitters... blah, blah, blah), but bloody hell - as a date that's *got* to be a good option :)
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Top Gear
Now... he was fun!
Imagine a welsh Richard Hammond... he was so cute!!!
We had a couple of drinks and some tapas, and a lot of chat. Just back home, and he's sent a text to say he wants to see me again... soon!
And Wordy Guy... I've just come back to the funniest email I've *ever* had in my life! I said I'd meet him Sunday (a daytime one). In his reply he's actually made each paragraph a different colour... seriously!!
And (again, I know I shouldn't quote from these guys emails)... I'm "ObviouslY a verY intelliGent Woman" (no, those capitals are not a mistake), and I "turn a mere tree filled jungle into a life giving rain Forrest" (sp).
All I said was did he want to meet on Sunday!!!
I've ever so *slightly* concerned about his last paragraph, where he needs to let me know he's got to pop to B&Q to return his chainsaw. Apparently it won't start :/
This Sunday's meeting is going to be in a very public place... away from any trees!
Film, what film?
Great date last night! He's such a nice guy :)
We went to a fab bar, with every intention of having a couple of drinks, then on to the cinema, but we talked so much time flew by and we didn't end up catching the film!
He's got a beautiful accent!
When I got home he sent a text to tell me he'd had a great time, and we should do it again! Yes please :)
So onto tonight, and my date with Shoe Guy. We're meeting at half six, so I've a mad dash home to get ready. My clothes are ready, and oodles of shoes, because I know I won't be able to decide which ones to wear!!
Ooh... remember Vinyl Guy (the DJ who doesn't like noisy pubs!). He's off to Ibiza for the weekend, but wants to know if I'm interested in meeting up next week. I'll find somewhere quiet for him!
There's another Local Guy who wants to meet up. I've been chatting to him for a while now (well, a couple of days). I'm not really sure how to describe him. He's a businessman who lives in Cardiff, but seems to be all around the place. He's suggested meeting next week too!
Oh, and Wordy Guy is *still* bonkers!
Monday, 25 September 2006
Little Tiger... eh?
My beautiful son informed me he's out for the next two nights, so not wanting to miss out on a social life I did something I haven't actually done yet...
I asked Yoga Guy did he fancy meeting up again!! I know, that was a little bold, but he's fun, so I thought I'd be brave :)
So tomorrow night we're off out for a drink and to catch a film. He rang tonight, and too be honest he could've been reading me his shopping list... he accent is so sweet I didn't care!
And... I've got a date with Shoe Guy on Wednesday night!!!
I did *think* of arranging a date with Wordy Guy (he's keen to do the 'real time in the flesh appraisal' thing, remember), but I'm not sure I'm ready for the outpourings of prose, so I'm waiting until he seems a little less bonkers. No sign of that yet... tonight's email was just as insane! He's mentioned where we'll go on our second date (a little presumptuous... let's get through the first one), and he called me his "little tiger"!
I have no idea why :/
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Glasgow kiss
Wow... that was a cool date with Yoga Guy :)
We met in the bar downstairs (sound familiar!). He was already there when I arrived. Cool.. my first thought was he looked better in real life than in his photo (which wasn't bad anyway). He'd already got a glass of wine, so even though this was a coffee date I thought I'd join him!!
And here's the best bit... there was no mention in his profile that he had the most gorgeous Scottish accent! He asked me what I'd like to drink, and I almost fell over... wow!!!
He did suggest going outside with our drinks, but with the fear of the potential embarrassment from the beautiful kids upstairs I declined!
So we had an hour or so of cool chat with wine and coffee... and hopefully another date.
He's an interesting guy... very much on my wavelength, and I do hold out a bit of hope for this one!! And my manicure was so worth it... apparently it's something he notices about people, their nails (he's a guitarist... they notice these things!), so the effort didn't go unnoticed.
I've already had an email off him to say he had a good night, and we should do it again :)
How quickly things move in this online dating world. I've actually got myself another date this evening, and I haven't even had a chance to mention this guy yet!!
Yoga Guy... that's what I'll call him! He's local, and winked at me yesterday. So I emailed him back this morning, and almost immediately he invited me for coffee :)
Apart from yoga (which for some reason I always find strange in a man!) he likes a lot of music, and cites one of his hobbies as wine (and you know that's a plus point in my book!).
Now... I'm still totally responsible for my delightful nieces (I'm still missing one, but she did pop back with her goth friends for 5 minutes... sweet kids!), so this is a quick coffee date in the bar downstairs.
The kids are actually threatening to throw things over my balcony, so I'm going to have to make sure I'm positioned out of missile range!!
The best bit about this date is oodles of time to get ready... no mad rush today, so I'm about to have a manicure :)
Ooh... and before I go, 'Mutual Contact' with Wordy Local Guy has commenced! Seriously, this guy is bonkers. He wants to meet (I usually call that a 'face to face'. He calls 'a real time in the flesh appraisal')
Seriously, he's as mad as a hatter :)
Meet the family
So, two dates yesterday. First the Legal Guy... coffee at lunchtime (I kind of like the idea of lunchtime dates, because if it's going wrong it's very easy to end it!!)
He was already there when I turned up (the standard two minutes late). He stood up to do the obligatory kiss on the cheek... that's when I noticed I was taller than him! Now, I'm short (but I did have heels on), but he was a dut. Cute though :)
Our date was actually really good fun. He's a quick witted, fairly intelligent guy... and he made me laugh a lot. I got a text off him later. He had a lovely time, and I'm gorgeous :)
Seriously... I'm gorgeous!!
Anyway, second date of the day was with Rugby Guy, at the rugby. I've an insane dash from work, and only an hour to get ready, plus feed three kids some kind of semi nutritious meal (Bruv... I'm looking after them, honestly).
So, oven on, jump in the shower, quick change while throwing food in the oven. At one stage I'm putting my shiny enhancing goodies on while at the same time stirring pasta... the kids think I'm crazy!
I do it though, and run pretty much all the way to meet him (good for the rosy glow look!). I get to the bar there, and as I wander over to to him I realise he's got his son with him... AND his two nephews... AND his sister!!!
Great. I didn't know I was meeting half his family... *especially* his son! Lord!
Then he wondered if I wanted to go back to his, as they're making hot dogs after the game?
Bloody hell... he knows I get a little freaked about commitment, and he's trying to thrust me into the thick of it with his family! Luckily I have to get home to relieve my mum of babysitting duties!
However, the rugby was good... getting to watch a bunch of guys with amazing legs has got to be fab (note to self... do a search for rugby players!).
He sent a text when I got back, to check it was Ok to meet his family... something I think he probably should have done *before* the date, so at least I was prepared!
Right, moving on... I checked my emails once my mum had gone and the darlings had gone to bed (only two of them last night... I've lost one, temporarily!)
Shoe Guy wants to meet up next week! He 'Seems Nice' (tm) , so I think I will.
Mr Incredible (2) has moved to London for work, but is thinking of nipping down here in the next few weeks, so do I fancy cocktails??
Dubliner 1 of (now) 3 (with wine cellar), has just come back from Mauritius, and is still hoping we can meet. He's mixed up his flight here, but we're planning the end of October.
Dubliner 3 of 3 is in Stockport the week after next, and is thinking of popping in (I've reminded him of the 200 mile distance between me and Stockport!)
And I've had some more worthwhile winks, and probably the most insane first email off a Potential I think I've had since I started this online dating (and I don't normally quote from their emails, but you *have* to see this one!).
The picture I put on the site is of me, slightly tipsy with a cocktail in my hand (I was trying to make sure I portrayed the real me!). Wordy Local Guy has apparently been "hypnotised by my aura of purity, simple but natural beauty, and overall embodiment of happiness that radiates from me"
Seriously... he goes on "you are the sheerest embodiment of virile temptation, that has disarmed and melted masculine resistance since times dawn"
I *have* to have 'Mutual Contact' with this guy!!! I'm interested to see if that really is just an opening line, or if he's genuine :)
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Crash course
Last night's date with Rugby Guy was so much fun! He sent me a text about an hour before I was due to meet him... jeans OK??
So I quickly cast aside the fab new skirt and three new tops (by the way... I did take two of them back, as promised) and switched to a pair of jeans too!!
At the pub, for one or two drinks before our meal. The one or two turned into five or six, and we didn't leave the pub until about 11:30! By that time the Japanese we were heading for was closing, so we ended up back in town to find a late night eatery!!
Fab meal... then back to mine for coffee. Just coffee guys!! I eventually got to bed at 3am, so today I've been insanely tired!!
Today has been interesting. I've had a text off Legal Guy, to say he's looking forward to our coffee on Friday lunchtime, and a text of Rugby Guy, so say he's looking forward to our date (we're actually going to the rugby) on Friday evening!!
I'm heading for wink/'Mutual Contact' overdose at the moment. I'll try and do a run down:
The Seaside Designer is going to give me a call tomorrow. Still not sure if this one is going to fizzle out, but it doesn't hurt to find out.
Festival Floozie. I got a really sweet email off him today, where he's kind of laid out his hopes for the future... a partner and kids?!?! Shame really, because he's got fab taste in music!
Worcester Golfer. Again, a fab email. He said he's been looking forward to checking his emails all day, in case there was one off me. He's given me his number!
Donegal Guy. We're thinking of moving to Utah together. Apparently he's some kind of sex god there!?!
And these next ones are new:
Shoe Guy. has obviously read my profile, because he knows a thing or two about shoes, and what's my favourite brand. Hang on... I think we've been here before. Once again I've said Jimmy Choo's. He's given me his number (I'm giving him my shoe size!)
Vinyl Guy. This one seems interesting. He's a DJ, but he doesn't like going to noisy pubs. Eh??
Rugby Player Guy. This one could get confusing... he's got the same name as Rugby Guy. I don't *think* they're involved with the same team though!!
So... busy busy busy tonight! Added in to the busy mix is the company of my delightful nieces for the next four nights. I'm giving them a crash course in dating over the next few days!
Sorry Bruv, but if you will leave them with me while you jet off to the other side of the world :)
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Scrap the middle bit of my last entry! Rushing back to work, I somehow ended up with three new tops. It was just that one of them (or all of them) will look fab with new skirt I got the other day!
Now I'm heading for the age old "what am I going to wear" dilemma this evening, when "what I *was* going to wear" is already proudly hanging ready for me to slip into!
I'll take them back tomorrow... well, two of them anyway :)
Big date with Rugby Guy tonight... we're going for some Japanese food.
I've had a scary flashback to a date I had when I was very young (and I'm talking almost twenty years ago!!). This boy took me for a Chinese meal, and you know what it's like... at 17 you're all nervous, and afraid to eat. Well, it was all going well, until I coughed while I had a mouthful of rice... Yep, it went all over him :(
Fingers crossed tonight's goes better than that!
I do like this guy. He called last night, and was quite funny. After he's called he always sends a text to say it was nice talking to me... very thoughtful :)
Now, as it's a fourth date I'm going to have to think a little about what to wear. The best thing about dating different people is you don't actually have to panic buy a new outfit... they haven't seen any of your stuff, so it doesn't matter. But, at this stage I'm starting to get the urge to shop for new stuff!
I'll try and hold off for one more date, to see if he's worth it!!
Ooh, and I've got a lunchtime date on Friday with the Legal Guy. He's actually a solicitor, and the uniform bit is from being some kind of part time policeman? So I guess that means he's got handcuffs... right?
So that makes two dates for Friday... Legal Guy lunchtime, and Rugby Guy in the evening :)
Monday, 18 September 2006
More a nervous tick than a wink
It's still happening! I'm struggling to keep up with who's who now.
Here's the update so far:
The Seaside Designer (this is a pre pic one). Ongoing 'Mutual Contact', but I'm starting to recognise when this kind is going to just fizzle out. He's one of those 'how's your day been' people.
The Funsize Diet Coke Man (another pre pic one). Still calls me Babe! I think he's going to be like Cute from Devon, and more of an online dating penpal (do I really have time for more of those!).
Dubliner 3 of 3 (post pic). This guy's really funny, and his sense of direction is almost as good as mine. Wants to know if I'm near Stockport, so he can come and visit (maybe why that's why he scored me 'A' for intelligence... his Irish scale is clearly evident, as I'm 200 miles away from Stockport!).
Festival Floozie (post pic). This one is very much on my music wavelength. Cool!
The Cheeky Looking Local Guy (post pic). Turns out he's a pharmacist. Apart from that not too much else to say about him.
The Golfer from Worcester (post pic). Now... this one is very interesting indeed. His first few emails were kind of lighthearted, but now I'm got a few beautifully long messages, and he wants to meet up - soon . Bear in mind this has all happened in the last 48 hours, so very much early days :)
Ooh, Donegal Guy (pre pic) and Mr Incredible(2) (pre pic) have both been in touch again. I haven't heard from them in weeks!!
There's another new one too. He's a Local guy, in the 'legal' profession. There's a mention of a uniform in his profile, and his first email was really funny, so I've emailed him back (note the mention of a uniform... he's got to be worth finding out more about!).
SysAdmin Honey/JP... never in my life have I needed the "Potential Dates Database Management Software" (tm) as much as I need it now. I promise to be your rescue guinea pig if you help me ;)
Almost forgot about last nights date... the 'luxury' yacht engineer. Extremely boring, talked too much about who he knows, where he's been, blah, blah, blah - but nothing about who he really is. Off the list!
Tomorrow night I've another date with Rugby guy, who's still top of my list. He's so sweet... he send me a text this morning to wish me a happy day.
All together... awwww :)
Sunday, 17 September 2006
If a picture paints a thousand words
I'm going to get RSA!!!
Woke this morning to a bulging inbox... seriously, there's 15 new Potentials there! A record response for me :)
Now, in a way it's cool (loads of new people to cut and paste responses too), but I'm *slightly* worried, as weekends are normally quieter in the online dating world! What's going to happen during the week??
Really quick run through of some of them...
A Dubliner, who said I scored 'A' for intelligence and looks! 'A' for intelligence eh (guys, bear in mind he's Irish, like me... our intelligence gauge is on a different scale to the rest of yours)
A festival floozie, who like my taste in music. Why thank you :)
A cheeky looking local guy, who seriously has "open fire" mentioned more than once in his profile, and walking in the countryside on a crisp winters morning :/
A golfer from Worcester... drinks daily :)
A guy from Oxford who like giving that "special lady" in his life flowers & jewellery. Good start, but then goes on to how he's been messed around in the past. It's a rule not to mention past relationships, especially bad ones... you can sense the bitterness there :(
Now, and this is quite bizarre - my stars this morning say "This is a good time to look at what you can do to increase own chances of success. In the long run, it will also help your relationships with others"... freaky!!
Rugby guy called last night... he was so drunk I couldn't really make out what he was saying, but he then sent a text to apologise for being too "mushy"... what!! It could well have been some declaration of undying love, but to me it just sounded like the teacher from Charlie Brown!
Saturday, 16 September 2006
3 months down the line
It's three months to the day since I signed up for online dating... how do I know?? Well, I got an email asking if I want to renew my subscription!!!
Ummmm... let me think :)
I've signed up for another 3 months! Why not?? I've already met some pretty cool guys, and have some funny dates (even the bad ones were funny!), so I'm doing it again.
This time I've decided to put my photo on the dating site too. I was a little nervous last time, but what the hell. It'll be interesting to see if the next three months are any different!
I've decided online dating is a much better way to meet guys than traditional ways... I was out last night with friends from work, and got chatting to a guy at the bar (I will seriously talk to anyone!!). So, he comes over to chat, and I can my mates all sniggering. Then I thought he'd gone back to his friends, but oh no... he wanders back over with a bottle of wine (which I shared with my friends).
The funniest thing was this guys jacket... how on earth I managed not to burst out laughing when I saw his hideous houndstooth jacket, worn over a slightly dodgy tee shirt I'll never know!!!
He asked for my number, so I gave him the flirt divert one :)
So... online is the way forward!!
I've got a new date tomorrow night. This one is an engineer who works on yachts in the med!
And another with Rugby Guy on Tuesday. This will be our fourth date... it's almost serious :)
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Back on form
For last night's date with Rugby Guy, I reverted to form and drunk copious amounts of alcohol! We started off by watching the rugby (no, I didn't wear the rugby top he got me... we watched it in the pub, and because we were going for a meal after I wanted to be a bit smarter).
Once again he got there a bit before me, and had already bought me a drink! I like his style! After oodles of drinks we went off for some tapas and wine, followed by some Guinness :)
He's really good fun, and hasn't mentioned the 'where do you see us going' question (unless you count deciding where to eat!!).
I got a text off him this morning to say he had a really good time, and shall we arrange another night out!! Plus... nipped home lunchtime to find my security guard smirking. Apparently a very kind gentleman had been in and left me some flowers!! They're gorgeous too, a huge bouquet :)
So, not only does he have a really cool personality and a wicked sense of humour, but he also give pressies! I still need to work out what the 17% is though. I'm sure I'll find out soon!
Ok, where am I with the others:
Seaside Designer. We've exchanged pictures I get daily emails. Nice guy!
Diet Coke Man. He's quite funny, and insists on starting all his emails with "Hey babe" (cheesy, but sweet). I've got his picture, and he's not *quite* the Diet Coke Man I was expecting, but quite cute (and so tiny... only 5' 6"). So more a Funsize Diet Coke Man!
Monday, 11 September 2006
Soulmate not required
Last nights date... the experimental (as in no alcohol) one. A definite no, for a couple of reasons:
First, he was late. Now, that in itself isn't so bad, but when he did show he didn't even seem to realise! No problem I thought... it's not a major no no!
Secondly, he told me he wanted to let me know a bit about his current situation, to see if I was OK with it. Go on, I say... *slightly* worried.
Turns out he's only just split up from his wife, and at the moment they're still living in the same house. Now, in one way I was glad he was upfront and honest, but on the other hand I was slightly concerned about the fact he's put himself out there before he's even moved out.
His profile clearly said he was looking for a soulmate, so I'm guessing there's a potential emotional nightmare just brewing with him, so it's a 'thanks, but no thanks'!
Now, today I've had three new winks (someone somewhere must know I've narrowed my Potentials down, and decided I needed new ones!)
Wink One... straight 'thanks, but no thanks'. One of his favourite things was the obligatory sofa/DVD combo, but this time he'd added 'wearing comfy clothes'. Now, I'm not one for heels and a Chloe dress while watching the Da Vinci code, but I've seriously never felt the need to make that be known. It just worried me... I mean, what does he mean by 'comfy clothes'. I don't want to find out!
Wink Two... now this is an interesting one. He's a designer, who likes red wine and lives by the sea (so handy for those romantic walks). I've emailed him back.
Wink Three... A builder from Wiltshire. Interesting guy, even though he likes (and I quote) "cosy moments like curling up on the sofa with that special someone, with a nice glass of wine and a good DVD". If it wasn't for the fact he's a builder (so I'm thinking fit) it would be a 'thanks, but no thanks', but in my head there's a Potential Diet Coke Man there!
Now, a funny thing happened today. Every couple of days the dating site emails you a list of who it thinks Matches you the most. Top of it's list today is Rugby Guy, with an 83% match.
We're currently working out what the 17% we don't match on is!!
Sunday, 10 September 2006
Impromptu date!
Quick update here, as I'm flitting about starting to get ready for tonight's new date with Outdoor Type... just to let you know I've had an impromptu lunchtime coffee date with Rugby Fan!
How cool... there I was, just about ready for a trip to Starbucks, then an afternoon of golf (and I hadn't really spent much time getting ready, so no makeup) when I get a text of Rugby Fan - was it OK for him to join me for said coffee!!
Quick panic as I tried to minimize my hangover look with my enhancing goodies... he did mention he hadn't shaved, and was that OK?!? Well, at least it put us on a scruffy level! Ten minutes later we're chatting over a latte :) Thank god I had my 'oh so cute' golf skirt on, so I didn't look like a complete sight!
Oh, and the best bit. As we went our separate ways I noticed his car... A brand new Audi Convertible! It's a shame the summer's nearly over :)
Gotta go... my next date's in an hour, and I'm still in my 'oh so cute' golf skirt!!
Potential list cull
Last night - (just for fun) date with Third Date Possible (who'd been off my list for a couple of weeks).
It started off very well, in a 'good to catch up' kind of way. But the more he drunk the more his feelings came out, and it seems he's still hung up on the whole 'us being a couple' thing. So, I've decided I'm not going to see him anymore, even in a 'just good friends' kind of way.
To be honest the date didn't really bode well from the start. You know how I love to spend ages getting ready... well it was all I could do to pull on some jeans!And as I'm walking to meet him I'm more interested in reading a text that Rugby Fan had sent, and wondering what to wear tonight for my new 'face to face' with Outdoor Type!!
So, definitely off my list now, and so is (Not) Earthy Kind. I was going to play golf with him this afternoon, but I've decided I'm not going to see him anymore either, for pretty much the same reason... he can't do the 'just good friends' thing either.
And there you go... a nicely slimmed down Potential list: Rugby Fan (who's fab), Outdoor Type (who's new), the Dubliners (both equally cool!), and of course Cute from Devon (who'll be proud of my date shake up... it gives him more of a chance to win the scary date challenge!)
I'm going to try a new style of first date this evening... firstly I'm going to actually read (and reread, and try to remember) Outdoor Type's profile, and secondly, this date will involve no alcohol!
That's right... no alcohol!!! Not even a glass of wine.
Why... well, it may well be alcohol that's effecting my initial judgments of Potentials. I'm quite clearly not always picking up on what their intentions are, so for this Potential I've decided I'm not going to drink for at least three dates (if it gets that far!).
Friday, 8 September 2006
You're ssshpeshal (2)
Now, I know I said last night that Rugby Fan kept in touch, but not too intensely. Well, scrap that... last night I had a series of drunken (but sweet) texts!
He was trying to persuade me to meet him for one drink in the bar downstairs!! I seriously would've, if not for my away day today (hence the stupidly early update).
I reminded him it would constitute a third date, and in his drunken state it may well instigate the "where do you see us going" question!
He's still top of my list... I like his sense of humour (plus, I secretly love drunken texts!). We've decided that on our next date, if we manage to avoid the dreaded question we're going to have the perfect online daters date... a romantic walk along the beach, then we'll stop, inflate the blow up sofa and snuggle up, watching the Da Vinci Code on a portable DVD player, with a couple of bottles of red (after a home cooked meal of course :)
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Good vibes, bad vibes and a goodbye
First the good vibes... Outdoor type and I are meeting up on Sunday evening for a drink. Once again he Seems Nice (tm). He wanted to meet on Saturday, but I'm currently weighing up my options so thought it would be easier not to complicate my already complicated time too much!
Another good vibe... Rugby Fan sent a cool text today. I like him, because he keeps in touch, but not too intensely.
Now the bad vibes. Sweet Guy (who I thought was happy with things as they are... after all, it's been less than two weeks since we met) has been giving me a bit of a guilt trip about the amount of time I'm giving him.
He wanted to meet tomorrow night, but I'm away for the day, and have planned the remainder of the evening with my son (remember him - we've got a night together with a film and some ready meals!!)
So I suggested Saturday... meaning the evening. I'm playing golf in the afternoon, is 7ish OK? No, it's not OK - that was clearly the wrong thing to say.
Again I'm getting a sense of neediness. Questions about my level of commitment (none, but not in a mean way... more like in a cautious way) and my priorities (in this order... me and my family, work, hobbies... Potentials in 5th place).
So (and I do feel quite crap about doing this) I've told him I don't think we're quite in the same place about the whole "where do I see us going" thing, and it's probably best if we don't meet up again. I really do feel not nice, because Sweet Guy is a Sweet Guy, but I'm so not ready for the level of guilt I got off him today. After two years of that I see the warning signs a bit easier now.
Anyway... on a more positive note (because I don't do negativity as a rule), my option for Saturday night?? Remember Third Date Possible? Well, he sent me a text to see if I fancied meeting up on Saturday... just for a drink (he said I was fun, so even though we're going nowhere he fancied a night out for a laugh!).
So as long as he hasn't got a hidden agenda to persuade me to commit in any way... why not!
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
Not just champagne
Now last night was a cool date!
He called about 6 to say he was running late, apologising profusely! I didn't mind, as it gave me even more time to get ready (2 hours just didn't seem long enough!), and I was able to change outfits at *least* a dozen times :)
When I met him he'd bought me some flowers (to make up for being late)... how sweet! And not only that, he'd also got me a pretty cool girlie style rugby top! I've only been to see the rugby once, and already I'm decked out like a true fan! (Sorry Bruv, I know you wanted one!).
So, the night itself. Well, like I said a few day's ago, apart from the few similarities he has with Scary Ex, he's a really fab guy! We shared a bottle of champagne, and some gorgeous tapas! I could get used to this.
He's got a cool sense of humour too... the first thing he asked me was "where do I see us going"... my face was a picture! Don't panic though - he was only joking (at least I *think* he was only joking!).
We're going to try and meet up again soon (diaries pending - he's as busy as me!). And thanks to my Bruv's loan of his season ticket I'm going to meet him next week at the rugby, obviously wearing my new top! (Don't worry Bruv... I know you'll be over the other side of the world gambling away your life savings, and I promised to look after your exquisite daughters, but I've made contingency plans in case of dates - the kids will be in safe hands!).
So, Rugby Fan is now top of my (local) Potentials list!
Oh, and I've started 'Mutual Contact' with another local. He's very much an Outdoor Type, and wants to meet up this weekend. So, I'm going to need to juggle Sweet Guy, (Not) Earthy Kind, Rugby Guy and now Outdoor Type into some kind of timetable!!
Cute from Devon is still winning the bad date challenge. It sounds like he's having date hell down there. I almost suggested he come here (where it seems it more and more like date heaven), but I haven't got time!
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Champers anyone?
How sweet... New One (Rugby Fan) sent a little text after I'd spoken to him last night, to say he's looking forward to our date tonight!
This morning I got a fab invite to a champagne evening in the bar downstairs (next Tuesday). One of the guys in work said he's not at all surprised... he thinks I must have shares in the place!
So... who do I go with (bearing in mind it's over a week away - a long time in the world of online dating)??
Chatting in the lift to Nice Guy Who Lives Upstairs (Who May Be Gay). We both opened the invites at the same time, and it was like we'd both found the golden tickets in Wonka Bars... and then he suggested we both go!!!
But, as I said, that's next week. I've more pressing things on my mind at the moment, like what am I going to wear tonight :)
Monday, 4 September 2006
Post mortem
The weekend dates... both funny, in different ways!
First of all - Saturday afternoon golfing with (Not) Earthy Kind. He rang a couple of hours before, because the weather wasn't that good. Did I want to go to the cinema, and for a meal instead???
Nope - that would constitute a level of togetherness I really don't want to do. So, I guaranteed him the weather was so much better where I was, and I was really looking forward to playing.
It all started off so well... I brushed aside the minor hint of rain on the 5th. By the 7th the "hint of rain" was a bizarre sideways torrential downpour! He (being a much more experienced golfer) had a full set of waterproofs and umbrella. Me (being a very inexperienced golfer) had a hoodie!
A number of times he asked did I want to finish the game early. Not a chance... I was winning!! The beauty of being an inexperienced golfer is you don't take the weather into consideration. He spent ages trying to change his swing to account for the wind/rain... me, I just brushed the rain out of my eyes and hoped for the best!
And the result... I won by two holes!! How cool was that!
We nipped to the bar for a quick drink after the game. He offered to buy me a meal, but I turned him down (even though I was starving) for two reasons:
- I was soaked, and didn't have a change of clothes
- Date Two involved a meal!!
Date Two - Sweet Guy. We were meeting for dinner and cocktails!
When I met him he was carrying a rather large pressie. How sweet... he didn't know me when it was my birthday and wanted to give me a late present!! And what a fab present. An entire box of Curly Wurly's. I love love Curly Wurly's, and now I've got 48 bars (well, 45 now) for my sheer enjoyment!
We had a fab night... I had to remind him gently a couple of times I'm not actually interesting in being a "couple", and let's just have a nice time. So we did! A beautiful meal, and oodles of cocktails!
I will see him again, because he is fun, on a level.
Sunday - no dates, just a family day. My Bruv cooked a beautiful meal for me and various beloved family members. It was so funny. I'm roping my auntie into online dating too. She's the most technologically backward person I know, and at the moment doesn't even have even dial up at home. How on earth is she going to cope with the influx of emails.
There's no point asking my ditzy niece (the aspiring PA) to help out. My auntie, myself, and my ditzy niece have unfortunately got the exact same gene makeup... three generations of stupidity in the same room on Sunday!
Tonight New Guy (Rugby Fan) called. He's invited me out tomorrow night! Fab... I like him. So we're off for tapas!
Ooh, and really cool news. Dubliner 1 of 2 (with Wine Cellar) has sorted out his flights... at the end of the month he'll be here! Wow :)
Saturday, 2 September 2006
Just good friends
Phew... the rugby was thankfully without drama! We won (cool, and yet another hobby I think I may be hooked on already).
I had a couple of texts off New One (Rugby Fan) while I was there! I think he was in the next block over to me! And Sweet Guy called at half time.
Two problems with that;
1 - it's pretty difficult to hear with all the noise going on at the ground.
2 - it's pretty difficult to hear after spending the first half with my Bruv screaming random insults at the ref, perforating my left eardrum in the process!
So I couldn't hear a word he was saying!
Right... weekend dates:
This afternoon I'm playing golf with (Not) Earthy Kind. We've talked about where I see my future going with him... he *seems* OK with just being friends.
And this evening I'm off to the comedy club with Sweet Guy. Again, we've talked about where I see my future going with him... and again, he *seems* OK with just being friends.
I was chatting to my Bruv on the way home from the rugby about this whole thing. For me this online dating is a way of extending my social life, not a a way to "Make Love Happen", so as long as I'm open with my Potentials, and they know I'm not going to do the "where do you see us going?" thing it's all good.
Having said that, I do find that Sweet Guy has a touch of "Frankness" about him (those who know me will know exactly what "Frankness" means).
I was telling about my day in work yesterday - I did the funniest thing, which resulted in a lot of giggles and teasing. I inadvertently Skyped my Nemesis a loveheart!!!! Yep, a big red beating loveheart! If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have minded, but not him... no, no, no! So through the day I get a selection of big red beating lovehearts back (thank you JP!).
I was relaying this to Sweet Guy, who then had a little poodie over it. He wants to know what friends in work have got that he hasn't, as I've never Skyped him a big red beating loveheart! Oh Dear :(
Oh, and I had lots of fun with Cute from Devon yesterday (his one liners are a thing of the past!). We're kind of doing a scary date challenge, and he's winning. I though some of mine were needy, but he's on the verge of being stalked!!
Poor guy!
Friday, 1 September 2006
Better :)
So, six glasses of wine later!!
What a fab guy! I was pretty much on time (OK, fashionably a couple minutes late!), and he'd already ordered me my favourite drink (mind you, no stars for that... if it's alcoholic and not gin they're all my favourite!).
He's one of those people you can seem to talk to all night (again, no stars for that... those that know me will know I can do that with pretty much anyone!), and we seem to have a hell of a lot in common! Bizarrely he's originally from the same place as Scary Ex, and is a passionate supporter of the same team as Scary Ex (ooh, and has the same name as Scary Ex). Not sure that all bodes well, but I have to remember that Scary Ex was *sui generis*, and so I shouldn't use all those coincidences to judge New Guy (Rugby Fan).
Got home (alone... first date remember), and he sent me a text straight away to say he had a really good time, and we should do it again! Cool :)
While I was out I'd missed calls/text from both Sweet Guy and (Not) Earthy Kind. I stuck to the rules about no texting while drunk (ooh, apart from a reply to New One, but I don't *think* that counts does it?)
Sweet Guy is going to the rugby tonight... asked me again if I want to meet before or after the game!
New Guy (Rugby Fan) is going to the rugby tonight, and in a much cooler kind of way said to enjoy myself there, and wave if I see him! See... not needy at all.
He has sent me another text this morning to ask if I want to meet next week :)
Now Bruv... tonight. Where exactly are we going to be sitting? If it's close to New Guy (Rugby Fan) I need to make sure I'm looking good (difficult at the moment with a hangover!), and if it's close to Sweet Guy I think I'd be better off with some sort of disguise!
I only hope they're not sitting too close to each other!