Thursday, 16 November 2006


It's only 28 hours until my second date with Dubliner 1 of 3, and I'm so organised there's not much left to get ready!!

I tried most beautiful dress in the world (II) on again when I got home, to see if it really does go with both pairs of shoes... and yes, it does!! Even Voice of Reason said I looked cool (from a 13 year old mono syllabic boy that's quite a compliment!)

All my other outfits are hanging up ready to be put straight into the car in the morning. I love going away by car, because you can take oodles more stuff than you need to. A quick count of footwear... 4 pairs of shoes and three pairs of boots.

Hey, I'm away for 48 hours :)

Only one thing left to do this evening... my nails! I did my toes last night (to match most beautiful dress in the world (II) of course), but I want to leave my hands until the last minute in case I chip them!

There's only one *slight* problem with this plan. Today is the third Thursday of November... anyone know what that means??

Its Beaujolais Nouveau day!!!!!

I've got to make a mad dash to Oddbins at lunchtime to pick up a *couple* of bottles. So I need to make sure my manicure is complete before I start delving into what is apparently a fab year for BN... so much for the detox :)

I'm such a wine addict... even my nail varnish is called Shiraz!