Tuesday, 14 November 2006

Operation 'meet the family'

Again, apologies for not keeping this up to date, but yes, you did read the title correctly. I'm going to meet the family... the family of Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar) that is!

I know, we've only had one date, but he wants to introduce me to what seems like most of his family... and you know what - this time I'm OK to :)

So, here's the plan. Friday we meet up in the morning and have the day together. Friday evening we attend a black tie do (his brother in law's birthday). I've got a 'black tie do' crisis going on, which I'll get to later!

Saturday we play golf, and have a fab dinner, then Sunday it's a family lunch!!!

Bloody hell... this is all a bit scary. It's Tuesday now, and we're meeting on Friday morning. So I've got two days to get ready!

The 'black tie do' crisis - I NEED NEW SHOES!!!!

There's an ditzy little problem with Fridays do - it's on a boat (ship/boat... I never know the difference) and there's a little bit of small print - no stilletos. NO STILETTOS - are they mad! I have the most beautiful dress in the world, and the most beautiful shoes to go with it, but they're strappy heels, and they're the only shoes that will do. I keep thinking that flat pumps will be fine, but there's something stopping me buying them (almost unheard of, I know). They just won't work!

What am I going to do??? All suggestions gratefully receive (and before anyone says get a new dress, that thought has crossed my mind, but I know I'll end up buying an equally beautiful one that only goes with strappy heels!)

Other news:

Yoga Guy (who's just about still on the scene, as long has he keeps his commitment longings to himself) has got himself into a rather sweet little habit of buying me gorgeous chocolate every time we meet - it's not the way to my heart, but bless him for trying!

Ooh, and I got an out of the blue call from Dubliner 2 of 3... remember, the nice one who came to visit a couple of months back. Now, I'm back in Dublin in a couple of weeks, so maybe I can do a double date again!