Saturday, 23 September 2006

Meet the family

So, two dates yesterday. First the Legal Guy... coffee at lunchtime (I kind of like the idea of lunchtime dates, because if it's going wrong it's very easy to end it!!)

He was already there when I turned up (the standard two minutes late). He stood up to do the obligatory kiss on the cheek... that's when I noticed I was taller than him! Now, I'm short (but I did have heels on), but he was a dut. Cute though :)

Our date was actually really good fun. He's a quick witted, fairly intelligent guy... and he made me laugh a lot. I got a text off him later. He had a lovely time, and I'm gorgeous :)

Seriously... I'm gorgeous!!

Anyway, second date of the day was with Rugby Guy, at the rugby. I've an insane dash from work, and only an hour to get ready, plus feed three kids some kind of semi nutritious meal (Bruv... I'm looking after them, honestly).

So, oven on, jump in the shower, quick change while throwing food in the oven. At one stage I'm putting my shiny enhancing goodies on while at the same time stirring pasta... the kids think I'm crazy!

I do it though, and run pretty much all the way to meet him (good for the rosy glow look!). I get to the bar there, and as I wander over to to him I realise he's got his son with him... AND his two nephews... AND his sister!!!

Great. I didn't know I was meeting half his family... *especially* his son! Lord!

Then he wondered if I wanted to go back to his, as they're making hot dogs after the game?

Bloody hell... he knows I get a little freaked about commitment, and he's trying to thrust me into the thick of it with his family! Luckily I have to get home to relieve my mum of babysitting duties!

However, the rugby was good... getting to watch a bunch of guys with amazing legs has got to be fab (note to self... do a search for rugby players!).

He sent a text when I got back, to check it was Ok to meet his family... something I think he probably should have done *before* the date, so at least I was prepared!

Right, moving on... I checked my emails once my mum had gone and the darlings had gone to bed (only two of them last night... I've lost one, temporarily!)

Shoe Guy wants to meet up next week! He 'Seems Nice' (tm) , so I think I will.

Mr Incredible (2) has moved to London for work, but is thinking of nipping down here in the next few weeks, so do I fancy cocktails??

Dubliner 1 of (now) 3 (with wine cellar), has just come back from Mauritius, and is still hoping we can meet. He's mixed up his flight here, but we're planning the end of October.

Dubliner 3 of 3 is in Stockport the week after next, and is thinking of popping in (I've reminded him of the 200 mile distance between me and Stockport!)

And I've had some more worthwhile winks, and probably the most insane first email off a Potential I think I've had since I started this online dating (and I don't normally quote from their emails, but you *have* to see this one!).

The picture I put on the site is of me, slightly tipsy with a cocktail in my hand (I was trying to make sure I portrayed the real me!). Wordy Local Guy has apparently been "hypnotised by my aura of purity, simple but natural beauty, and overall embodiment of happiness that radiates from me"

Seriously... he goes on "you are the sheerest embodiment of virile temptation, that has disarmed and melted masculine resistance since times dawn"

I *have* to have 'Mutual Contact' with this guy!!! I'm interested to see if that really is just an opening line, or if he's genuine :)