Wednesday, 20 September 2006

Crash course

Last night's date with Rugby Guy was so much fun! He sent me a text about an hour before I was due to meet him... jeans OK??

So I quickly cast aside the fab new skirt and three new tops (by the way... I did take two of them back, as promised) and switched to a pair of jeans too!!

At the pub, for one or two drinks before our meal. The one or two turned into five or six, and we didn't leave the pub until about 11:30! By that time the Japanese we were heading for was closing, so we ended up back in town to find a late night eatery!!

Fab meal... then back to mine for coffee. Just coffee guys!! I eventually got to bed at 3am, so today I've been insanely tired!!

Today has been interesting. I've had a text off Legal Guy, to say he's looking forward to our coffee on Friday lunchtime, and a text of Rugby Guy, so say he's looking forward to our date (we're actually going to the rugby) on Friday evening!!

I'm heading for wink/'Mutual Contact' overdose at the moment. I'll try and do a run down:

The Seaside Designer is going to give me a call tomorrow. Still not sure if this one is going to fizzle out, but it doesn't hurt to find out.

Festival Floozie. I got a really sweet email off him today, where he's kind of laid out his hopes for the future... a partner and kids?!?! Shame really, because he's got fab taste in music!

Worcester Golfer. Again, a fab email. He said he's been looking forward to checking his emails all day, in case there was one off me. He's given me his number!

Donegal Guy. We're thinking of moving to Utah together. Apparently he's some kind of sex god there!?!

And these next ones are new:

Shoe Guy. has obviously read my profile, because he knows a thing or two about shoes, and what's my favourite brand. Hang on... I think we've been here before. Once again I've said Jimmy Choo's. He's given me his number (I'm giving him my shoe size!)

Vinyl Guy. This one seems interesting. He's a DJ, but he doesn't like going to noisy pubs. Eh??

Rugby Player Guy. This one could get confusing... he's got the same name as Rugby Guy. I don't *think* they're involved with the same team though!!

So... busy busy busy tonight! Added in to the busy mix is the company of my delightful nieces for the next four nights. I'm giving them a crash course in dating over the next few days!

Sorry Bruv, but if you will leave them with me while you jet off to the other side of the world :)