Thursday, 14 September 2006

Back on form

For last night's date with Rugby Guy, I reverted to form and drunk copious amounts of alcohol! We started off by watching the rugby (no, I didn't wear the rugby top he got me... we watched it in the pub, and because we were going for a meal after I wanted to be a bit smarter).

Once again he got there a bit before me, and had already bought me a drink! I like his style! After oodles of drinks we went off for some tapas and wine, followed by some Guinness :)

He's really good fun, and hasn't mentioned the 'where do you see us going' question (unless you count deciding where to eat!!).

I got a text off him this morning to say he had a really good time, and shall we arrange another night out!! Plus... nipped home lunchtime to find my security guard smirking. Apparently a very kind gentleman had been in and left me some flowers!! They're gorgeous too, a huge bouquet :)

So, not only does he have a really cool personality and a wicked sense of humour, but he also give pressies! I still need to work out what the 17% is though. I'm sure I'll find out soon!

Ok, where am I with the others:

Seaside Designer. We've exchanged pictures I get daily emails. Nice guy!

Diet Coke Man. He's quite funny, and insists on starting all his emails with "Hey babe" (cheesy, but sweet). I've got his picture, and he's not *quite* the Diet Coke Man I was expecting, but quite cute (and so tiny... only 5' 6"). So more a Funsize Diet Coke Man!