Tuesday, 19 September 2006


Big date with Rugby Guy tonight... we're going for some Japanese food.

I've had a scary flashback to a date I had when I was very young (and I'm talking almost twenty years ago!!). This boy took me for a Chinese meal, and you know what it's like... at 17 you're all nervous, and afraid to eat. Well, it was all going well, until I coughed while I had a mouthful of rice... Yep, it went all over him :(

Fingers crossed tonight's goes better than that!

I do like this guy. He called last night, and was quite funny. After he's called he always sends a text to say it was nice talking to me... very thoughtful :)

Now, as it's a fourth date I'm going to have to think a little about what to wear. The best thing about dating different people is you don't actually have to panic buy a new outfit... they haven't seen any of your stuff, so it doesn't matter. But, at this stage I'm starting to get the urge to shop for new stuff!

I'll try and hold off for one more date, to see if he's worth it!!

Ooh, and I've got a lunchtime date on Friday with the Legal Guy. He's actually a solicitor, and the uniform bit is from being some kind of part time policeman? So I guess that means he's got handcuffs... right?

So that makes two dates for Friday... Legal Guy lunchtime, and Rugby Guy in the evening :)