Saturday, 2 September 2006

Just good friends

Phew... the rugby was thankfully without drama! We won (cool, and yet another hobby I think I may be hooked on already).

I had a couple of texts off New One (Rugby Fan) while I was there! I think he was in the next block over to me! And Sweet Guy called at half time.

Two problems with that;
1 - it's pretty difficult to hear with all the noise going on at the ground.
2 - it's pretty difficult to hear after spending the first half with my Bruv screaming random insults at the ref, perforating my left eardrum in the process!

So I couldn't hear a word he was saying!

Right... weekend dates:

This afternoon I'm playing golf with (Not) Earthy Kind. We've talked about where I see my future going with him... he *seems* OK with just being friends.

And this evening I'm off to the comedy club with Sweet Guy. Again, we've talked about where I see my future going with him... and again, he *seems* OK with just being friends.

I was chatting to my Bruv on the way home from the rugby about this whole thing. For me this online dating is a way of extending my social life, not a a way to "Make Love Happen", so as long as I'm open with my Potentials, and they know I'm not going to do the "where do you see us going?" thing it's all good.

Having said that, I do find that Sweet Guy has a touch of "Frankness" about him (those who know me will know exactly what "Frankness" means).

I was telling about my day in work yesterday - I did the funniest thing, which resulted in a lot of giggles and teasing. I inadvertently Skyped my Nemesis a loveheart!!!! Yep, a big red beating loveheart! If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have minded, but not him... no, no, no! So through the day I get a selection of big red beating lovehearts back (thank you JP!).

I was relaying this to Sweet Guy, who then had a little poodie over it. He wants to know what friends in work have got that he hasn't, as I've never Skyped him a big red beating loveheart! Oh Dear :(

Oh, and I had lots of fun with Cute from Devon yesterday (his one liners are a thing of the past!). We're kind of doing a scary date challenge, and he's winning. I though some of mine were needy, but he's on the verge of being stalked!!

Poor guy!