Monday, 2 October 2006

I'm alive!

So... Bonkers Chainsaw Wielding Wordy Guy. As nuts in the flesh as he is by email... and his photo on his profile must've been taken, oooh, about 15 years ago!!!

We met for coffee... I got there a little early this time (so I could make sure I had a seat near the exit!), and he comes running in like some kind of Tazmanian devil. Oh dear :(

And the funny thing about this one... his emails made him sound like someone with a lot to say, but 'face to face' (or rather during the 'real time in the flesh appraisal' he didn't really have a lot going for him. I seriously think he spent his entire youth on acid!!

So... off the list.

My second date was with Yoga Guy (in between I did speak to Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar)... more on that later!). Yoga Guy was early, and had brought two bottles of gorgeous wine, and flowers... sweet :)

The driving range first... I was outstanding, he was crap! But we had a lot of fun anyway, and he wants to go again! Then back to mine for the standard online daters date!! He actually took over the cooking (I'm in no way complaining by the way!), I sorted out the wine!

He's a really nice guy, and I'm seeing him again at the weekend (we're going to a blues club?!?)

But on to my favourite... Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar)! I declined the trip to Mauritius (I know, am I mad). He's really keen to meet up when he gets back, so I'm going out to Dublin at the end of the month!!! I can't wait to meet him! We're going to have a couple of days there, including a round of golf at the K Club (if you know golf you'd die to play there!).

So, I've got 22 days to brush up on both my golf and my knowledge of wine.

Gorgeous H, I need your help (the wine bit I can do myself)!!!

And, the best bit about me going out there, is if I decide he's not really for me (and after 4 months of 'Mutual Contact' I can't really see that happening), there's always Dubliner 2 of 3, and Dubliner 3 of 3 to meet :)