Thursday, 28 December 2006

Nervous about...

... tonight's 'non date' with an old friend!

Blimey, In all my 17 'face to face's' I haven't been this excited! I can't decide what to wear, which means I can't decide what colour to do my nails... and I've only got 4 hours until I meet him.


He said 'smart casual'. Now, for a guy that's simple. Change your t-shirt for a shirt, and maybe opt for shoes instead of trainers. For a girl it's a totally different ballgame. So, do I verge on the more casual end of the 'smart casual' scale... skinny jeans, fab boots? Or do I go more towards the smart end of the scale, and opt for a dress?

It shouldn't really matter... this is not a date, remember!!!

Ooh... last night I spoke to Potential No.76 (Baileys Guy). He's lovely, and he sent me a very sweet email this morning too. I think we're going to meet up in the new year.

I'm tempted to make it February, as I'm detoxing in January. That's right... no alcohol in January (oh lord, that could make a whole new blog!). I think I may allow myself two days of drinking, but that's it!