Sunday, 31 December 2006

Raindrops keep falling on my head

OK, so I've moved. My new place is is complete disarray so I have to spend today sorting stuff out, but that's not the disaster... the disaster is my broadband is not working :(

You're probably wondering how I've been able to update this? Well, If I perch my laptop out the window I can occasionally pick up someone else's wireless!

I know that's a bit cheeky, but how the hell am I going to continue in my search for 'the one' if I can't connect. This is hell for an online dating addict!

Anyway, having piggybacked some unsuspecting persons network I've been able to let my Potentials know I've moved, but if I don't contact them it's not because I'm ignoring them!

There's been a change of plan with today's 'Face to Face' with Serious Golf Pro. I've still got oodles of things to sort in the new place, so I'm just meeting him for a coffee today, and we're going to do the fabulous range tomorrow, by which time my currently swollen toe (swollen because I dropped a quite heavy and large object on it when moving!), should hopefully not be too bad, and I can squeeze my golf shoes on!

And I still need to find the 'oh so cute' golf skirt :)

Right, must go... it's raining and the keyboard is getting wet!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn, I knew there was something I was supposed to do yesterday, phone and see if you needed a hand moving!

Ah well, if you'd already moved by then it wouldn't have mattered anyway :)

Happy New Year mate