Monday, 30 April 2007


First the Yuck... The Whistler wants to meet up again. He was obviously too thick to pick up the 'I'm not at all impressed with you' vibe I thought I was giving (bolting out of the car at a rate of knots without stopping to say goodbye wasn't a clear sign??).

I've sent him a text to let him know I'm incredibly busy with work the next few weeks (which is actually not even a lie!).

Now the Yum. Well, there's two Yums really! First, thank you to my wonderful place of work for the surprise today. A parcel arrived for me this morning, which I was *very* nervous about opening (I sometimes have this fear that a Potential will send an embarrassing gift!). No need to worry... it was a box of Curly Wurlys.

WOW... 60 Curly Wurlys!

The guys know my passion for Curly Wurlys could actually drive me to kill a small child at times! I was tempted to eat them all there and then, but it's much better to savour these delicious little moments. Guys... if you eat them all tomorrow while I'm out I will be again tempted to murder, only this time it won't be small children, it will be you lot!

And the second Yum... The Teacher sent a text! He wants to meet again. A third date ;)

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Vroom vroom

The Whistler... I'm changing him to The Boy Racer (aka complete twat!).

Seriously, this guy was a complete and utter knuckle scraper. I'm still lost for words on how much of a waste of time he was.

Firstly he needed about twenty texts worth of directions to find my place. That doesn't bode well. I mean, it's a big building in a big street... if you need that much instruction to find somewhere, what does that say about you?

So, when he finally gets here, one of his first comments was on the quality of my clubs. OK, they're not Pings, but they work.

Not a good start :(

I'm now sitting in a (souped up) crap car with a neanderthal who some some reason can't look me in the eye, and has only been able to criticise me because I (his words) 'can't afford the best'!

Despise my urge to bail out (I couldn't... my crap clubs were in his boot) we carried on to the range. That's where the fun started.

As I've said, I can actually swing a club, so when I lined myself up I imagined his squat retarded little head was the ball and swung my little heart out. Wallop!!!

Beautiful shot! His reaction was priceless... 'F***ing hell, you've got power, for a babe'.

Sweet :)

You can safely assume we skipped tea. I picked up Voice of Reason early, and played at being guitar hero's instead.

Online dating... swings and roundabouts.

All change

Last night's date was pretty good fun! When I said yesterday I would finally get to see a Potential's abode (not bod!), I actually got to see both!


Now before you all call me a floozie, it was *somewhat* accidental. He was running late, and so when I called he was still in the shower. He ran down the stairs leaving a trail of wet footprints... his modesty covered by only a towel!

Hmmm... knicker twangingly nice (oh, and his place wasn't bad either!)

He can cook too (I should've taken along The Artist's gold stars, as well as The Dentist's champagne!). He rustled up a decent offering (cod and prawn), which we washed down with the freebie Veuve Clicquot.

I quite like this guy, mainly because he has a very open attitude to dating, and doesn't seem to have issues with me dating other Potentials. And it was pretty good to talk about each others dating nightmares!

Him shouting 'so... where do you see us going' as I left I *think* was in jest :)

Now, other Potentials

I had a late lunch arranged today, with The Poulter Wannabe, but he cried off (manflu). But me being me, I've used the window of opportunity to meet The Whistler. So in a couple of hours I've got another range/tea date (he's keen to help me with my swing).

What is it with these guys... I *know* how to swing a club!! Gorgeous H is not only there for me to drool over you know. He's actually taught me a thing or two about golf, and has high hopes for me (likewise honey, likewise!)

Anyway, the sun is out, so I'm up for a couple of hours of flirty fun with the dut. Now... what to wear??

The 'oh so cute' golf skirt has got to be the obvious choice :)

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Out of the woodwork

Firstly, mum... put the hat back in the wardrobe. The Whistler was only sending me a pic of him dressed up for his sister's wedding! Thank the lord!

Now how's this for a blast from my (online dating) past... Sweet Guy. Out of the blue I've got an email off him today. He seemed keen to let me know life was great for him, and was I still enjoying myself??

Then, did I want to meet for a drink. I've generally got a rule of no going back. There are one or two exceptions, but normally it would be too complicated, and I distinctly remember Sweet Guy being *way* too intense.

So no, but thanks anyway!

Tonight's plans have been formed. I'm actually going to The Teachers place. Strangely enough I've realised that in my entire online dating time I've never been to any of my Potentials homes. In some cases I think it may have had something to to with them still living with their parents (or in one case, wife), but some of them did live alone... so why no invite??

So The Teachers place it is. He's going to cook, and I'm going to take along champagne, courtesy of The Dentist (I know, that's a little bit naughty, but it seems a shame to drink it alone!)

I'm really quite excited about this... I think it's the chance to see more than just one bit of a Potential (and you lot sneaking at the back... I mean their abode, not bod!)

Obviously this is not the time for full on swanky outfits, so I'm about to rummage in the wardrobe for something suitable.

Whistle and flute

The Whistler has just sent me a pic... of him in a morning suit?? I'm now wracking my brain trying to work out if I've had any drunken calls with him, and inadvertently agreed to marriage :/

Mrs Robinson

The Artist. For once actually better looking in real life. I spotted him as soon as I walked into the bar. He didn't actually look too 'artisty', if you what I mean (well, once he'd taken off his tweed jacket anyway)

Strangely he'd brought me a pressie of a packet of gold stars, although I'm exactly sure why... maybe my outstanding achievement in the world of online dating?

Our conversation ranged from Marlene Dietrich to Steve Jobs (I know, it's a strange combination), while he supped his hot chocolate. True to form I got stuck into wine at the earliest opportunity :)

The one thing I found slightly strange was his concern about our ages. He's about 4 years younger than me, which in my book doesn't really constitute a 'gap' at all, but one of the first things he asked was if I was OK with that. And a couple of times through the night he quite proudly mentioned he'd never been out with an older woman before!?!

I felt like asking The Barman for my zimmerframe on the way out.

Voice of Reason wanted my verdict as soon as I got home (Christ, that is a sign of getting old... your offspring still up when you get back!). I gave him the gold stars, and he just rolled his eyes, muttering something about me meeting *weird* people!

So, will I be seeing him again? Well, he's seems like the sort of person who would be OK to do lunch with. A coffee shop type date, so maybe.

Anyway, the weekend is here, so what are my plans? Well, Voice of Reason is about for most of it, which has scuppered my original plans of escaping with my Old Friend (please Old Friend, let's do Portugal, soon!), but I'm squeezing in two dates around my parental duties; The Teacher and The Poulter Wannabe.

Tonight is second date with The Teacher. I don't know what we're doing yet, just that it's tonight. Obviously that gives me a little dilemma on what to wear, but I have ideas. He's fairly smart, so I can get away with yesterday's impulse buy!

And tomorrow is The Poulter Wannabe's second chance. I know I was a bit peeved after our first, but he was quite cute, and has invited me for a late lunch, so why not?

Friday, 27 April 2007

Lycra, before breakfast!

So far today things have been interesting. Two emails off The Artist to check tonight's arrangements. What time, and what should he wear?

I was tempted to tell him I find guys in clown outfits extremely attractive! Wear what you like honey... I've got my own clothes dilemma, without worrying about yours!

For me the choice is skinny jeans and boots, or a new dress I picked up on the way to work this morning. This is one of the problems I constantly find on my short stroll to the office... shopping! So many times I've somehow found myself parting with cash for completely unnecessary attire, just because it catches my eye on the way to pick up a pain au chocolat for breakfast!

I blame a sexy builder for today's impulse buy! For the last few weeks there's been a huddle of builders at the end of my street, and one of them has taken to having a chat most days. This morning he said I was looking good (I know... he's a builder - all they do is ogle ladies and he probably says that to all of them!). So, with the knowledge I'm looking good I picked up a sexy little number that I really don't need!

In fact, today's trip to the office actually took almost half an hour, and not the two minutes it should. First, my usual chat to Security, then the sexy builder, and finally a bizarre conversation with one of the guys in M&S about golf and Lycra?!? Really... I'm talking about Lycra with a 60 year old!

Anyway, back to what to wear?!? I think as it's not really a full on swanky date tonight I'll go for skinny jeans. And Bruv... I know you think it would be funny to 'accidentally' be in the same bar at the same time, but I'm not sure it would be fair to spy on me while I'm on a date!

Oh, and a couple of texts last night. One from The Teacher, who's looking forward to another date, and one from Outdoorsy Guy... do I fancy meeting up sometime! Bloody hell, make your mind up! I think I will though... he is very nice, and I do have a new 'City Girl' style dress to try out ;)

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Short messaging service

The Dentist has sent a text back. I'm slightly bemused though... there's no mention of my instructions on how to cook scrambled eggs! He's just said it was great to catch up, and do I fancy a drink sometime?!?

And this evening I checked out The Whistler's profile again to see if there were any clues there on his possible intensity level (although it's kind of clear by the text count), and you know what?? I completely missed his height... he's only 5' 2"!

How cute :/

Strangers in the night

The Teacher... great fun! Now, you may be wondering just what's happened since my last post. How can I tell what he's like so quickly. Well, this guy moves in record time, and in the space of a couple of hours our Mutual Contact went email, text, Skype, phone... and finally Face to Face.

Seriously... Face to Face No.35 (which will make The Artist No.36. More on him later though), was a spontaneous midnight date! Now normally I have oodles of time to spend pampering myself from top to toe, but this was more a frantic rush to switch out of my totally unglamourous PJ's and yeti boots into something a little more ladylike, wishing I hadn't already downed 3 glasses of wine (I did have time to quickly Google him though, just to make sure he was who he said he was)

He showed up, smart, and armed with (more) wine and nibbles. Good man! The last time I had a Face to Face so rapidly it turned out to be a disaster, not this time though... it was pretty good fun. I think one of the things that struck me as refreshing was that he was pretty clued up on the whole online dating malarkey, so there was none of that 'so, where do you see us going' shenanigans :)

And luckily it must've been past The Whistler's bedtime, because the barrage of texts had died down! He's back up to speed today, so my phone has been on silent (to avoid any potential embarrassment)

Now, back to The Artist. Bless... he's emailed to let me know he's nervous about meeting me tomorrow.


Oh, and finally... something to make you laugh. I just got a text off Voice of Reason wanting instructions on how to rustle up scrambled eggs (I know, his cooking skills are worse than mine). So I sent him them by text. Only I didn't... I actually sent them to The Dentist by mistake!

Oops :)

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Cool... a brand new Potential! He's a teacher (I haven't work out what flavour of teacher, but I'm hoping the fact he's educated is a plus). He's launched straight in by asking to meet, but pointed out he's very disillusioned with online dating as a whole.

Bugger... I don't normally do well with disillusioned guys, but lets see how it pans out. He's probably got expectations higher than Everest!

Picky (him) + Fickle (me) = ??

The Whistler is still frantically wearing the buttons of his mobile out. I've been nervously opening them, just in case he's worked out how to send himself via SMS and pops out of my phone at an inappropriate moment!

Whistle a happy tune

Well, there's a first for everything. I've been doing a bit of 'Mutual Contact' with this guy, on and off since the start of the year (although for some reason never mentioned him here. Thinking back, Jan was a busy month, so he probably wasn't good/bad enough for a mention).

Anyway, we swapped mobile numbers last week, and although his emails are generally one liners, if you stuck all the daily texts together I'd have what would surely amount to War & Peace by now (in terms of words, not intellectual content). Seriously... it's running into hundreds. I usually reply to about two of them!

Today I'm just about to nip out to lunch, and my phone blinks away... a new message. So I open it, and he's only sent me a sound one! I didn't even know you could do that. So my esteemed colleagues were all treated to a rather loud wolf whistle!?!? Shit!

Note to self: do not open texts off The Whistler if there's anyone close

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Land of nod

The Artist wants to meet on Friday evening... in my local(ish) for a hot chocolate?!? Hot chocolate on a Friday evening, in a cocktail bar... hell, why not go the whole hog and go for Horlicks and an early night.

What can I say... he's an artist!

I'm not too sure about this guy, as he seems a little unsure of the whole 'email etiquette' thing. I'm sure I've mentioned this before... you send one, I send one, until eventually one of us gets bored, or we meet and realise we're not suited at all. The other night he sent an email, and then another one half an hour later, to ask if he'd offended me. Why?? Because I didn't reply to his earlier one :/

I was in the bath... I know I make a real effort to 'actively date', but I do have to perform basic functions like eating, bathing, and sleeping. He's beginning to come across as insecure, which as you know is the thing that freaks me the most.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

No, no, no

Nobody is ever going to get away with critising Gorgeous H... no one!!

Get that, Poulter Wannabe. It's just not on!

I guess by now you can tell the date didn't go too well. He turned up in the same pink outfit (not a brilliant start... I actually thought he'd worn it for a joke!!). I didn't tell him I'd had a fairly awesome lesson with Gorgeous H before the date.

The lesson was actually a blast, and Gorgeous H was inspired. We worked on a new type of swing, which although looks a *little* different than normal, actually worked really well and even Gorgeous H was excited about it. I've now got more homework (4 weeks worth).

So all swung up I was ready to play with the Poulter Wannabe.

I line myself up at the first, blank out the Poulter Wannabe and swing. Bloody perfect... possibly the most perfect drive I've ever had! Straight and powerful. But the Poulter wannabe was mystified.

He questions my swing, and wonders who on earth has taught me to play that way! Who??? Only the best honey... only the best!

By now I know the date is going to go downhill... a man in pink, questioning both my (new) style of play, and possibly the fabbest instructor in the world is just wrong. I'm sorry, but it really is a case of love me, love my instructor (or at least keep your criticisms to yourself!). I'm moving up a gear in the world of golf if I do my homework, and no dodgily dressed Potential is holding me back.

I skipped the offer of a meal afterwards :(

Other news... I do have a new Potential. He's an artist, who I may have inadvertently passed on my bike today (my bike... now there's a whole new little foible of mine. I bought one today, and after finally working out how to put the bloody thing together I had a little run about on it. Yes Climbing Friend... I did sort out the tyres!).

Anyway, The Artist has sent me a host of emails, so I've established he likes chocolate (and would be an orange Revel), red wine, and is left handed (I've not actually sure how that came up... I've never known any of my Potential's primary limbs before, but what the hell!).

Friday, 20 April 2007

The shame :(

It's been pointed out to me this morning by my Old Friend that in my last post, where I was being all high and mighty about spelling and grammar I actually misspelled my latest Potentials name... he's the POULTER Wannabe, not the POUTLER Wannabe. Only a golfer would've spotted that mistake!

I could've snuck in and edited the original... thereby retaining my 'holier than thou' stance, but I'll admit my failing (just the one mind you!!).

I'm going stand in the corner for a while!

Before I do I may as well tell you about a classic description of online dating, sent to me this morning by a 'Potential turned Penpal'... he reckons it's pretty much on a par with pushing a marble up a mountain with your nose!!

And he's only had 4 dates in a year. Imagine how I feel :)

Grammar alert

one paragraph with spelling mistakes and incorrect cApitaliSation is never going to get me winking back at you even if you do have a GSHO and you want bit.

I'm guessing this latest actually means he "won't bite", but maybe I'm wrong... maybe he does "want bit". But of what??? Anyway, I'm not going to email him back to find out. You just know 'Mutual Contact' with him is going to be too much like hard work!

So, another unsuitable binned immediately. Now it's Friday, so what's my dating outlook for the weekend? I've actually got 'Face to Face' No.34 planned for Sunday morning! I'm off for a round of golf and lunch with the Poutler Wannabe. I just hope my 'oh so cute' golf skirt* matches his outfit... but as it's not pink I'm not sure it will!!

I've decided golf dates are my favourite first date. As usual there is going to be a challenge, but I think the reason I like them is that even if you don't actually get on too well it's still fun. And you can easily avoid having to talk too much by just making sure your shots tend to go the opposite side of the fairway, so effectively you meet on the tees and greens... both places where golf etiquette dictates not a lot of talking is supposed to go on. In fact, most of the time the only word I seem to be able to say at both places is 'bugger'. He's going to think I'm coprolaliac!!!

* My Old Friend pointed out last weekend that my 'oh so cute' golf skirt is not *actually* a skirt at all. It's one of those 'skort' thingies. Well, I know, but it's still cute, and does the job of protecting my modesty while I'm teeing up! Old Friend, most of the guys at my club are well past retirement age... I don't want to be giving them a heart attack every time there's a slight breeze :)

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Valeas, lacerta!

It seems like I seized the wrong day (or should I say date!)

Sun Reader... that's what tonight's 'Carpe Diem' was! For those of you not familiar with the British tabloids, The Sun must rank as possibly the trashiest piece of shite known to man.

I was saved the torture of listening to this guy vent his spleen about most of society by a fabulous old friend (not *the* Old Friend) who I used to climb with. Climbing Friend sent me a text (actually asking for this blog address), while I was in mid flow, arguing about the Navy!

When I say arguing... it's bloody difficult to have any kind of rational debate with someone who seriously believes everything he reads from a tabloid that has less substance than a comic.

After I got the text (Climbing Friend... I owe you big time for the interruption!) it was easy for me to escape, on the pretence than Voice of Reason needed me back home! I almost ran out of the bar... stopping only to give The Barman a thumbs down.

And here's the big yuck... I've had an email off him this morning (Sun Reader that is... Voice of Reason isn't quite at the stage of emailing me yet!). After the standard 'Sorry' bit, he then goes on to tell me he actually found my passion attractive, and that he wants meet up (apparently for *more* than a drink) again soon.

Oh dear :(

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Carpe diem

My stars for today said "... there are opportunities for romance or companionship, but you must create the magic yourself. Find the courage to seize the moment and make something happen". I'm not actually a huge believer in astrology though... if there's good words like 'romance', 'magic', 'wine' or 'lottery' then great, but otherwise I tend to ignore them!

But today I've seized the moment, and in a couple of hours I'm off out for a glass of wine. 'Face to Face' No.33!

So... who's the lucky Potential then??

Well, he's a local guy who I actually started 'Mutual Contact' with at the end of last year (if I had time I'd go back through the blog to find him, but I'm on a tight schedule here!). He's one of these that kind of come and go, and every now and then he asks me out for a drink. Anyway, this afternoon he sent me an email asking me did I fancy meeting up... and this time I thought 'why the hell not?'

So in a little under two hours I'm meeting him for a drink! I bet you're wondering what he's like?!? Well, so am I really. His emails don't really give that much away, and I haven't checked his profile yet, so this is *kind* of a blind date.

Now, hindsight being the wonderful thing it is, there's now a couple of new rules of dating:

1 - Never tell new Potentials that I've had oodles of other dates (it does kind of shock them! I don't know why... maybe they want to think they're the first; that I've been holding out for them).

2 - Don't mention where I live - at all. Just be vague (I know, I know... easy for me!).

To be honest it's just as well I'm going on a date. The last time I had a cat it came to a rather unfortunate early demise (I *was* only 5), so I'm thinking it's probably not a good idea to take on that kind of responsibility!

Kiss of death

I think it's off between me and Outdoorsy Guy (Bruv... you wanting to meet him must have been the kiss of death!).

Why?? Well, he kind of thinks our lifestyles are too different for us to be in any way compatible! My hobbies are a little different to his, and he actually labelled me a 'City Girl' (maybe he's doing a blog too, and that's what I'm called!).

It didn't get nasty or heated in any way, nor a 'where do you see us going' style, but more in a general hopes and dreams discussion. There I was (as usual) saying I'm happy where I am. He pointed out my place was so far and above where he is, he'd be reluctant to take me back to his place in case I was horrified :(

So I guess he doesn't really get who I am. I've never been one to judge people on where they live, or the job they do, and I'm no snob. I just like where I live, and I do like my lifestyle... it suits me.

I give up. Time to get a cat (obviously a rare and expensive one)

Monday, 16 April 2007

Steady on Bruv!

Just because I'm at the 5th date with Outdoorsy Guy, it doesn't mean I'm ready to introduce him to the family!! I know you want to know if he's good enough for me, but can we at least hang on until I'm in double figures (as in dates with him, not dates in general!)

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Pretty in pink

Outdoorsy Guy is *still* behaving like a normal human being! I have had a couple of texts off him this weekend, about nothing in particular, but not on an irritating scale. And now he even signs off with a kiss... xxx :)

We're having another date tomorrow... the 5th date, and no sign of weirdness! OK there was one *slightly* strange moment when he sent me a picture of a row of dead bodies, but there is a perfectly rational explanation for that. No, really there is... occasionally, in his line of work it's something he comes across, and I was fascinated by it (not to the point of wanting a picture though!)

So date five then... cinema and a couple of drinks :)

Now... the new guy. We've kept up a fair bit of 'Mutual Contact' this weekend, mainly by text. He's a keen golfer, and sent me a picture of him playing. Now, in the world of golf it seems like people's sense of style can fly out the window faster than Tiger's drive (Gorgeous H and myself being notable exceptions!). This guy... he can only be described as a Poulter wannabe. He was sporting an outfit so pink it would've probably looked better on me! I like him... he's obviously got a sense of humour :)

Friday, 13 April 2007

Football crazy

3 hours talking about football!!

Really... I spent that long talking about football last night. Well, I say talking when what I really mean is trading playful insults with each other!

The Football fan was very much that (and only that). We did have a good drink and a good laugh, but I don't think there's anything else to him than his beloved team, and during the next month my team are playing against his at least twice, and we're fighting for top spots in so many ways that one of us is going to be disappointed.

Not me!

Other developments... Outdoorsy Guy sent me a text yesterday, totally out of the blue. It was quite sweet, and because he doesn't normally send any, quite special too (ahhh!)

Ooh, and I've started some 'Mutual Contact' with a new guy. His profile was quite funny, in that he made a point about the perfect online daters date (you know... the walk on the beach, homecooked meal, sofa, wine and DVD combo)... I like him already, so we're at text/Skype stage :)

No dates this weekend though... My Old Friend is coming down for a round of golf, and no doubt oodles to drink! I *was* thinking of nipping to the Bay as the forecast is positively summery, but apparently the new guy is going there with his friends.

I don't really fancy bumping into a Potential, especially as My Old Friend and I seem to have the ability to power drink to the point of collapse... not a good first impression!

Tuesday, 10 April 2007


I didn't have to cook!

I beat him in bowling (of course)
I beat him in tennis (it was close though)
I beat him in golf (Gorgeous H... I did, and it counted as homework!)

We drew the line there... although I was tempted to try boxing too!

We actually had a fantastic evening, and even though I beat him in all the games he didn't seem to mind! And he can cook... proper food with proper ingredients :)

And as I'm blogging this at a respectable hour, you can safely assume there's been no pressure for him to stay... so still not needy, desperate, or clingy. Could this be a completely normal bloke?

All set

Outdoorsy Guy will be here in half an hour! The place is immaculate (I did *think* about going for the whole romantic candlelit effect, but then decided that could become a potential fire hazard during the challenge).

Voice of Reason hasn't stolen the Wii, so we're good to go!

My bloody wrists are still killing me though, which could seriously hinder my attempt to win this. And if I lose it means I'll have to cook... not good, not good at all! In the past I've made people physically sick with my culinary attempts!

Wish me luck :)

Monday, 9 April 2007

countdown is commencing

Thank you Bruv for a fabulous dinner!

As usual the subject of my dating experiences came up. Now, for some reason my Bruv constantly forgets it was actually his idea for me to do this and takes great delight in dismissing everyone on the dating site as 'saddos' (Bruv... that includes me you know!), but he has come up with an idea... an end of year party!!

So on June 17th I'm going to have a celebration. One whole year of dating! I think I'll pass on the idea of actually inviting all the guys I've dated, but it would make for an 'interesting' evening.

Put that date in your diaries (don't worry, I'm not going to make it a +1... it's my party, and I'll go alone if I want to!)

Talking of dates, I've got a possible new 'Face to Face' (No.32) this week. I'm actually surprised I haven't really mentioned this one, because he's really funny. We've been emailing each other for about a month, but most of the time all we talk about is football (he supports my biggest rivals). So it's all pretty much trading lighthearted taunts!

Anyway, he's emailed to see if I fancy actually meeting up... why not! After all, when asked what Revel he'd be he did answer 'a chocolate one', so there should be no hidden surprises there!

Two dates this week then... a 4th with Outdoorsy Guy tomorrow night, and a 1st with the Football Fan!

And yes Gorgeous H, I am doing my homework (I've got to say my arm is killing me at the moment. I can barely lift my wine glass!)


A date free weekend... that's right! Not a single dalliance with unsuitable Potentials for the entire break!

I have had fun with Gorgeous H though... purely in a professional sense that is. After Friday's abysmal performance my lesson was very much a back to basics one. And get this - I've got homework every night for the next couple of weeks.

At my next lesson I need to demonstrate the perfect swing, and then he's going to video it to make sure I don't slip back into bad habits. When I say bad habits, obviously that's just in the context of golf. I can still drink, smoke and date completely unsuitable guys, as long my stance is perfect in two weeks.

I'm thinking during tomorrow's Wii challenge I may well just play the golf option... at least it will tie in with my homework!! Ooh, and talking of Outdoorsy Guy, I got a text off him this weekend, which I thought was quite sweet. That's the difference with him... when I do get a text it means a lot more, because it's not like he feels the need to constantly let me know of his every movement, day in day out

Now here's a though... I was chatting to my Old Friend the other day, and one of the things that came up was what I'm going to blog about once I've done a year of dating (because I'm definitely not signing up for another year). Well, if I'm not dating I'm generally going to be golfing... and it looks like it's happening a couple of months early. I'm pretty sure my reader base will flit off rapidly though. Sorry Guys, but there's only so many dysfunctional 'singles' I can find. Believe me, I think I've had my fair share!!

And one more snippet of joy from Gorgeous H (I know... back to golf!). As he's now a fully fledged Serious Golf Pro he's going to be on TV this week.

If I can prise the remote control from Voice of Reason I'll Sky+ it :)

Friday, 6 April 2007

the shame :(

Golf... the most annoyingly frustratingly fabulous game. This afternoon was gorgeous, and as my dating life is currently abysmal I've decided to throw myself into the game.

So today... a ladies competition. Now, I know most of the other ladies have been playing since before I was born, but I should now be able to at least keep up.

I blame Gorgeous H for the upset today. I bumped into him before I was due to tee off and we sorted out a lesson for Sunday (the forecast is good, so the 'oh so cute' skirt is out!). Then he goes off to practise his perfect swing.

I always have some kind of mental block on the first tee. It's a combination of things... the tee is in front of the clubhouse, so on a sunny day there's always people milling about... and the practise green is alongside (which is exactly where Gorgeous H was today).

So, I tee up, but out of the corner of one eye I can see a bunch of people enjoying a lunchtime drink, and out of the corner of my other eye I can see Gorgeous H watching to make sure my swing was doing OK. The result (apart from the fact my eyes are both stuck in the corners)... my beautiful swing sends the bloody ball off to the side, landing squarely at Gorgeous H's feet.

Bugger, bugger, bugger :(

Gorgeous H called this evening, to see if I wanted to bring the lesson forward. Um, yes please... I think so, don't you.

Other news... The Twin has now decided I need a complete running commentary on his blossoming relationship, and The Dentist *still* wants to have that drink!

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Mission accomplished

You'll be pleased to know that The Twin's issue has been resolved, and his love life is going swimmingly! Well, that's a relief :)

Mine on the other hand is just as sporadic and unpredictable as usual!!

The Dentist has been in touch again... would it be OK to meet for a drink tomorrow just as friends?!?

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Your call is important

What a strange day. I've suddenly been called on to dole out relationship advice. Me... the person who in 9 months has dated 31 Potentials, rarely got passed three dates, and has obvious 'commitment' issues!!

So, who on earth has asked for my gems of wisdom??

My Twin... that's who!

In a way I should be insulted. I mean, you don't normally start 'Mutual Contact' with someone to get their advice on the opposite sex. But, because we've already established we're going nowhere I don't actually mind. It's kind of nice to see a blokes perspective on things... the dilemma's they have to go through.

You see, I fully understand it's a little more difficult for guys than it is for us ladies. All we have to do is vet the Winks and emails, weeding out the ones that seem *remotely* suitable (or in my case completely unsuitable). Guys generally have to do all the running at the start.

As his new found Agony Aunt I wouldn't dream of disclosing his dating trauma to you lot, but it's taken 4 texts and 3 phone calls today to get things resolved.


Well, oodles of gold stars for Outdoorsy Guy :)

Again, he turned up on time (without letting me know he was on his way), and we popped for a drink before going to the cinema.

And at the cinema he surpassed himself. He was the perfect gent! He didn't mind me stealing half his popcorn (after I'd said I didn't want any of my own)... he didn't mind me squirming in the gory bits, and after the film when we went back to mine for a coffee he didn't get all pushy and intense!

I say coffee, we had a couple of glasses of wine (surprise, surprise)!

We've sorted out our next date (yes, a 4th one). He's still up for doing the Wii Challenge, and the loser is going to cook. Bless, he said he'd bring all the stuff he needed for the meal with him :)

A great date... still no signs of anything other than a completely normal bloke!

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Is it really going to happen?

Baileys Guy... I'm actually thinking of changing his name to Yo Yo Guy. He comes and goes like the moon this one, and seems to have some kind of sixth sense where he *knows* when I've got a date planned.

Why? Well, he's just called, and wondered what I'm doing tomorrow night!

Arghhhhh :)

Tomorrow I'm out with Outdoorsy Guy (who's top of my list remember). So I've had to turn him down AGAIN! We've been having 'Mutual Contact' since Christmas Eve, and still haven't met.

Anyway, he's keen to meet this week, so is going to work out another day when I'm free. Let me see... I've got two dates with Outdoorsy Guy, and two games of golf planned this week already (oh, and hopefully a lesson with Gorgeous H! I don't technically *need* one but it helps with my golf challenges!).

It's going to be a busy week!

a Wii problem

Tomorrows Wii challenge has hit a little snag. Voice of Reason has decided to take the Wii to his nans (Easter hols for the lucky little ones).

I did think about hiding it, or pretending we'd been robbed (and the only thing they took was the Wii) but that would be a little unfair of me, so the challenge has been postponed!

It's actually worked out pretty well, because Outdoorsy Guy still wants to meet up tomorrow, AND has suggested we do the challenge later in the week!

Blimey, two dates in one week with the same Potential... Mum, get your hat!