Monday, 9 April 2007

countdown is commencing

Thank you Bruv for a fabulous dinner!

As usual the subject of my dating experiences came up. Now, for some reason my Bruv constantly forgets it was actually his idea for me to do this and takes great delight in dismissing everyone on the dating site as 'saddos' (Bruv... that includes me you know!), but he has come up with an idea... an end of year party!!

So on June 17th I'm going to have a celebration. One whole year of dating! I think I'll pass on the idea of actually inviting all the guys I've dated, but it would make for an 'interesting' evening.

Put that date in your diaries (don't worry, I'm not going to make it a +1... it's my party, and I'll go alone if I want to!)

Talking of dates, I've got a possible new 'Face to Face' (No.32) this week. I'm actually surprised I haven't really mentioned this one, because he's really funny. We've been emailing each other for about a month, but most of the time all we talk about is football (he supports my biggest rivals). So it's all pretty much trading lighthearted taunts!

Anyway, he's emailed to see if I fancy actually meeting up... why not! After all, when asked what Revel he'd be he did answer 'a chocolate one', so there should be no hidden surprises there!

Two dates this week then... a 4th with Outdoorsy Guy tomorrow night, and a 1st with the Football Fan!

And yes Gorgeous H, I am doing my homework (I've got to say my arm is killing me at the moment. I can barely lift my wine glass!)