Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Kiss of death

I think it's off between me and Outdoorsy Guy (Bruv... you wanting to meet him must have been the kiss of death!).

Why?? Well, he kind of thinks our lifestyles are too different for us to be in any way compatible! My hobbies are a little different to his, and he actually labelled me a 'City Girl' (maybe he's doing a blog too, and that's what I'm called!).

It didn't get nasty or heated in any way, nor a 'where do you see us going' style, but more in a general hopes and dreams discussion. There I was (as usual) saying I'm happy where I am. He pointed out my place was so far and above where he is, he'd be reluctant to take me back to his place in case I was horrified :(

So I guess he doesn't really get who I am. I've never been one to judge people on where they live, or the job they do, and I'm no snob. I just like where I live, and I do like my lifestyle... it suits me.

I give up. Time to get a cat (obviously a rare and expensive one)