Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Your call is important

What a strange day. I've suddenly been called on to dole out relationship advice. Me... the person who in 9 months has dated 31 Potentials, rarely got passed three dates, and has obvious 'commitment' issues!!

So, who on earth has asked for my gems of wisdom??

My Twin... that's who!

In a way I should be insulted. I mean, you don't normally start 'Mutual Contact' with someone to get their advice on the opposite sex. But, because we've already established we're going nowhere I don't actually mind. It's kind of nice to see a blokes perspective on things... the dilemma's they have to go through.

You see, I fully understand it's a little more difficult for guys than it is for us ladies. All we have to do is vet the Winks and emails, weeding out the ones that seem *remotely* suitable (or in my case completely unsuitable). Guys generally have to do all the running at the start.

As his new found Agony Aunt I wouldn't dream of disclosing his dating trauma to you lot, but it's taken 4 texts and 3 phone calls today to get things resolved.