Sunday, 1 April 2007

Is it really going to happen?

Baileys Guy... I'm actually thinking of changing his name to Yo Yo Guy. He comes and goes like the moon this one, and seems to have some kind of sixth sense where he *knows* when I've got a date planned.

Why? Well, he's just called, and wondered what I'm doing tomorrow night!

Arghhhhh :)

Tomorrow I'm out with Outdoorsy Guy (who's top of my list remember). So I've had to turn him down AGAIN! We've been having 'Mutual Contact' since Christmas Eve, and still haven't met.

Anyway, he's keen to meet this week, so is going to work out another day when I'm free. Let me see... I've got two dates with Outdoorsy Guy, and two games of golf planned this week already (oh, and hopefully a lesson with Gorgeous H! I don't technically *need* one but it helps with my golf challenges!).

It's going to be a busy week!