Monday 23 July 2007

My aura

How strange. I put myself back 'on the market' a mere three days ago, but I must be giving off a 'single' vibe. You'll never guess who I got a text off today??


This guy is so interesting. I've never actually met him in what must be eight months of sporadic 'Mutual Contact', and to be honest I'd forgotten all about him. Then today he pops his little head back into my world via the medium of SMS!

Am I *ever* going to meet him?

Well, possibly... but not this week. Via the medium of SMS I also got a message off the Vic Reeves Lookalike. He can't get to email, so wanted to let me know in case I was wondering where he was!

How cute... but I'm actually too busy to be thinking too much about him, because I'm already in full on 'getting ready' mode. I've got hair to tame, a pedicure to do, along with probably 36 hours worth of deliberating about what to wear on Wednesday!

I've decided to put The Golfer off until next week... I'm actually looking forward to getting drunk with the Vic Reeves Lookalike so much I don't want to rush two dates.