OK, maybe I'm not at the cat buying stage just yet! After the disastrous date with The Anthropologist I was seriously tempted to throw the towel in... but every cloud and that!
So, what have I been up to the last few days??
Well, I've had an influx of winks, but I am a little bored of saying the same thing time and time again, so I've narrowed down 'Mutual Contact' to three Potentials. As they say (in the style of Blind Date), here's a quick reminder:
Potential No.1 - A local(ish) Guy. A golfer, who sounds like he's travelled a fair bit. He's got a good sense of humour (he supports Wales in Rugby, and doesn't mind being ribbed about their current performance).
Potential No.2 - Another Local Guy, who seems to like a multitude of outdoor sports (so likely to have his own life, and not be a limpet). He asked if I fancied a drink tomorrow night, but this week I've decided to only go out with real people, so it's a couple* of glasses of wine with a girl friend tomorrow instead.
Potential No.3 - A Dentist (who I could've done with a couple of weeks ago!). This guy actually sounds like great fun, and has offered to take me paragliding ('tandem' style). As I've only had what amounts to 5 or 6 emails I think it's a little too soon to be so physically close to him, but his suggestion of dinner and a couple* of glasses of wine seem OK. Next week (remember, real people only this week)
So, I would say 'The decision is yours', but it's clearly mine. Having said that, after 25 'Face to Face's' I've been incapable of making a wise choice, so maybe I should pass this one on to you!
*Yes, a couple. I'm having a remarkable detox at the moment, and haven't had a drink at all since Sunday :)
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Hold the cats
Monday, 26 February 2007
A lost cause?
Apparently I'm never going to be successful in my search for 'The One' (actually, I'm thinking of downgrading my search to 'The Mildy Compatible One'). According to my mother (thank you mum!) I'm too confident, independant and gregarious to be thought of as girlfriend 'material'.
I think it could be time to buy cats instead :(
Sunday, 25 February 2007
The result
So, the date with The Anthropologist...
I decided not to go on Friday, so we stuck to the original plan of meeting up to watch the rugby. Now, he was nervous as hell, and so wanted to have a bit of a walk before we hit the pub.
But I got a text off him to say he was running late, so to meet him straight in the pub. I got there and he wasn't there, so I fought my way to the bar to get a drink (I think we'd chosen the busiest one in town!). I was just taking my first sip of Guinness when I got a text to say he was outside... they wouldn't let him in because the place was full to the brim.
I've got an almost full pint of Guinness, and my Jubilee date was stuck outside. You can imagine my dilemma... Guinness or Guy, Guinness or Guy!!!
I left him out there 5 minutes while I hastily downed the entire pint (I know, my priorities may be slightly out of order, but it was delicious). He was waiting outside like a nervous lost lamb!
Anyway, we moved on to a quieter bar, and watched the most fantastic game ever. Because I was wearing my teams shirt, after the game I got lots of hugs and kisses off strangers congratulating me... and he was not happy :/
Seriously... every time it happened he asked me if I knew them, or if they were somebody I'd dated!?! Bloody hell... my team had smashed the opposition - it was only right I got kissed by all and sundry :)
What followed almost got nasty, because obviously I took offence at the implication that (a) I was too flirty, or (b) I've apparently dated everyone in this city (I don't think 25 dates constitutes everyone... this is a big place after all!). He kind of spoiled what should've been a fantastic night, and 'Face to Face' was completely different.
Men!!! Honestly... I'm thinking of giving this all up :(
Friday, 23 February 2007
You'll never walk alone
Well, actually if you're anything like The Wine Loving Workaholic you will.
I was umming and ahhing about last nights date, but as he was doing a 5 hour drive to meet me I thought it only fair not to back out. One of the reasons I was thinking about backing out... text speak.
He sent a couple of texts to arrange where to meet, and those of you that know me will know how much I can't stand it. It's OK if you're a teenager and your parents play your bill, but as a fully fledged grown up it's a no no. The occasional abbreviation I can cope with, but when I have to show Voice of Reason the message to get it decoded that's just not good!
Anyway... the date. I think I picked a duff place to go, as there were no distractions at all. He started talking about football (which I actually don't mind). Two hours later he was still talking about football. Even worse, to say he's not particularly found of the team I support is a bit of an understatement. It was awful!
The only other topic of conversation (I say conversation... I mean monologue), was his 'evil' ex, who screwed him for all his money/worldly possessions. The guy had 'issues'. Serious issues :(
Baileys Guy called while he was ranting. I was seriously tempted to take the call!
I still managed to polish off a bottle of wine though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Oh, and why he thought is was a wine lover was beyond me. I chose a Rioja. He said it was a good choice, and that you can never go wrong with French wines :/
Now for more exciting news. The Anthropologist, and tomorrows date!
Not long ago he suggested making tomorrows date tonight! I'm currently deciding, so watch this space :)
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
shivlrus... chivelus... shifflelus... schllrrr
The Anthropologist called! I had a drunken call from him last night. He is really the funniest Potential I think I've had 'Mutual Contact' with... ever.
I had a text first to see if I fancied meeting him for a drink there and then. The Voice of Reason and I were having a night of pancakes and football so I said no (and if I had said yes it would've meant rearranging my 'Face to Face' numbers, and he wouldn't be the Jubilee Date!).
Plus, it's never good practise to be available at the drop of a hat... does he think I have no life!
So he called... and you know how much I love drunken calls! Imagine a two hour call, with someone desperately trying to sound sober (it's not good to attempt the word 'chivalrous' after 5 hours in a pub!)
This morning I had a rather sheepish email off him, where he's apologised profusely for anything and everything he said. I don't think he can remember much , although I did email him to remind him of some of his funniest moments.
I know... cruel, but funny all the same.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
What do you mean, he's not 'The One'?
Thursday I'm out for a meal with The Wine Loving Workaholic. Seems like an OK guy, interesting... his emails are *slightly* on the naughty side, so I'm going to have to watch him a little bit!
The the weekend. The Anthropologist. This guy is fantastic, and for some reason I'm actually very nervous about meeting him (I guess his insecurities are starting to rub off on me). His emails are brilliant, he's funny, intelligent... and even cute!
We're going to watch all the weekend sports... that's three rugby games and football, which technically makes it two dates (I think!)
And JP and Sysadmin Honey... he could be 'The One'. I don't care what I said about Dubliner 1 of 3 (with Wine Cellar), or Local Guy, or Serious Golf Pro. I've just got a feeling about this one!
Now, there's just one problem I can see with this date... watching three rugby games in one day potentially means a *lot* to drink, and those of you that know me well will know what I'm like when I'm drunk... I rapidly lose the ability to speak coherently (and I mean rapidly!) One minute I can be having a (semi) sensible conversation, and the next it's complete and utter gibberish (just ask The Englishman, The Irishman and The Scotsman!).
So, I'm going to have to pace myself all day, and all night! Normally it wouldn't bother me, but I actually really like this guy :)
But hey, if it doesn't work out (as my esteemed colleagues pointed out, I do tend to be a bit fickle) I've had some emails off this new guy today. He's fairly local, and a journalist, and wants to take me out for a drink!
I wonder if he'd be interested in my story?
Monday, 19 February 2007
The Jublilee date!
It's arranged! 'Face to Face' No.25!
Which one though... Baileys Guy or The Anthropologist?? Well, after much texting today (and I have to say a little insight into how nervous he is) we're going to meet at the weekend... me and The Anthropologist, that is :)
Fantastic :)
I'll have to tell you more about it tomorrow... I've been drooling over Hugh Grant for the last couple of hours with She Who Must Be Obeyed (9-5:30), and I'm trying to remember the dance routine from the film!
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Dating experiences
Today I've actually spent some time researching other peoples online dating experiences, maybe to see if they tally up with mine!
And from what I've read, the advice seems to veer along the lines of: It's a shallow, artificial way to meet people, and so best avoided if you're seriously looking for an important person in your life.
That maybe right... but when you get a wink of a 26 year old cute doctor on a Sunday morning, it certainly makes your day :)
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Everything changes
I don't know, I miss one day of writing about my dating exploits and I get complaints! Sorry, sorry sorry! I was just so knackered last night I couldn't muster up the energy to write (hell, I even missed a call of Baileys Guy during the night I slept so well!)
However, during the time I've been away I have arranged another 'Face to Face' (No.24). I'm having dinner on Thursday with The Wine Loving Workaholic!
This guy lives about 4 hours away, but apparently spends a fair bit of time here with work, and so wondered if I fancied joining him for dinner! Why not, I thought. He sounds fairly upbeat (i.e. not bogged down with issues), and sends interesting emails.
The Anthropologist seems keener to meet now too! He's been away for a couple of days, with no email access, but has kept in touch by text. He's apparently missing me (I still don't get how you can miss someone you've never met... Baileys Guy has said that too). He's actually top of my list for today. It seems he and Baileys Guy keep switching first place! I think one of those is going to make the milestone Jubilee Date... which one will be 25?
And I've had a wink and a couple of emails today off a really fab looking guy from Scotland (hmmm... just think of the accent ;)). His profile has him down as an 'explosives expert' (that's as in his job, in case you were confused).
Thursday, 15 February 2007
nudge nudge ;)
First, last night's date. We've already decided we're never going to be an item, so technically it wasn't a date... just a couple of drinks with a friend. But we did end up doing the whole romantic Valentine meal, complete with two bottles of rosé, and he did get me a single red rose (which I've put with the other dozen off Baileys Guy!).
Today has been pretty interesting though. I've had more than the normal amount of winks. I can only think that these guys were not as thoughtful as Baileys Guy or the Valentine Pixie, and they got dumped!
Wink 1 - this guy sounds OK. A self confessed workaholic, who plays a serious game of golf and likes red wine (hang on, that sounds like me!). He's asked if I fancy meeting at the driving range sometime?
Wink 2 - Shudder. Quite a fit looking guy, but in one of his pictures he's wearing Speedos! So wrong, in so many ways!
Wink 3 - A guy with no photo, and what I can only describe as the worst grammar I've seen in a long time... I couldn't even be bothered to read it properly (actually I tried, but it was just too difficult.
Wink 4 - A cute guy from Exeter who said I had a cheeky smile!
And more texts off The Anthropologist. I had another sneaky peak at his profile today, and he's put another photo on there... Wow, he looks fantastic :)
Anyway... I need to get myself ready for Baileys Guy (no, we're not meeting tonight). He's going to call later, and at the moment I sound like the fella of the Tunes advert :(
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
The Valentine Pixie
I worked out who the roses are from! Baileys Guy (who at last count was top of the list anyway).
Roses on Valentine's day, with a cryptic little note! Now, I don't care what people say about how the day is just a commercial ripoff created by Hallmark to con millions of people out of their pennies. They're wrong, it's so romantic :)
What other little romantic gestures did I get:
A text at about 1:30 this morning of a guy I dated back last July (one of the first). He was missing me, and did I want to share champagne with him?!? Well, as I'm not at the stage where I need to recycle old dates, that's a No!
A sweet email and couple of texts off The Anthropologist. So, he's keeping in touch (and his emails are starting to get a little cheeky!). I'm looking forward to meeting him when he gets back.
Some strange emails off a Valentine Pixie, encouraging me to 'look closely around my workspace, for within reach, the secret to life and happiness lies within a Jiffy'... followed a couple of hours later by 'The key to happiness is closer than you think. Reach out and touch - it is within your reach.'
Part of me thought it was spam, and part of me thought it was one of my Work Friends winding me up, but every now and then I kind of surreptitiously (thanks for the word JP) had a little look around my desk, just in case there was an unopened Jiffy Bag!
Eventually I think the Valentine Pixie got bored of me trying to find the 'key to happiness' I had another message practically guiding me to it... and low and behold, under a pile of papers was a jiffy bag, with my name on it!!
By now I'm giggling like hell! I've no idea who the Valentine Pixie is, but all I can say is it knows me so so well, and the gift inside was perfect :) Thank you Valentine Pixie, you're amazing!
Oh, and JP... thank you for my favourite chocolate too (H)!
Music Man... now here's something interesting. He wanted to meet up tonight, but my snotty nose is saying no (or more like 'doh' at the moment). Anyway, he's rung today and wanted to check I'm OK, and how about just a quick drink, 'just as mates' sort of thing. So, I'm thinking I may just nip out for one or two (and tonight, in honour of the most romantic of my Potentials I should at least drink Baileys!)
Happy Valentines Day everyone... I hope you all have a Valentine Pixie :)
Stop press!
I've got flowers!!
My security guard from my place has rung to let me know a bouquet of roses has arrived!! I don't know who they're off yet, but I can tell you whoever's sent them is definitely top of my list ;)
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
No date?
As a serial dater, you'd think the idea of spending Valentines night alone would be horrifying... but that's what I'm doing!!
Seriously... I've no date lined up for tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I've had invites (three off Potentials past and present). There was even a plan with my Old Friend that if we hadn't hooked up we'd do something together (and to be fair, that was actually the most tempting!). So why, after something like 8 months of searching for 'The One' am I staying in?
Because whereas last night my head felt as though it was full of cotton wool, tonight it has been completely emptied and replaced with a bucket full of slime. Seriously... I can't stop the bloody stuff oozing from me nose, and I just feel crappy. So it really wouldn't be fair to put anyone through a night of me constantly sniffing and sneezing.
Unbelievable... the most romantic night of the year, and I'm full up with a cold!
So, forget it's Valentines day tomorrow, and onto my progress with The Anthropologist. Now, yesterday he told me he thinks I'll be disappointed if we actually met up. I must've been able to give him a pretty good response, because I got an email off him today. He's off to London for a couple of days, but would like my number so we could keep in touch. That's better :)
I've had a couple of quite sweet (and even one cheeky) texts off him during the day, and one to say is was secretly pleased I didn't have a date for tomorrow, because he's keen to meet up when he gets back! And I don't think I am going to be disappointed... I noticed his picture today, and he's looks pretty good (I know, I said that about Music Man!)
Ooh, and I've started 'Mutual Contact' with a new local guy today, but more on that tomorrow... I need to go and blow my nose (again!)
Monday, 12 February 2007
43 bulbs
Yesterday's bored lull has become clear now. I woke up this morning with the mother of all colds. Seriously... if a man had what I've got there would be a 5 mile cordon around his bed! So basically I'm wallowing in self pity.
It was a good job I cancelled my second date with Music Man... my brain has currently been swapped with a bucket full of cotton wool! Not cute at all!
Which makes dealing with the emails I've had today a little more difficult.
First Local Guy. We had a really cool date last weekend (mid way though the Irish weekend), and had tentatively made plans for dinner sometime. Tonight I get an email off him to say he's confused about what I think of him, and wasn't sure I was totally serious about him. Yep... the 'where do you see us going' one!
That means I have to somehow construct a reply that doesn't put him off (because at the moment I do like him), but still being vague (hard to do with a head full of cotton wool!)
Then The Anthropologist. Now, I haven't actually met this guy, but we've had fantastic emails back and forth. But tonight his email was kind of on the lines of 'I really want to meet you, but think you'll be disappointed'. Eh? Why don't you let me be the judge of that!
Again, that means I have to somehow construct a reply that doesn't put him off (because at the moment I like him), but still being vague (hard to do with a head full of cotton wool!)
So, potentially two down tonight, only because I can't muster up the enthusiasm or intelligence to deal with these kind of issues. I don't understand why these guys can't just let things just develop.
Anyway, I've more immediate problems at the moment (apart from my sickness). A bulb has gone in my shower room. My place has 43 bulbs, only two of which I can't work out how to change. This happened in my old place, but luckily I moved so didn't have to deal with it. I can't move again, just because I'm in the dark!
I need a tall man who's good with electrics :)
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Sunday evening lull
Uh oh... I think I'm going to go through a phase of getting bored of this dating malarkey again.
I've had a fantastic day today with my beloved family... more rugby, and this time it was a cruel cruel result, but still a fab day. And I just want to point out, in case there's possibly anyone who's confused (because for some strange reason my ditzy aunt was), Croke Park and Phoenix Park *are* different places :/
I'm not sure that simple fact really warranted what amounted to an hours debate, but it was quite funny (in a banging your head against the wall type funny!).
Anyway, why am I bored. I don't really know. I think maybe after I've met one of my Potentials 'Face to Face', and I realise they're not quite 'the one' I get a bit disillusioned. In some ways the build up is actually more fun (but a bit geeky!) than the date itself :(
My mother (bless her) is desperate to see me settle down. She's never had the privilege of being the mother of the bride, and a couple of times today said she really wants to wear that hat. So my Bruv and I are going to buy her one for her birthday... realistically that's the best hope she has for getting to wear one!
Right, what's my possible dating activity this week? I'm supposed to be meeting the Music Man tomorrow night, but I'm shying out of it. Only because I'm tired (oh yeah, and bored), and I can't muster up the enthusiasm to go out!
Still getting pretty cool emails off The Anthropologist (who thought my embarrassing comedy moment was a classic), and I got a good luck text off Baileys Guy before the game today!
So far no date for Wednesday though! Serious Golf Pro has asked if I fancied dinner, but I think if I said yes it would be like stringing him along.
My List
It keeps changing! Music Man is not top of the list anymore. Don't get me wrong, we actually had a fantastic date yesterday (well, apart from the rugby result!). We stayed at the bar across for road for a couple of hours, before heading off for tapas and wine! And get this... we finished the date by having a coffee in the bar downstairs!
That's right... a coffee. My god, I've gone all sensible!
He's a great guy, and I'm sure we'll go out together again... but no spark. I know my Friend from Work told you I found him the most physically attractive (OK, those weren't her actual words, but my mum reads this!), but in real life he wasn't that much like his picture. Don't get me wrong, I don't actually rate people on looks, but I rate people on honesty... and a picture that was taken around ten years ago is not strictly honest, is it?
So back on top of my list is Baileys Guy! When I spoke to him yesterday he asked if it would be OK to send him my address, as he wants to send me something. Now, I'm guessing it's either the items he's stolen from Vegas and Dublin for me, or (as it's Valentines day on Wednesday) could it be flowers?!?
Second on my list is The Anthropologist. His emails are aways really funny, and he seems keen to keep things interesting. None of that "how was your day" stuff from him. In his latest email he's asked if I've had any embarrassing comedy moments!!! It took me ages to reply, because I couldn't stop giggling when I remembered an 'incident' in a supermarket years ago, involving skirts, knots, my bum... enough!
Ooh, Old Friend... I got your cheeky text ;) And yes, I was out on the razz!
Saturday, 10 February 2007
and then confusion!
Baileys Guy!!!
Couldn't get here today due to the snow, so I made alternative arrangements to meet Music Man. Then what happens?
Baileys Guy calls to let me know he's dug his car out, and do I still want to meet up?!?
Arghhhh! I can't do it now - in just 10 minutes it's Face to Face No.23, and as my Friend from Work told you, he's top of my list so the date is on!!
I've promised to call Baileys Guy tomorrow, to sort out another time.
Now... It's a big day for singletons on Wednesday. I wonder if he's free then?
Phew... it's OK, Music Man has just sent me a text. We are indeed meeting today!
So 'Face to Face' No.23 is a mere two hours away! (Sorry, Baileys Guy... but if you're going to let a little bit of snow stand in your way I'm afraid I can't wait for you!).
Now, Friend from Work... even though Music Man *is* top of my list (well, my Potentials List... not my Friends List, or my Work List), I promise to be good!
And back to me!
First of all a big thank you, and a round of applause to my Friend from Work, for the guest spot last night (I returned the favour and did her blog for her... it was so funny reading them back this morning - is 'pished' a real word?)!
I'm thinking she can do a regular spot... her drunken honesty is quite fantastic
There's a couple of points I really need to clear up though;
Old Friend... what can I say. You know what it's like, you have a few drinks and start talking about conquests. I can't help it if you're top of my list ;)
Music Man... What my Friend from Work *actually* means is that out of all my current Potentials I find you the most attractive!
Which is damn lucky, as I've got a date with him today!! Originally we were going to meet on Monday, but he's now stuck here (couldn't get to Scotland because of the bad weather), so we've arranged to meet up today to watch the rugby and a 'couple' of drinks later :)
At least I *think* that's the plan. I vaguely remember a drunken call last night (I think we were both tipsy, so you can imagine the conversation!!), and I'm sure I'm supposed to be meeting him today. If only I could remember where, and what time!
I should call him and ask but my next task is to reply to The Anthropologist, who sent what looks like an essay last night. Drunken calls, drunken emails, drunken texts, drunken Friends from Work... I had a full set last night :)
Anthropology and Baileys by friend from work
Coming to you as a guest blogger from Ms Jones lounge floor. Introducing 'Friend from work' and 'She Who Must be Obeyed (Monday-Friday)'. We are both pissed as farts on Rose' wine. The deal is I (friend from work) get to do Ms Jones blog and she gets to do mine....
First, Serious pro golfer stop with the shite poems. We all think you are a wussy, not to mention the fact that we know you copy and paste them. Especially considering the fact that the latest refered to your so called soul mate as the 'man of your dreams'. Christ Almighty.
Second 'old friend', I am SO on to you. You ho.
Third, Music man, you are in luck. As it happens, Ms Jones has in confidence expressed her willingness to bone you.
Fourth, I am so fucking funny.
I digress, I a hoping for a weekly spot on the ol' Ms Jones blog. If you like what youve seen tonight dont be afraid to speak up. All it takes is a few glasses of wine!
That is all...
Thursday, 8 February 2007
I'm officially his ideal woman!
Who's ideal woman? Well, to be honest I'm not really sure. I got an email off a new Potential, who said as long as I could rustle up a chicken curry I would be officially his ideal woman... so how were my cooking skills?
There's a reason I haven't mentioned my cooking skills on my profile... I have none! In the past I've actually made people physically sick with my attempts at lasagne, and I still remember one time I held a dinner party for some of my dearest friends, and they popped out to get a takeaway between courses! Then there was that time I burnt custard, played dumb and served it up anyway.
Smell, what smell... doesn't custard always smell like that?
So, you get the picture... Nigella Lawson is not really one of my role models. Not when M&S (or my Bruv) can do all the hard work for me!
Anyway... apart from the fact I'm not going to live up to his culinary expectations, he actually seems like a very interesting guy. Only 30, and studying Anthropology (I'm going to have to look that up on Google later!)
Where am I with the others...
Baileys Guy. He wanted to meet up tonight, and as much as I really wanted to, I've got a busy busy day in work tomorrow, where a hangover is not an option. Get me, being all sensible! So, it looks like we're rearranging (again) for the weekend.
Now, this reminds me of when I finally met Dubliner 1 of 3 (with wine cellar). I think we spent so log emailing and phoning that by the time we'd met and had a couple of dates I'd already gone off him (or was it because he wanted to move across the road to be nearer?). Whatever the reason, I hope my illusions are not shattered when I finally meet Baileys Guy... he's still top of my list!
The Music Man. He's currently winging his way to Scotland for this weekends rugby match. I got an email off him reminding me it was my choice (and his treat) where we go on Monday. It's a difficult choice really... do I go for cheap but fair, or somewhere nicer.
The Wine Taster. Not sure about this guy. His emails are a bit "how was your day?". I get bored by that very quickly.
The One Who Thinks I'm Feisty. Funny... he had the cheek to question why I hadn't replied to an email he'd sent last night! Now who's being feisty, eh?
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
A feisty little minx?!?
What's how I was described today... as a feisty little minx!
This is from a brand new Potential! I was all set to respond with a curt but humorous reply, until I noticed one of his turnoffs was sarcasm. Then I decided 'sod it' and sent it anyway :) He actually doesn't sound too bad, and maybe he thought it was a better opener than the usual "Hi, I love your profile" one.
And remember the Sweet but shy Potential from last week? Well, I have to say, I'm bored of him. Every single email STILL starts with "I'm not sure how to do this, but...", and then continues with some fairly banal babble. I just can't muster up the enthusiasm to keep coaching responses out of him any more, so he's off the list!
Oh, and here's yet another little thing I've found that really bloody irritates me with guys profiles... you know that bit where you put what the last thing you read was (and in what seems like 90% of the time it's the Da Vinci Code)? Well, even more annoying are the "funny" guys who put "last read - this question (lol)".
And look, there's another thing... I hate it when people put 'lol'. If I want to laugh at something, I really don't need a prompt to do it. I just just imagine a date with one of these guys... would they hold up little cards with 'lol' on when they'd finished telling a joke or an amusing little anecdote, to remind me they're so funny?
I'm going for a lie down. I've obviously taken the 'feisty little minx' description to heart a little!
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
I am a music man
I know, I know... you're dying to know how it went with Baileys Guy!
Well, actually it didn't happen. Vague arrangements to meet someone when there are 72,000 people converged on the city is not the best idea! Before, during and after the game I think we must've sent each other a host of texts, and at one point he tried to call... but eventually we missed each other!
He called a couple of times yesterday, and it looks like we'll meet sometime later this week!
Now... those two new Potentials I mentioned last time.
The first one actually seems very cool. His emails are as funny as a cartload of monkeys! He's got some kind of job in the 'music industry', and seems very intelligent and articulate (apart from one strange email he sent on Saturday night, when he was clearly drunk... but then who am I to judge on peoples drunken behaviour!!).
Anyway, we've already arranged a 'Face to Face' (I think this is No.24, or if Baileys Guy ducks out No.23). Next Monday... and I get to choose what we do :)
The next Potential has got what I can only describe as my dream job... he's a wine taster!!! He 'Seems Nice' (tm) , so obviously 'Mutual Contact' is a must. I want him to take me to work with him :)
Sunday, 4 February 2007
an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman
Don't worry, those are not new Potentials, it's just certain members of my extended family and friends who want a mention, so here goes:
The Englishman... yes, your boobs ARE bigger than mine.
The Irishman... remind me again of your 'cunning plan'.
The Scotsman... Why Lobster?
Anyway, back to me! It's mid way through the Irish weekend (and so far my liver is holding up!). Yesterday's date with Local Guy was pretty cool.
Golf first... The challenge yesterday was a bit bigger than normal. If I won not only did I get tickets for the rugby, but also drinks after with various members of the Irish Rugby squad (and as my mother is dead set on me marrying Brian O'Driscoll it would be the perfect opportunity to suss him out!). There was also the standard side bet that whoever loses their ball first buys a bottle of champagne!
I'll never understand why guys fall for that bet. They generally hit the ball way further than me, but it only takes one bad shot for it to be in the trees, and at this time of year (when there's all manner of leaves and mush about) it's really difficult to find your ball. I can always see where mine is, because it doesn't go that far!
So, by the 4th I'd won my champagne! Actually, I wish the bet had been a bottle for each ball lost. If it had I could well be opening my own branch of Oddbins now... I think he lost in the region of 10 balls!
One thing he didn't lose was the game. He won by two holes :(
My excuse... well, I haven't got one really. We were all square until the 17th, but he pulled it back on the last two :(
So, I've lost out on drinks with my mothers ideal man!
After the game we had a drink, and he was all up for tagging along last night to meet my extended family and friends. At that point I felt it was only fair to mention that not only were my lot probably going to be 'slightly drunk', but he'd also come face to face with the member of my beloved family who knows him really well!
Faced with that he understandably decided to give it a miss!!
However, we have arranged another date this week!
Right... there's loads more to say (including details of two new potentials!), but I need to get ready! Today is rugby, and my 'Face to Face' No.23 with Baileys Guy :)
Friday, 2 February 2007
Serious Pro Golfer is completely off the list now. Here's a quick run down of the shenanigans this week...
Tuesday he emailed to say he'd call around 10ish - no call.
Wednesday he emailed to say he'd call around 10ish - no call.
Thursday he emailed at twenty past nine, to say he was going to call - no call.
This morning he asked why I hadn't been in touch?!?
So, naturally I just let him know he was a tad confusing!
Then, this afternoon he emailed (with usual soppy poem), to let me know he was about to book us a Valentines trip. So, I emailed him back to tell him to hang on for a little while... so I could sort out my leave.
Immediately he emailed me back to let me know he was going to be away for three weeks, and we'll catch up when he gets back?!?
Now, call me stupid, but if he's away anyway, why did he want to book a trip. I'm actually beginning to think I'm talking to two completely different people. Whatever the case it's way too confusing.
My head hurts, so I'm off for a drink!
Thursday, 1 February 2007
A simple life?
Ooh... things are starting to get a little complicated!
This weekend... the rugby weekend. It all started off so easy... Drinks with my beloved extended family and friends tomorrow night; golf on Saturday with Local Guy; oodles of drinks with my beloved extended family and friends on Saturday night.
Then Sunday... meet up for drinks with beloved extended family and friends; rugby; then I guess more drinks. At some point I'm going to meet Baileys Guy!
Monday... stay in bed all day to recover!
So, whats so complicated about that?
Well firstly, as you probably know by know I can't play a round of golf without there being some sort of challenge. Normally it involves champagne and dinner. Well, Local Guy has upped the ante a little. If I win, not only is he going to provide the champagne, but we're going to drink it after the rugby, along with what sounds like both the teams playing on Sunday!
All I can say is WOW!!!
So far I can live with that.
Next complication... As I said, after the golf game, I'm heading off for oodles of drinks with my beloved extended family and friends. Now Local Guy is up for tagging along too! I don't actually mind, but here's where ANOTHER complication comes into play.
I think I've mentioned we have a common interest. Well, if he does tag along he's going to come face to face with that common interest... one of my beloved family knows him really really well!
So, should I mention it, or carry on and hope he sees the funny side? I think he will, and my beloved family member thinks he will (and she actually knows him a lot better than me!).
Next complication... The day of the rugby game. I'm having my 'Face to Face' No.23 with Baileys Guy at some point that day. We've deliberately left it vague because there are going to be 72,000 people hanging about, he's got plans, and I've got plans. But the potential spanner in the works is if I actually win the game of golf, and have the opportunity to drink champagne with Local Guy (who I like a lot remember!) AND oodles of fit rugby players, am I going to want to meet Baileys Guy?
What to do, What to do??
Where streams of whiskey are flowing
I love getting drunk calls... seriously, I do. It always makes me giggle when somebody is desperately trying to appear deep and meaningful, when in reality they're struggling to string a sentence together.
So getting TWO drunk calls off Baileys Guy was fantastic!
Last night he called. He's stuck in Dublin for an extra night, and is still missing me (I can never quite get how you can miss someone you've never met, but I *kind* of know what he means!).
Being stuck in Dublin doesn't really sound like much of a hardship to me, and by the sound of him I don't think it was much of a hardship to him either... he certainly seemed to be enjoying the traditional Irish hospitality!
So, after a 20 minute chat we've arranged to meet up sometime on Sunday, either before, during, or after the rugby!
'Face to Face' No 23 then, and it's about time too... I seem to have been having 'Mutual Contact' with Baileys Guy for what seems like an age!
That makes it two dates this coming weekend :)
Oh, and the second drunk call... it was pretty much along the lines of the first (I *think* he may have forgotten parts of the first conversation!). He obviously doesn't stick to the 'don't call potentials when drunk' rule either!