Friday, 23 February 2007

You'll never walk alone

Well, actually if you're anything like The Wine Loving Workaholic you will.

I was umming and ahhing about last nights date, but as he was doing a 5 hour drive to meet me I thought it only fair not to back out. One of the reasons I was thinking about backing out... text speak.

He sent a couple of texts to arrange where to meet, and those of you that know me will know how much I can't stand it. It's OK if you're a teenager and your parents play your bill, but as a fully fledged grown up it's a no no. The occasional abbreviation I can cope with, but when I have to show Voice of Reason the message to get it decoded that's just not good!

Anyway... the date. I think I picked a duff place to go, as there were no distractions at all. He started talking about football (which I actually don't mind). Two hours later he was still talking about football. Even worse, to say he's not particularly found of the team I support is a bit of an understatement. It was awful!

The only other topic of conversation (I say conversation... I mean monologue), was his 'evil' ex, who screwed him for all his money/worldly possessions. The guy had 'issues'. Serious issues :(

Baileys Guy called while he was ranting. I was seriously tempted to take the call!

I still managed to polish off a bottle of wine though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Oh, and why he thought is was a wine lover was beyond me. I chose a Rioja. He said it was a good choice, and that you can never go wrong with French wines :/

Now for more exciting news. The Anthropologist, and tomorrows date!

Not long ago he suggested making tomorrows date tonight! I'm currently deciding, so watch this space :)