Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Hold the cats

OK, maybe I'm not at the cat buying stage just yet! After the disastrous date with The Anthropologist I was seriously tempted to throw the towel in... but every cloud and that!

So, what have I been up to the last few days??

Well, I've had an influx of winks, but I am a little bored of saying the same thing time and time again, so I've narrowed down 'Mutual Contact' to three Potentials. As they say (in the style of Blind Date), here's a quick reminder:

Potential No.1 - A local(ish) Guy. A golfer, who sounds like he's travelled a fair bit. He's got a good sense of humour (he supports Wales in Rugby, and doesn't mind being ribbed about their current performance).

Potential No.2 - Another Local Guy, who seems to like a multitude of outdoor sports (so likely to have his own life, and not be a limpet). He asked if I fancied a drink tomorrow night, but this week I've decided to only go out with real people, so it's a couple* of glasses of wine with a girl friend tomorrow instead.

Potential No.3 - A Dentist (who I could've done with a couple of weeks ago!). This guy actually sounds like great fun, and has offered to take me paragliding ('tandem' style). As I've only had what amounts to 5 or 6 emails I think it's a little too soon to be so physically close to him, but his suggestion of dinner and a couple* of glasses of wine seem OK. Next week (remember, real people only this week)

So, I would say 'The decision is yours', but it's clearly mine. Having said that, after 25 'Face to Face's' I've been incapable of making a wise choice, so maybe I should pass this one on to you!


*Yes, a couple. I'm having a remarkable detox at the moment, and haven't had a drink at all since Sunday :)