Tuesday, 6 February 2007

I am a music man

I know, I know... you're dying to know how it went with Baileys Guy!

Well, actually it didn't happen. Vague arrangements to meet someone when there are 72,000 people converged on the city is not the best idea! Before, during and after the game I think we must've sent each other a host of texts, and at one point he tried to call... but eventually we missed each other!

He called a couple of times yesterday, and it looks like we'll meet sometime later this week!

Now... those two new Potentials I mentioned last time.

The first one actually seems very cool. His emails are as funny as a cartload of monkeys! He's got some kind of job in the 'music industry', and seems very intelligent and articulate (apart from one strange email he sent on Saturday night, when he was clearly drunk... but then who am I to judge on peoples drunken behaviour!!).

Anyway, we've already arranged a 'Face to Face' (I think this is No.24, or if Baileys Guy ducks out No.23). Next Monday... and I get to choose what we do :)

The next Potential has got what I can only describe as my dream job... he's a wine taster!!! He 'Seems Nice' (tm) , so obviously 'Mutual Contact' is a must. I want him to take me to work with him :)