Monday, 28 August 2006

Two dates down (the pan)

Time for an update. I'm slowly getting the picture of some of these guys doing online dating. Needy... desperately needy.

I don't get it. Sunday... good day at golf. One funny moment after the game, at the dinner/presentation. Chatting to the gentleman (they really are gentlemen at the club) I'd played with, and he asked me if I had a "regular man" in my life?? Ummm... I'm thinking, it depends what week you ask me!

So the date after. I had a nice time. Sweet Guy is a sweet guy indeed, but he's started to go the way of some of the others... too much too soon. All I want is a laugh, and the odd date. Instead I get the "where do you see us going"? Question!! It seriously puts me off.

And then today. A fabulous sounding date with (Not) Earthy Kind. The All Star Cup, lots of celebrities, nice lunch, a couple of glasses of wine.


Yes... until I get the "where do you see us going?" question... again!!

A good date spoiled.

Now, I know by default these guys are looking to meet someone new because they're doing online dating (I am too), but getting all heavy after just one or two dates freaks me out a little. It doesn't bode well for the future when they mention I don't seem to have a lot of time for them, but hey... I work full time, I'm a mum, I've got a beloved family to scrounge food off, and a time consuming hobby (that's golf, not dating!!). This dating was supposed to compilment my life, not complicate it.

So I'm going through my list now crossing off any with even have a hint of neediness (including the guy who's name I mixed up, who still calls every day. If someone had done that to me I'd be seriously peeved).

However, I have just had a really cool chat with New One (rugby fan). He sounds cool... suffering from a hangover, AND he's had a busy weekend - so not poised ready to pop the dreaded question (I hope!). We're hoping to meet up later this week :)

And Dubliner 1 0f 2 (with Wine Cellar) has sent a fab email. Now he's definitely my favourite. No routine to his calls or emails. No serious questions, and he's far enough away not to be in my pocket (and he has wine!)
