Saturday, 5 August 2006

Famous last words

what was it I wrote yesterday??

That's right - Unless of course, I get a date...

And I have!!

My email box was positively bursting this morning. SIX emails off new people (I seriously haven't got time to run through them all yet), and continued 'Mutual Contact' from Cute from Devon (who's nursing a hangover), the New Potential (Local), plus of course the Dubliners.

So New Potential (Local) wants to go for a drink tonight!!! OMG, I'm never going to get ready in time!

Quite funny really, he asked me to pick where to go. anywhere as long as it's not too loud. Ummm... remember the council have set up the festival in my garden... the whole of town is currently blaring, and will be ALL NIGHT!!! I think they're also draining the electricity from the Internet, as this connection is decidely ropey!

So I've picked the bar that's:
a) closest to me
b) pretty much closest to the noise!

I've still managed to wangle tea with my beloved family - but get this... I did provide food for them lunchtime. I did, honestly... a fab lunch of ham sandwiches :)

Ok... I've got a manicure to do, hair to try and tame, and probably 14 outfits to try on before I exasperataly decide I've got NOTHING to wear!

Ooh, and Cute from Devon to email back, while he's on a roll with words!

Fingers crossed for this 'face to face'