Sunday, 6 August 2006

A second date

So, New Potential (Local) wants to see me again! I've had a text, and an email off him to say he had a lovely evening, and can we meet up later this week! How cool is that?

Usual problem with time though... I've discovered today it's so not good to play what amounts to two full rounds of golf in the blistering heat with a raging hangover!! Lord, I'm so dehydrated I can't even cry!

He wants to meet Friday evening, but I've booked myself in for 3 rounds next weekend, so this is going to require some very careful planning!

I'm tempted to meet him somewhere I have to drive to, thereby limiting my drinking options.

I've tried to wangle my youngest niece in to being my PA, but she's like a mini me... so absolutely the worst person to pick to organise my life! It took her hours to work out my birthday present list (Honey... four presents, four guys. Simple)

I've had time this evening to catch up on the flurry of winks and emails from yesterday. I'm fairly undecided about them all at the moment... apart from a guy in Coventry who looks interesting, so I've emailed him back.

And I've had the time to properly read Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar)'s long email that almost made me late last night. He's just one rose away from a dozen now. Again, a fab email :)

Yes, Cute from Devon... it would be nice to meet you. Is mid September OK?

Oh, and Bruv... I've worked out I can actually eat 231 mini weetabix or 268 mini oatibix completely guilt free, with the amount of exercise I've done today! I know mum thinks we're both idiots, but sometimes I just *need* to know these trivial things!

With that in mind, a glass of wine now won't hurt... surely?