Sunday, 6 August 2006


OK... mega mega hangover! That can only mean one thing right?

I had a good time :)

Rushed like hell to get ready, although I blame Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) for that... I got an email off him about ten minutes before I was due to go, and his words always stop me in my tracks!! So my last minute panic about what to wear disappeared very quickly.

So, he didn't seem to mind that I'd dragged him to the loudest place in town, and as between us we polished off two bottles of red he gets a thumbs in in my book.

Am I seeing him again? Of course! This online dating thing really works :)

I still haven't had time to go through the other new Potentials, and as it's Bruv's birthay today I'm going to be pushed to have time! Maybe later!

Happy Birthday Bruv... I'd bake you a cake, but you'd probably recoil. See you on the course - with your lovely bag ;)