Checking my emails today (just in case Cute/Sexy Potential has sent a little snippet of fun... which he had!), and I noticed a very odd new guy.
His profile has apparently been written by Winnie the Pooh! Winnie would like to know if I would like to take his friend out sometime. He likes hugs (that's his friend, not Winnie :/)
You couldn't make this up. I need to get myself off this site, soon!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
For real?
Monday, 27 August 2007
Slow but steady progress
Cute/Sexy Potential called! We were chatting away on MSN this morning, and he was toying with the idea of coming to meet me, so we swapped numbers! Then I scooted off to my beloved family for lunch (thank you Bruv for the delicious food... and thank you Mum for your complete faith in my ability to find a man!)
No text of Cute/Sexy though :(
So, when I got home I checked my emails, and there was one off him. Apparently he's dying to come down, but is still nervous that I'm going to be disappointed!
Dear god man... do I have to go up there and drag you out!!!
So, we had another little chat on MSN a bit earlier, and we've arranged to meet next weekend!! He said he'd give me a call, so we could get to know each other a bit more, then all of a sudden the phone rang!
I put on my best telephone voice... it was him! We only had a 5 minute chat because he had some friends on their way over, but he said he was feeling brave! I say it was a chat, but really we both just giggled!
Not long after I got a sweet text off him, to say I was "lovely... posh, but lovely". I sent him one back to let him know I was off to give the ponies their champagne :)
So, I'm going to have a 'Face to Face' (No.45) with probably the sexiest Potential I think I've seen.
Jolly good show, yah :)
Saturday, 25 August 2007
"I'm not like the others"
A typical conversation....
New Potential: "Hi... I loved your profile (insert some kind of compliment here)... wanna chat"
Me: "Sure... how's you" (plus oodles of other words... I don't do one liners remember!)
NP:blah blah "do you have MSN?"
Me: "I do, but is it OK for me to get to know you a little better here first?" blah blah
NP: "OK, but I'm telling you, I'm not like all the others here"
Me (tongue in cheek): "I'm sure you're not..."
This Mutual Contact kind of bounces back and forth a bit, and I eventually give out my MSN id.
A typical MSN conversation (with same Potential)...
NP: "Hi sexi... wat u up 2" (note the rapid change to tXt skP :(
Me: "Hi there"
NP: "So, wanna meet up l8tr for a coffee?"
Me: "not tonight... maybe some other time though"
MP: "I'm horny now... dun u wanna help a fella out?"
Me: Right Click, Block
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Bruv... I *am* trying!
Thank you Bruv, for your Skyped words of wisdom... "isn't it time you actually found a boyfriend?". Um... don't you think I'm trying!
Anyway, this guy... the one I really quite like. Well, he's been emailing me every day (pretty good stuff too... a mix of a bit about him, funny stories, and the odd hint of naughtiness!). Today we've gone to second base and swapped msn id's!!
I know, steady on!
So far there's only one downside... I mean, he's very cute/sexy 'looking', and seems like a lot of fun, but I think he's a little hung up on the whole 'why on earth do I like him'.
Apart from the cute/sexy mix, I think it's because he doesn't seem in too much of a rush to jump in with those hints of neediness that scare me off. In fact, I'm almost at the stage of asking HIM if he wants to meet up. Look at me, doing all the running!
Changing the subject a little... this will make you giggle/throw up. This freebie site and it's Instant Messaging can sometimes be a little too revealing. This guy I'd been chatting to for a couple of days popped up the other day. In the corner of the IM window there's a little pic of the person you're chatting to.
What I didn't know was this can also be used for video... all of a sudden his pic goes away, and is replaced by moving images of this delightful chap NAKED!!!
Yuck, Yuck, Yuck... I almost spat my coffee over my cute new Mac!!!
Oh, and ex Potential, who seems to be just as addicted to dating and wine as I am. Yes... a drink (or 4), and an evening swapping stories is a must :)
Monday, 20 August 2007
a victim of my own success
The new site has some 'features' that although sound pretty good, they're kind of hindering the path of true love!! Why?
Well, on this site if you like someone you can add them as a 'Favourite'. Now, I thought that's just a way of 'bookmarking' someone, But no.. it seems this is like some kind of popularity contest!
Initially I though that was great. I mean, there's nothing better than looking at your profile and seeing that 'x' or 'xx' number of people have added you as a favourite. I know all it means is 'xxx' number of people have bothered to click an extra button, just for me!
But, here's the flip side. If you start chatting to someone who you think is really cool, do you add them to your 'favourites' list?? I'm a bit lazy, so generally I don't.
Somehow I've ended up on 'xxx's peoples favourites. It could be my charm, or it could be the carefully selected pic... I've no idea, but it feels good :)
But there's this guy I've been talking to for a couple of weeks (who I really like), and we were on the point of setting a date, until this:
He's on 'x' people favourites, and I'm on 'xxx' peoples favourites. So he's all concerned about where he fits in!
How do you say' top of my list' without sounding too needy?
Sunday, 19 August 2007
And again... GRRRR!
Since my last post I've had another bunch of texts off The Golfer. I don't get this at all. Normally if you 'dump' someone, you just leave it at that, right?
Not The Golfer.
Do I still want to be friends (no... I hardly know you).
Do I still want golf lessons (no... I'll stick with Gorgeous H, but thank you for the offer).
What am I up to tonight (well, as I was planning to go out with him, pretty much nothing)
My god, this guy is just not getting it, is he! He's seeing someone else, I'm pretty cool about it, but don't feel a massive desire to keep some kind of 'non dating' text friendship going on.
Why on earth would I? He drove me mad with all those texts anyway!
In a complete turn of events it's all off with The Golfer. This guy is so odd... all week he's been maxing out his text allowance, then today he sent one to let me know he's 'kind of' seeing someone, but it's 'complicated'.
He likes her, but she's got a busy life and he doesn't know where he stands. So, ever so slightly put out, but being a mature person I sent him one back to thank him for being honest with me, and to wish him luck.
Then a got a reply to see if I still fancied meeting up today, and that he wanted to carry on being friends and helping me with my golf. Well, after an abysmal game this morning I think even Gorgeous H is going to struggle to inspire me, so I said thanks, but no thanks.
Then (now this is the icing on the cake) he sent ANOTHER text, to see if he could get in touch if it doesn't work out!!!
Cheeky little bugger. I've never knowingly been a 'reserve girl' and don't intend to be now!!
Grrrr... men :)
Saturday, 18 August 2007
A lady what lunches
What a fab day... I only got lost three times (once in the car, and twice on foot)! I did call The Glaswegian to let him know, in case he thought I'd stood him up!
We didn't actually bother going into the museum we were meeting at... bizarrely there was a fab bar just next door, so it seemed a better option to shelter from the rain in there (with the company of a Guinness!). And then on to lunch in a very sweet restaurant (with the company of a bottle of wine!).
The Glaswegian is a really funny guy, and I quickly got up to full speed banal chit chat with him (what do you mean, poor guy?). After lunch we had a little wander around Bath before I scooted home at a reasonable hour!
Was there a spark? Do I want him to spend hours on the phone chatting away with that lovely accent of his?
Well, not really. He's someone I could see being a good friend, but there is no Partner Potential there. In fact, we seemed to end up more like some kind of comedy double act, with oodles of laughs :)
So, not a disappointment at all, and we've made kind of tentative plans to meet up in the autumn!
Friday, 17 August 2007
The dreaded question
The Golfer sent me a text earlier (I know, quelle surprise!), with a question. Now, don't panic... it wasn't the 'where do you see us going' one, but it was kind of just as awkward;
His text... So, are you dating anyone else??
Ouch, ouch ouch!!
I decided to go for the 'technically honest' response of 'No, not at the moment'. It's not really a fib, more an accurate statement of a precise time/space bit of my life.
The weekend is here
And my dating plans are all sorted!
Tomorrow I'm of for my 'lah dee dah' lunch in Bath with The Glaswegian (No. 44). I'm really looking forward to meeting this guy, and it's a perfect opportunity to get all dressed up! We're meeting on the steps of a museum... I've actually got no clue where it is, but I'm sure with the help of Google I'll find it!
It'll be like a mini treasure hunt :)
And Sunday is my day with The Golfer (who I forgot to mention is No.43!). I've got an early round of golf with a guy from work before I meet him, then I'm off to the range with The Golfer for my 'lesson'!! He's convinced he can show me a few tips to help me win my competition.
If it works I'll marry him (if nothing else it will save on phone bills).
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Blimey... I'm having loads of fun on the Freebie Site. I totally getting into the swing of it now, and I've even started accepting instant messages!!
Really, they have this kind of IM thingie built in, so as you're perusing the Potentials little windows pop up on screen, saying things like 'hOtStud152 wants to chat', and a yes/no option. I've been terrified of accepting so far, but today I thought what the hell!!
Unfortunately most of the 'hOtStud' variations only want to talk about sex, but I have chatted to a couple of fairly decent guys today, including a soldier, a DJ, and even The Golfer!!
In fact, I was chatting to those three at the same time. Now you all know how my head can struggle with any form of communication overload, so that was no mean feat for me!
The DJ is actually fairly intelligent, and wants to chat later (I'm offline at the moment... I can't write this as well as thinking of witty comebacks!)! Nice photo too!
Ooh... remember The Dentist? I've had a text off him tonight to ask if I'm still speaking to him?!? I'm not going to even start chatting to him. My phone can't actually take two texty Potentials!
And finally, a quick update on The Golf War. It seems as though the Saga Louts at the club are stitching me up well and proper. There's a special competition in a couple of weeks, that only singles can play in. They call it the Flirtation Cup. Now obviously I put my name down, thinking it was the one and only chance I could actually meet someone who's not married/widowed at the club.
So what have those genteel female folk done?? Only paired me up with the oldest and grumpiest man at the club. It's no wonder he's bloody single, he's an arse :(
The mob
Firstly... I had another fantastic birthday (thanks everyone!!), and MORE flowers!! I got an email of the guy from Glasgow to wish me a happy birthday, and instructions on where to pick up a present he'd got for me!!
Half thinking it was a wind up, I called the florist to see if there really was something there for me... and yes there was! How sweet is he. He doesn't know where I live, or even my full name, but he went to the trouble of ordering a gorgeous bouquet!!!
So my place is starting to look like the Chelsea Flower Show :)
We've arranged to meet for lunch at the weekend in Bath. I do quite like this guy... he's intelligent, not too intense, and thoughtful!
Somewhat slightly more intense is the volume of texts I'm now getting off The Golfer... the screen on my phone is going to melt!
He's a cheeky little sweetie, and a lot of his messages are funny. But you know me, and you can guess exactly how this is going to go!!! We've arrange to meet on Sunday, but so far he's asked to see me again before that EVERY NIGHT!!!
It's driving me mad!
But I'm going to hang in there with him for a little bit... I'm inadvertently involved in a 'golf war' and I could really do with a bit of help!!
The 'sweet' old ladies at the golf club are using a bizarre range of tactics to psyche me out before my big game. Honestly, I've never seen such a bunch of bad sports. Apparently it's not the done thing to knock the Ladies Captain out of a competition, so now her right hand gang are pretty much out to get me. I wouldn't be surprised to find a horses head in my locker at some point! Even my mum is getting in on the act (on my side though, thank god!)
So I'm having 'secret' lessons from Gorgeous H, and trying to work out how to smile sweetly at the cronies while they mentally stab me in the back.
But a little help off The Golfer wouldn't go amiss!!
Monday, 13 August 2007
Blimey... it's all gone a little manic in my world!!
It's been just over a week since I've signed up to the Freebie Site, and my god it's interesting! Remember The Golfer I mentioned? Well here's the full (insane) update...
The Golfer... cute, sharp and interesting. We had a couple of days emailing/texting, then he wanted to meet yesterday. Now in my mind this could only be good. I mean, I've a major competition in a couple of weeks, so hooking up with someone who teaches golf is obviously a good move.
So yesterday we met up. Now, he seemed to have a bit of a wibble earlier in the day... sending me a text to ask if it was OK for it not to be a 'date', but more like two friends meeting for a drink?
Slightly odd, but OK. At least that dispelled the expectations. Just friends (although we're clearly strangers!). So we met early evening for a couple of games of pool, a meal and a couple* of drinks.
He's very easy to get along with, a little competitive (he won EVERY game of pool!), very good looking, and (wait for it)... only 28!!!!
Seriously, he's 10 years younger than me (11 tomorrow... it's my birthday!!!). Maybe that was why he got a little freaked about the whole 'date' thing? I spent the night being ever so slightly casual about the evening, because I seriously didn't think he was going to want to take it any further. At the end of the night kind of made arrangements to meet again, and he went off to get his train.
But my gold he's been keen since!! I had about 4 texts off him last night after he'd gone, and enough to fill up my phone memory today!! He wanted to come over tonight, but I've had a night with Voice of Reason so no chance.
I've agreed to meet him at the weekend though!!
I've got a couple more dates lined up this weekend too... I've been chatting online to a guy from Glasgow (from the 'quality site'). It turns out he's not too far away from me at the weekend, so we're going to have lunch on Saturday afternoon!
But, enough of dating... I believe I may have A BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!! I've already had a beautiful bouquet of flowers from an ex Potential! I came home from work to find a smirking security guard brandishing them... and believe it or not it was the guy who had no qualms about removing from Facebook!!
Guys... you're so bloody complicated!
*you know with me a couple means oodles!!!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
A funny thing happened on the train
Right, are you ready for a 'War and Peace' style blog. So much has gone on since last week I'm not sure where to start!!
Where did I leave you? The curious beginnings of old Potentials coming out of the woodwork! Well, this contact has led to stranger and stranger goings on!
First, the weekend. Now... I had no one to look after Voice of Reason, so it was a date free weekend. That was until he decided that his time is better spent in the company of his friends, leaving me at a last minute loose end.
So I took the bull by the horns and arranged a fairly quick impromptu date with a comedian I'd been chatting too on the 'quality' dating site!
Strangely, he turned up with one of his friends (another comedian). It was like being out with the bloody Chuckle Brothers (only they weren't quite so ugly!). I only stayed for a couple of drinks... the in jokes and comedy routine was OK, but not really what I'd planned! He does want to see me again though (alone!).
This week I've had another blast from the past... Rugby Guy called, totally out of the blue. He'd been thinking about me, and wonders if I fancy a drink. The last time I saw him was the time he turned up with his kids (which obviously freaked me out a little), but I think as long as he doesn't tag the sweet little munchkins along a drink for old times would be good... he was good fun!
That's next week though, and I've still got oodles to tell. so bear with me!
At the weekend (when Voice of Reason shunned me) I thought it would be 'interesting' to sign up to a different dating site. Now this one is a free one, so I thought there's no harm in trying.
God, what a difference to the 'quality' site. Within minutes of signing up (there's no approving profiles, so you can put whatever you want on there) your profile is out there. And they're like vultures, pouncing on 'newbies'
Now, I don't want to judge too harshly, but I think the fact it's free seems to attract every knuckle scraper and form of pond life you can imagine. It's bloody scary I can tell you.
You get swamped with messages (generally one liners littered with txt spk) from people who seem incapable of dealing with members of the opposite sex. And the photos... my god some of them are scary!! Most of them (men AND women) see to be taken with camera phones, with the subject in various states of undress. Yuck :(
But it seems to throw up a whole new mission for me... to find the diamond in the rough (and seriously... I mean rough). And I have actually found 2 (out of about 300 messages) guys who seem relatively normal (seems nice doesn't really cut it yet).
So, Mutual Contact has commenced with a golfer (localish) and a cute DJ from over the water!!
No dates though (I think these lot need very careful vetting!). I did however blag myself a date tonight with a guy I met on the train on Monday.... like as in real life, not in any kind of virtual world
Shared love of shiny Apples got us together. Any excuse, I know, but we had a giggle and a glass of (crap) wine on the train home, and as I was getting off he asked me if I fancied a drink!
So I've just come back from sharing a bottle of (good) wine with The Stylish Geek! And I'm seeing him again next week :)
Few... almost done. The Vic Reeves lookalike... he's kept in in fairly regular contact, and wants to see me again. I don't know what to do about this guy, mainly because I actually really like him, and I worried if I keep in with him I'll get totally hooked. I'll keep you posted.
Perhaps the most important news though is my suddenly elevation to potential golf star. I've somehow managed to get to the FINAL in the Ladeez club competition, and in a little over three weeks will be playing for glory (and my name on a leader board) against someone who surely knows better than me.
It's such a serious game I even need to book a caddy! Me, with my own caddy... who'd have though 12 months ago I'd be doing this.
I wonder if Gorgeous H is free??
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
What's going on?
Last night I made a conscious decision to break away from living in an 'online world' for a couple of days... the dating site/Skype/Facebook. The sun is out, and I should be outside in it, rather than constantly keeping an eye on various little beeps and alerts popping up on screen!
So, what's happened?
Today I've had two texts off Baileys Guy, been Skyped by The Trialthete (who isn't even in my contacts list anymore), and I know there's messages waiting for me on the dating site from an unknown, and even The Law Prof!
Even though I'm extremely tempted to sneak a look (only because I'm curious to see what The Law Prof said!) I'm going to do my best to resist.
It's just sporadic email checking, and the good old phone for me for now (oh, and this blog too I guess!)
The Vic Reeves Lookalike has called to see if I want to meet tonight, but I'm taking Voice of Reason out for some parental 'bonding' (i.e. no arguing!)