Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Bruv... I *am* trying!

Thank you Bruv, for your Skyped words of wisdom... "isn't it time you actually found a boyfriend?". Um... don't you think I'm trying!

Anyway, this guy... the one I really quite like. Well, he's been emailing me every day (pretty good stuff too... a mix of a bit about him, funny stories, and the odd hint of naughtiness!). Today we've gone to second base and swapped msn id's!!

I know, steady on!

So far there's only one downside... I mean, he's very cute/sexy 'looking', and seems like a lot of fun, but I think he's a little hung up on the whole 'why on earth do I like him'.

Apart from the cute/sexy mix, I think it's because he doesn't seem in too much of a rush to jump in with those hints of neediness that scare me off. In fact, I'm almost at the stage of asking HIM if he wants to meet up. Look at me, doing all the running!

Changing the subject a little... this will make you giggle/throw up. This freebie site and it's Instant Messaging can sometimes be a little too revealing. This guy I'd been chatting to for a couple of days popped up the other day. In the corner of the IM window there's a little pic of the person you're chatting to.

What I didn't know was this can also be used for video... all of a sudden his pic goes away, and is replaced by moving images of this delightful chap NAKED!!!

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck... I almost spat my coffee over my cute new Mac!!!

Oh, and ex Potential, who seems to be just as addicted to dating and wine as I am. Yes... a drink (or 4), and an evening swapping stories is a must :)