Thursday, 9 August 2007

A funny thing happened on the train

Right, are you ready for a 'War and Peace' style blog. So much has gone on since last week I'm not sure where to start!!

Where did I leave you? The curious beginnings of old Potentials coming out of the woodwork! Well, this contact has led to stranger and stranger goings on!

First, the weekend. Now... I had no one to look after Voice of Reason, so it was a date free weekend. That was until he decided that his time is better spent in the company of his friends, leaving me at a last minute loose end.

So I took the bull by the horns and arranged a fairly quick impromptu date with a comedian I'd been chatting too on the 'quality' dating site!

Strangely, he turned up with one of his friends (another comedian). It was like being out with the bloody Chuckle Brothers (only they weren't quite so ugly!). I only stayed for a couple of drinks... the in jokes and comedy routine was OK, but not really what I'd planned! He does want to see me again though (alone!).

This week I've had another blast from the past... Rugby Guy called, totally out of the blue. He'd been thinking about me, and wonders if I fancy a drink. The last time I saw him was the time he turned up with his kids (which obviously freaked me out a little), but I think as long as he doesn't tag the sweet little munchkins along a drink for old times would be good... he was good fun!

That's next week though, and I've still got oodles to tell. so bear with me!

At the weekend (when Voice of Reason shunned me) I thought it would be 'interesting' to sign up to a different dating site. Now this one is a free one, so I thought there's no harm in trying.

God, what a difference to the 'quality' site. Within minutes of signing up (there's no approving profiles, so you can put whatever you want on there) your profile is out there. And they're like vultures, pouncing on 'newbies'

Now, I don't want to judge too harshly, but I think the fact it's free seems to attract every knuckle scraper and form of pond life you can imagine. It's bloody scary I can tell you.

You get swamped with messages (generally one liners littered with txt spk) from people who seem incapable of dealing with members of the opposite sex. And the photos... my god some of them are scary!! Most of them (men AND women) see to be taken with camera phones, with the subject in various states of undress. Yuck :(

But it seems to throw up a whole new mission for me... to find the diamond in the rough (and seriously... I mean rough). And I have actually found 2 (out of about 300 messages) guys who seem relatively normal (seems nice doesn't really cut it yet).

So, Mutual Contact has commenced with a golfer (localish) and a cute DJ from over the water!!

No dates though (I think these lot need very careful vetting!). I did however blag myself a date tonight with a guy I met on the train on Monday.... like as in real life, not in any kind of virtual world

Shared love of shiny Apples got us together. Any excuse, I know, but we had a giggle and a glass of (crap) wine on the train home, and as I was getting off he asked me if I fancied a drink!

So I've just come back from sharing a bottle of (good) wine with The Stylish Geek! And I'm seeing him again next week :)

Few... almost done. The Vic Reeves lookalike... he's kept in in fairly regular contact, and wants to see me again. I don't know what to do about this guy, mainly because I actually really like him, and I worried if I keep in with him I'll get totally hooked. I'll keep you posted.

Perhaps the most important news though is my suddenly elevation to potential golf star. I've somehow managed to get to the FINAL in the Ladeez club competition, and in a little over three weeks will be playing for glory (and my name on a leader board) against someone who surely knows better than me.

It's such a serious game I even need to book a caddy! Me, with my own caddy... who'd have though 12 months ago I'd be doing this.

I wonder if Gorgeous H is free??