Now, you know I said last night I didn't have to renumber the Dubliners... well I've just got in from a fab evening, that involved new hobby and beloved family to find a new email, from ANOTHER Dubliner.
For the time being I'll just call him Dubliner (possibly 3)... in case we don't get past one or two emails!
This could get confusing!
Back to my new hobby. Tonight I became a fully fledged member of the golf club!! Now, before you all keel over laughing at my choice of sport - think about it logically. I now get to spend what little free time I have in the company of (mostly) blokes!! Ok, *most* of them are senior citizens, but there's a fair amount of fab looking guys there too... Gorgeous H being a more than prime example! See you tomorrow Gorgeous H!
The dress code is a bit suspect, but I'll get around that somehow!
And... now here's the really cool bit - I found out tonight (after being allowing into the inner sanctum known as the bar... as a member!), that every time the Navy dock here, the sailors all play at the course! I call that exceptional luck :)
Lots of emails today from Potential from Bristol, and Potential from Donegal. My bruv and I were talking about the forthcoming rugby season (another sport I intend to get to like), and the first game of the season involves opposition that may well interest the Irish!
It's the same weekend as Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) is thinking of coming over, and I know for sure Dubliner 1 of 2 likes the opposition too.
Like I say, this could get confusing!
Oh, and the detox is going well. I did have a wine and soda, but it doesn't count because of the soda. It's the same as eating someone else's chocolate... doesn't count :)
Monday, 31 July 2006
Was that tempting fate?
What is it with the Irish?
Just finished updating this last night, when along comes another Potential from Ireland! Donegal this time, so I don't have to start renumbering the Dubliners.
No mention of romantic walks, the Da Vinci code, or snuggling up on the sofa with a bottle of red/DVD, so I'll email him back. In fact he has a very funny profile, and puts himself in the category of "social drinker, likes one or two"... are you absolutely sure, Potential from Donegal??
I've not met many people (beloved family included) from Ireland who could put themselves in that category. It's usually "drinks daily" (and that's only because there isn't "hardened drinker" as a choice).
Ooh... another thing I'd forgotten. Remember about a month ago I had that "interesting" email of the consultant guy (work related.... the one who used to have a Porsche, but now has a convertible Jag... the one who I'm trying to blag software off)
Well, he's "in the area" on Wednesday, and do I want lunch!!
Sunday, 30 July 2006
Now, remember Cute from Devon - very sweet looking Potential (likes a drink!)??
Well, I'd forgotten about him... it was well over a week since he emailed. Well apparently he was away on holiday, so was checking in now he was back. I say apparently - there's always this knowledge that if I've got a number of Potentials, then my Potentials must have too... right? Surely it's not just me who's an online dating whore!!
He is seriously cute though... how far away is Devon?? It's a new pic for the map :)
Ooh, and Potential from Bristol gets a star today... he likes a drink too! Literally just got an email off him, and he's just polished off a bottle of red! Usually by this time I'd be on a par with him, but for some absurd reason I'm detoxing. That's right... I've had no alcohol since Friday night (or to put it an even better way - LAST WEEK!!). I guess that explains the dreams of wine cellars that were interrupted last night!
Not funny :(
On Friday night I was out with beloved family & two of the sweetest guys from the office (see... I'm being nice to you!). Work last week was very busy, with clients calling in the evening, early mornings, and no lunches... so my Sysadmin Honey decided to make sure this weekend I wasn't disturbed.
Thank you, Sysadmin Honey :)
But, what he's done is change the language on my mobile to something I think only recognisable in Outer Mongolia!! The result... clients can still call. And (now here's the bad bit)... I got an MMS message lunchtime today, and for the life of me I can't work out how to view it!! What if it's a picture of Dubliner 2 of 2's wine cellar?!?!?
I can just about stumble around text messages (although I think I may have inadvertently deleted a couple... I mean, does anyone actually know what "Aydinlatma" means??)
Ooh, and while I'm now requesting Sysadmin Honey's services (so to speak)... Honey, you know that *useful* little facility you added me to, that sends text messages if there's any kind of workie problem? Can I please not have it any more?
There I was last night, blissfully dreaming of wine cellars, until 01:45am (oh yes!) I get a text. Fab! who is it... is it a Potential, waking me up with sweet nothings??
No... it's just some bloody disk somewhere getting it's knickers in a twist! And then, 5 minutes later (as the Chardonnay *just* came back into view), said same disk texts again, just to let the world know it's OK now!
Saturday, 29 July 2006
Normal service has been resumed!
Firstly... apologies to everyone for not updating this. I can't believe some of you guys are complaining. I'm so sorry!
Anyway, back to the subject... my love life! Thank the lord I got my email back. It was actually quite cool, because when I was back online I had loads of emails :)
Dubliner 1 of 2 is *almost* definitely coming back over next weekend. Yay!!
My new Potential from Bristol sends loads of emails every day. I think he wants to meet up, and has given me his number (but I won't call him first... I'm making that another rule!).
Now, you'd think this coming week would be ideal for dating. My boy is away for a whole week, so I should be stacking up dates, right?
Unfortunately I don't have a free night!!! Seriously - I've already sorted out something for every night. Monday AND Tuesday I get to spend time with Gorgeous H (still haven't established if he's single yet).
Wednesday I finally get fed again with my beloved family (about time guys... why on earth do you keep going away for weekends. You know the routine by now - I 'drop in' conveniently at mealtimes. I'm starving here... starving!!).
Thursday is girlie poker night, and then before you know it the weekend is back, and hopefully Dubliner 1 of 2 is too :)
So, it's going to have to be the week after. At least it makes me look like I'm not desperate! In the 'Complete Book of Rules - the Girls Guide to Dating' it says never, ever agree to a last minute date (and some of you will remember what happened the time I did that... that's right - the teetotaler!)
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) is back, sending cool emails. He's still planning on coming over at the end of August. Am I free he asks?? You've got a bloody wine cellar, of course I'm free!
I can't think of anything more perfect than a man with a melting accent, *AND* unlimited alcohol. All he has to do is talk about the freshness of Fleurie, or the intense aroma of a good Cab Sav... I'm putty!
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Well, I guess it had to happen sometime... My email server is not responding. Seriously, my online dating life has been ripped away from me in an instant!
Come on... I can't do without email now. I'd just started talking to a new Potential from Bristol :(
Luckily the Dubliners have moved on a bit and we talk on the phone... Dubliner 1 of 2 called last night - sweet!
I got the verdict from the people I bumped into at the weekend about what they thought of him... thumbs up. Good, as he's still talking about coming back next weekend!
Meanwhile, how the hell do I keep in contact with the others without the power of email?!?!
Monday, 24 July 2006
The curse of the 'face to face'...
...has been lifted!
It has... Dubliner 1 of 2 was such good fun!
He brought gifts!! Not only did he come up trumps with shoes (and they are beautiful, and so me!), he bought me a CD too. He's obviously really read my emails, because it was one I'd been struggling to get :)
First stop when we got here was Next (he didn't even mind not having coffee first!). 2 hours rummaged and wrestling in the sales didn't phase him... in fact - he bought more than me!! Seriously... your man likes to shop!
The rest of the weekend was spent sitting outside coffee shops; a boat trip; sitting outside bars with a glass of wine; a bit more shopping; sitting outside restaurants sharing tapas... hell, I even did the romantic walk thing :)
For some strange reason I bumped into more family/friends than ever this weekend, so he was inadvertently introduced to half my life. I think he might've thought I'd set it all up so people could check on me, but there is absolutely no way I would've been so organised! Cool though... I'm going to ring them all today for the verdict!
And, listen to this bit. He lives in an apartment not to dissimilar to mine, and guess what - it has the same name! What a bizarre coincidence!?!
It's restored my faith in online dating - there are seriously nice guys out there! What happens next though...
Here's another dilemma. See, he's really nice, but in a very bizarre way I missed the contact with the other Potentials at the weekend! I only got to check my email (late) last night! Dubliner 2 of 2 seems fab too, and even Potential from Weston Super(night)Mare is sweet!
So for the moment I'm keeping my options open a little. Dubliner 1 of 2 is thinking of having another weekend here in a fortnight. Potential from WS(n)M has asked if I want to meet up later this week... I think so :)
Friday, 21 July 2006
Tick tock, tick tock!!
Eight and a half hours to go until my next 'face to face'. Blimey... I'm starting to get a little nervous now :)
Dubliner 1 of 2 has rung again tonight (bless, he seems to call almost daily).
So, I've had my hair done (well, as done as you can get with unruly curls!), got all my magical enhancing and plumping goodies ready for the morning, to give me that fresh faced/had eight hours sleep look, and a selection of clothes ready!
But... now here's the dilemma. I've just found out the Next sale starts tomorrow, at the exact same time I need to leave to pick him up from the airport.
NOOOOOOO!! So not fair. By the time we get back the bargains may well have disappeared.
D'you think he'll mind if I'm a teeny bit late?
24 hours to go!
Sorry! Work/my social life as seriously impaired my ability to keep this up to date! Night out Wednesday with real people and 3+ bottles of wine (between 2) has meant I would've struggled to even type yesterday!
So, where are we with Potentials:
Dubliner 1 of 2 - in about 24 hours I'm picking him up from the airport. I need to have my hair done, pedicure, manicure, face pack today (which is probably why I'm up at 5:00am!)
He's called a few more times (I missed one call when I was out, but that's a good thing... I don't want him to think I'm always at the end of the phone/laptop, doing nothing!). His accent - yep... still melts me )
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) - called to let me know he's off on holiday for a week, so no emails :(
New Local Potential - actually, he seems nice. Wanted to meet up tonight! was tempted, but the risk of me getting tipsy and forgetting to go to the airport tomorrow was too great, so we may meet next week!
Potential from Weston Super(night)Mare - a couple more emails. I think this one is fizzling out a bit!
So my big 'face to face' is 24 hours away! I hope this one isn't a let down!! I'm ever so slightly worried I won't have time to keep in touch with the others Potentials over the weekend. Maybe I could sneak the laptop into the loo to quickly check my emails!!
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
Just after I'd updated my blog Dubliner 1 of 2 rang to chat... his accent still melts me :)
Today the new local has emailed a couple of times today. He wants a picture of me. I want one of him first, but he's holding back!
One hour in the company of Gorgeous H this evening. My mother has established he's not married... so the big question now is IS HE SINGLE???
Apparently I only need a few more lessons. Damn! On the one hand I'm keen to impress him with my natural ability to take on hobby with flair... but on the other hand, if I'm crap I get to have extra lessons ;)
Ooh... Notts Guy sent a few more emails. I think I should mark him down as a definite weirdo... his emails fluctuate from bizarre one liners, to deep philosophical stuff! Very strange!
Monday, 17 July 2006
The Plane, The Plane!!
A slightly worrying piece of news from Notts Guy (new Potential) - he emailed me to let me know he's just broken a vital part of his model aeroplane... oh lord :(
Why do these people think I've got something in common with them. I've now triple checked my profile, and there is *definitely* no mention of model aircraft (in fact no mention of ANY kind of models).
I suppose there's always a possibility that he's joking, in which case he's got a strange sense of humour.
I think he's off the list.
Got another wink today, from a local. Now I haven't exactly done well with locals as yet, but his profile makes him *seem* normal, so I'll wink back at him later!
Sunday, 16 July 2006
Just another manic Sunday
Weird... there's been a flurry of activity today. I've had winks of FOUR new Potentials!
Quick run through:
Local (Surfer). Does drink, and no mention of romantic walks, or the DaVinci code, so I'll email him back!
Birdman. Oh dear... likes cuddling up on the sofa, romantic walks - and falconry. "Thanks, but no thanks".
Cute from Devon - very sweet looking Potential (likes a drink!). I'm definitely emailing him back!
Notts Guy - he seems nice(!), so emailed him back. Then I got a response straight away! Easy tiger... it's not good to let it be known you're actually sitting there waiting for emails (even if you are). It's a rule - NEVER email back straight away... let us think you're incredibly busy, with a bursting social life!!
Funny... My mum has given me a shopping list of things she wants Dubliner 1 of 2 to bring over at the weekend. Seriously... she's so funny! Mum - he's my date, not your delivery man. Plus, I don't want him loaded down with biscuits... where will he put the shoes!
I did finally send him my picture today. I thought I should (he's never asked for it), just in case I'm "not his type". He did email back (not straight away mind... obviously following the rules). I'm beautiful :)
Saturday, 15 July 2006
Oh Superman!
Sweet... I got another call from Dubliner 1 of 2. Quite funny really, as I was actually buying shoes at the time (amazing bargains... I couldn't resist!). So now he knows how important new shoes are (4 pairs this week - I did take one pair back though... honestly).
The rest of my day was taken up with son's birthday celebrations, including a trip to see Superman (no, he's not a Potential... the film!). Pretty dull film, however he did look a little fitter than any previous Superman, and had fab boots on!
Tea with my beloved family... thank you! My niece has suggested I do a search for a Superman lookalike... hmmm, let me think. How many Potentials are actually going to admit to wearing their underwear outside their tights??
Scot (in England) emailed this evening. Guess what... he told me all about his day! I emailed him back... I wonder if he's got any super powers??
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) called too... now he does have a super power - the ability to melt me with his accent! I need to double check, but I think my rose count is 6 at the moment :)
Friday, 14 July 2006
You're ssshpeshal...
I've had my first drunken phone call!!
Dubliner 1 of 2 called (late) last night, after his birthday night out!
Bless... he's thinking of me, even when he can't string two words together! I can't wait to meet him now - at least I know he likes a drink!
Loads more emails off Potential from Weston Super(night)mare... all funny too!
Scot (in England) sent a couple of emails... mostly about his day. Now we now that's not really a good omen, don't we!
Oh, that local Potential, who moaned I hadn't been in touch. He didn't email back! Maybe he's miffed I didn't send him enough emails :/
Apart from that, I've got to say today has been the worst, nastiest day I think I've ever had workwise... Insane unnecessary bad vibes. I don't normally mention work, but it was monumental. The first thing in two months that has dampened my spirit. All of you there... have a good weekend, and lets hope it was just a bad day.
Son's birthday today (officially a teenager - oh lord!), so I blocked out the bad work bits and we ate cake!
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Dubliner 1 of 2 knows I've got a bit of a thing about shoes (it's in my profile, and probably every other email I send!). Anyway, today he asked me what my favourite brand are, and what size I am... could he be thinking of bringing some over with him next week?
So... obviously I said Jimmy Choos :)
And today... suddenly loads of emails of Potential from Weston Super(night)mare. He's funny (well, his emails are. Remember... Potentials may not actually be as fab as they sound).
He's talking of meeting up in a couple of weeks!
Good job... I'm not free until then :)
The rules
Funny... there seems to be an unwritten rule when sending emails. You send one, I send one... you send one, I send one. So if you don't send one, I don't - simple.
I got an email today off one of the locals (I've been through the blog, I can't remember when I last mentioned him). He wanted to know where I've been, have I met someone else, do I not want to stay in touch... blah blah blah.
So I checked through my emails, and yep I did email him last. So it was his turn, not mine! The fact I hadn't heard from him meant I'd dropped him off my list!
I've emailed him back, as apart from his obvious rule breaking he seems nice!
Dubliner 1 of 2... how sweet - he's checked our star sign compatibility. Apparently it's an interesting mix. He wanted to know if I really am fiery?? Well, not really, but...
Metro Man (not a Potential - he's a real person)... I'm close to killing him!
Every single day we do the some routine. I walk past him avoiding his gaze; he then asks if I'd like a copy of the Metro; I smile and say "no thank you"; he says "please" and pushes the Metro closer to me; I say "no thank you"; he says "please". This has been going on for months. Surely he knows by now I DON'T WANT ONE!!!
He's going to catch me with PMT one day!
Dubliner 2 of 2 - He's suggested an alternative get together (remember, he wanted to meet the day before my birthday). Early September is more likely!
Two months ago I thought I was going to be spending the entire summer (and probably the rest of my life) staring at 4 walls with no social life to speak of. Now I'm arranging dates for the autumn!
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Changing plans
My 'face to face' with the Potential with No Name didn't happen... we've rearranged for next week.
No worries. I had a fab night out with a real person. Now P... I said I was off lager, didn't I?
Emails off both Dubliners (they're definitely the best two!). Dubliner 1 of 2 told me I was a 'special person'... sweet :)
He's going to call tonight. Good... My voicemail button is wearing out.
Dubliner 2 of 2 wants to meet up the day before my birthday (yes... I did tell him it was my birthday - gives him oodles of time to get me a pressie or two!)
Now unfortunately I'm going to my first social event involving my new hobby... as as much as Dubliner 2 of 2 intrigues me, I'm not ducking out of that day. Why... I've been told Gorgeous H isn't married (don't know if that means he's single, but it's a start!). So on said social event I've a chance to maybe find out!
More emails off Potential from Weston Super (night) Mare, and a wink of another guy from Ireland, not some where though.
I'll check the map later!
Monday, 10 July 2006
'Face to face' with my fav
Dubliner 1 of 2 has officially booked his flight over here... a week on Saturday. I guess that's WOW5!!
He emailed tonight to OK the flights... ummmm - I think that should be fine, I say! The fact I'm currently listening to your voicemail about 3 times an hour...
So, the not 'seems nice', but the 'seems amazing fab' Potential wants to meet for 48 hours... cool!
Dubliner 2 of 2 has emailed (firstly to apologise for not being in touch, but he'd already apologised in advanced for that), but also to send more flowers! I need to go back through his emails to count them up. Has he reached a dozen yet?
Lastly, my 'face to face' is a bit up in the air for tomorrow. He can't do tomorrow night, but wants to do lunchtime instead. I can't do lunchtime! I'll let you know what happens!
Another observation
Guys, when you do your profile, try and be original.
The amount of you that like going for romantic walks by the sea, reading the Da Vinci Code, and love nothing better than cuddling up on the sofa with a DVD/bottle of wine is outstanding!
If you all hook up with your true loves, the romantic walk will be a steady queue, Dan Brown will be more of a millionaire than he already is, and Blockbuster & Oddbins shelves will be empty.
Sunday, 9 July 2006
Rain stopped play
Woke up ridiculously early... replayed last night's voicemail (again!). Fab accent, Dubliner 1 of 2!
Now unfortunately due to bad weather he couldn't do the 200 mile detour to meet up :( BUT... he wanted to know if it's OK to fly over next weekend!!
I can't do next weekend as my son begins his teenage phase (well, officially he does. In reality that started long ago), so he's coming over the weekend after... the WHOLE WEEKEND!!
That means I've got two weeks to get ready (hopefully my remaining spot will have disappeared by then).
Anyway... the others:
Dubliner 2 of 2... quiet this weekend, but he did say he way going away.
Potential with no name - I need to call him to sort out Tuesday
New Potential (Scot in England) - emailed me today, so I need to get back to him
And I've got another new one... Local guy (maybe this one will be OK!). He's five years younger than me, so he can be the Young Potential! - I've emailed him back.
Son has gone off to Amsterdam, so I'm free for dates (well, actually I'm free one of the nights - lesson with Gorgeous H tomorrow, and Potential with no name on Tuesday... so I'm free Wednesday!)
Saturday, 8 July 2006
Messages after the beep
Cool! Dubliner 1 of 2 left a message on my voicemail about tomorrow!
Means I can replay it time and time again :)
In fact, it distracted me so much (He rang while I was driving, so I missed his call), that I toddled off shopping leaving the car unlocked, with the key in still in the ignition!
Whoops... focus girl, focus!
Oh Dear
Now, I would say all in all my experience of online dating has been immense fun! The only downside so far seems to be actually meeting these people! I got a 'thanks, but no thanks' from last nights last minute 'face to face'.
Nice looking guy, nice personality. He just forgot to tell me his first wife was an alcoholic (and he never drinks), until I was just about to order my THIRD glass of red! Whoops... I thought he wasn't drinking because he was driving :/
Note to self... always read your Potentials profile thoroughly. Especially the bit that says "Drinks: Daily/Socially/Never"
I've checked out my Potentials drinking habits:
Dubliner 1 of 2 (arriving tomorrow) - drinks socially
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) - drinks daily (no surprises there then!)
Potential with no name - drinks socially ('face to face' next Tuesday)
New Potential (Scot in England) - drinks daily
Phew! They all passed :)
So... the big event tomorrow. Dubliner 1 of 2 (my fav! I know, I keep switching them) is on his way here! I'm now getting a bit concerned, becuase he's more than 'seems nice'... more like 'seems amazingly fab'. But what if he's not in real life? What if all his emails have been written by an amazingly fab friend of his, and he's as dull as dishwater?
Maybe I'll call it off and just keep it to emails from his amazingly fab friend instead!
Off to see beloved family for food later... thank you people! Only one problem, I'm not sure if it was the food/drink last night, or butterflies at the prospect of Dubliner 1 of 2 being amazingly fab, but I feel a bit sick :(
Friday, 7 July 2006
Out of the blue
A 'face to face'... this evening! Blimey, went to bed last night (after enjoying the dulcet tones of Dubliner 2 of 2), woke up, checked emails.
A brand new Potential!!
He seems nice (hang, I seem to say that about everyone). So I emailed him back, and toddled off to work. Then I had another email asking if I wanted to meet him at the weekend (I can't, remember - Dubliner 1 of 2 is detouring my way!). But then he asked if I was free this evening, and I am (I did have every intention of doing my nails, but now there's a nice meal/drink for me!)
So, he's from Bristol (so we're only separated by a channel, not a big sea), he's got a good job, he's clean and tidy! Does seem a little overwhelming (I really don't think even I can be classed as someone's soulmate in a second email, but there you go!)
I've got 1 hour from getting home to get ready, which includes somehow hiding 2 spots... why, when I've got 2 'face to face's this weekend.
God of Clear Skin... I haven't been a bad person, so why do this to me!
I'll update you after the date. Fingers crossed!!
ooh... I've also had an email of someone asking for my pic. He seems nice...
Thursday, 6 July 2006
My new fav!
Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar)... top of my list now!
I've just spoken to him, and he's a lovely lovely person. I want him to phone every morning to wake me up, he's got such a sweet accent!
Got a new Potential today too. From Weston Super (night)Mare. A scary place indeed... I'm not sure I've ever met a normal person from there, but his emails are so funny!
Anyway, Back to Dubliner 2 of 2! Swoon :)
Oh yeah, and Sailor Boy. Gone! Like a ship that sailed in the night!
1 of 2, or 2 of 2?
Chatted on the phone to Dubliner 1 of 2 for 2 hours... his accent melts me! The detour didn't happen, but he's back in the same country as me this weekend! So we're going to meet up on Sunday :)
Progress with Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar). We've swapped phone numbers too! He's going to call tonight - I wonder if his accent is as fab as 1 of 2's!
Three new winks yesterday too... haven't had a lot of time to see what they're like, but I will tonight (after lesson with Gorgeous H!)
Wednesday, 5 July 2006
TXT spEk... argghhh
Word of advice to Potentials... anyone who emails me in TXT spEk is going nowhere (or as they say - goin n whr!)
There's a time and a place for those little half words and symbols (when your mum is paying your mobile bill, so everything has to be limited to 160 characters).
I want emails I don't need my son to translate (it could be embarrassing!). I don't want "hA, do U wnt 2 MEt ^ sometime s%n"
Didn't bother spell checking this one - it would take too long :)
Tuesday, 4 July 2006
WOW 4!!
Dubliner 1 of 2 and I have swapped phone numbers :)
There's still a chance we may meet up... tomorrow! However it does involve a detour of around 400 miles (for him), so it's probably only a slim chance. Fingers crossed!
Had an email of my second 'face to face'. This is the downside really. I sent him a 'thanks, but no thanks' the other day, but he wants to stay in touch... oh dear :(
A new Potential tonight... another Irish guy, from Wexford. He started off promising, but then launched into a big dialogue about how he's been badly treated in the past. I'm not a bloody agony aunt! Send me emails to make me laugh, or virtual roses... please!
Next week's 'face to face' is a funny one. I got an email with his phone number, to call and sort out details. Still no details about him at all, just a photo (not too bad) and a phone number. At least he's not building himself up to be something he's not (still can't think of a name for him!). Should be an interesting one!
Not too much other time to read through emails as my mum was here. Her opinion... go for the Dubliners. But then she always wanted me to marry Brian O'Driscoll!!
Monday, 3 July 2006
WOW 3!!
Ok, now there's talk of Dubliner 1 of 2 meeting up THIS WEEK. Long and complicated story, but there's a chance he's at least this side of the water, so he's suggested making a detour on his way home!!!
May or may not happen, but it would be so cool :)
I had another rose of Dubliner 2 of 2... maybe he's aiming for a dozen! And his email was beautiful (I guess at lunchtime he's sober, so it's easier to work out what he's saying).
My third 'face to face' on Friday has been moved to next Tuesday... so Dubliner 1 of 2 - I AM available for dates on Friday night (at the moment!)
I've another new Potential today. Last week this profile caught my eye. All he had done was put a coded message in his profile... I eventually worked out it was his email address (we're not allowed to put them on the site). So out of intrigue I emailed him.
He's emailed me back today, with talk of going for a meal... Should I tell HIM I'm now free on Friday?
Still getting daily emails off Sailor Boy too - one more week (I think) until he's on dry land.
Ooh, and to change the subject... I got a call of Gorgeous H!!! Luckily I missed his call, so he left a voice message. This means I can listen to him over and over again :)
btw... it was only to arrange our next lesson, but it doesn't matter - HE CALLED ME!
Sunday, 2 July 2006
WOW 1!! I've had roses off Dubliner 2 of 2 - Seriously... he's sent me roses :)
Ok, it was a picture of a beautiful bouquet, in an email! But all the same. If I put my nose right up against the screen I'm sure I can smell them!
Cheesy... maybe, but for making me feel special, thank you :)
WOW 2!! Dubliner 1 of 2 wasn't joking when he said he wanted to meet me. Talk of him coming over in August (I must remember to tell him that's when my birthday is)
Sorted out details for my third 'face to face' (Potential with no name) this Friday, and emailed back the 'out of the blue' local too. Who else was there... oh, a paramedic from Bath - he's new (I may need him soon... if I get any more roses I think I'll faint!)
So a fab fab day all in all. Spent oodles of money on equipment for hobby, then joined my beloved family for some food... in fact the only meal I had today, but so worth the wait. They roped me into babysitting for a few hours - I guess it's the least I could do, after all the free meals/unending patience they provide!
I considered roping my niece into being my PA, until I remembered she's as ditzy as me, so it would be a disaster. She'd only end up firing off marriage proposal emails to my rejected Potentials... I kid you not!!
Thanks... but no thanks!
Mr Dependable/Implusive... No, I don't want to browse around bookshops, and no, I don't want to browse around guitar shops! On a sunny Saturday afternoon I want to sit outside a bar and have a nice glass of wine!!
Another 'thanks, but no thanks' email is being composed. I'm going to have to have another look at my profile. In the 'What do you do for fun' bit, I'm pretty sure there's no mention of bookshops or guitar shops!
4 hours of getting ready... not totally wasted as I did have a good time at the BBQ with the real people after the 'face to face'.
I've got another possible 'face to face' I'm considering on Friday (guy with no name as yet!), and another out of the blue email from a new local, but to be honest I'm thinking of moving to Dublin - it seems like that's where the fun is. Although as Dubliner 2 of 2 is probably half way across the channel at the moment I'll hang on a bit (he must have a Blackberry, as I got another late night sweet email!)
Full on day planned today... a mix of my new hobby and my beloved family - so not much time to spend searching for Mr (Virtual) Right.
Saturday, 1 July 2006
4 hours to go
Ok, ok... I'll admit I did have a couple of drinks, but unlike last week I don't feel like the living death. Fab night - bumped into an old friend too... bonus!
Anyway, back to the subject in hand... My second 'face to face'. I need to start getting ready!
I'm looking through all my lotions and potions for the miracle face mask! I've got ones that firm, ones that deep cleanse, ones that 'promote radiance', vitamin recovery ones(eh?), pore minimising ones... the list is endless. Why, why, why isn't there ONE that does it all.
But I NEED to deep cleanse, firm, minimise my pores AND 'promote radiance' (I'm happy to skip the vitamin recovery one). So I've looked at all the instructions, and worked out it's going to take about 75 minutes to use them all! Can I mix them all together... that'll work, surely?
Ooh - you know my rule... don't email when drunk. It's OK, don't panic - I didn't. But Dubliner 2 of 2 did! 03:17am in fact! When I finally deciphered what he was trying to tell me, it was touchingly beautiful (not sure, but I think he may be swimming his way over at this exact moment!)
More off Sailor Boy, and Dubliner 1 of 2 :)
But back to today... all plans are in place. Sis... don't forget the call. I've got a cool backup today too - BBQ with real people later, so Mr Dependable/Implusive - you've only got 2 hours to impress, right!!