Monday, 24 July 2006

The curse of the 'face to face'...

...has been lifted!

It has... Dubliner 1 of 2 was such good fun!

He brought gifts!! Not only did he come up trumps with shoes (and they are beautiful, and so me!), he bought me a CD too. He's obviously really read my emails, because it was one I'd been struggling to get :)

First stop when we got here was Next (he didn't even mind not having coffee first!). 2 hours rummaged and wrestling in the sales didn't phase him... in fact - he bought more than me!! Seriously... your man likes to shop!

The rest of the weekend was spent sitting outside coffee shops; a boat trip; sitting outside bars with a glass of wine; a bit more shopping; sitting outside restaurants sharing tapas... hell, I even did the romantic walk thing :)

For some strange reason I bumped into more family/friends than ever this weekend, so he was inadvertently introduced to half my life. I think he might've thought I'd set it all up so people could check on me, but there is absolutely no way I would've been so organised! Cool though... I'm going to ring them all today for the verdict!

And, listen to this bit. He lives in an apartment not to dissimilar to mine, and guess what - it has the same name! What a bizarre coincidence!?!

It's restored my faith in online dating - there are seriously nice guys out there! What happens next though...

Here's another dilemma. See, he's really nice, but in a very bizarre way I missed the contact with the other Potentials at the weekend! I only got to check my email (late) last night! Dubliner 2 of 2 seems fab too, and even Potential from Weston Super(night)Mare is sweet!

So for the moment I'm keeping my options open a little. Dubliner 1 of 2 is thinking of having another weekend here in a fortnight. Potential from WS(n)M has asked if I want to meet up later this week... I think so :)

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered if he was getting a bit edgy cos you were bumping into us!


Glad it was all good, I'd recommend keeping your options open!