Saturday, 29 July 2006

Normal service has been resumed!

Firstly... apologies to everyone for not updating this. I can't believe some of you guys are complaining. I'm so sorry!

Anyway, back to the subject... my love life! Thank the lord I got my email back. It was actually quite cool, because when I was back online I had loads of emails :)

Dubliner 1 of 2 is *almost* definitely coming back over next weekend. Yay!!

My new Potential from Bristol sends loads of emails every day. I think he wants to meet up, and has given me his number (but I won't call him first... I'm making that another rule!).

Now, you'd think this coming week would be ideal for dating. My boy is away for a whole week, so I should be stacking up dates, right?

Unfortunately I don't have a free night!!! Seriously - I've already sorted out something for every night. Monday AND Tuesday I get to spend time with Gorgeous H (still haven't established if he's single yet).

Wednesday I finally get fed again with my beloved family (about time guys... why on earth do you keep going away for weekends. You know the routine by now - I 'drop in' conveniently at mealtimes. I'm starving here... starving!!).

Thursday is girlie poker night, and then before you know it the weekend is back, and hopefully Dubliner 1 of 2 is too :)

So, it's going to have to be the week after. At least it makes me look like I'm not desperate! In the 'Complete Book of Rules - the Girls Guide to Dating' it says never, ever agree to a last minute date (and some of you will remember what happened the time I did that... that's right - the teetotaler!)

Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar) is back, sending cool emails. He's still planning on coming over at the end of August. Am I free he asks?? You've got a bloody wine cellar, of course I'm free!

I can't think of anything more perfect than a man with a melting accent, *AND* unlimited alcohol. All he has to do is talk about the freshness of Fleurie, or the intense aroma of a good Cab Sav... I'm putty!