Sunday, 20 May 2007

Would you believe it

It's less than a month until the end of my online dating experiment... and I've signed off, early!!

Why? Well, there's been a series of events this week that have made me realise I just can't carry on at the rate I'm going. The Teacher kind of slanted at it a couple of weeks ago, when he said I spread myself too thinly.

Work has taken a step up (or rather a jump), and with The Voice of Reason to occasionally look after, and oodles of golf to play I've realised he's right. I just can't do it anymore!

And besides, I've been given a challenge to stop dating for 6 months by my power drinking colleague. In another drunken night (sometime last week, but I can't for the life of me work out what day) he set me this challenge (and you know me, I can't resist a bet).

Apparently there's a prize at the end?!?

However... I can't possibly end this year of strange and fun times without a happy ending, can I?

I met The Triathlete yesterday. I know I haven't kept you up to date, so here's the full story.

I think I mentioned I was thinking of meeting him earlier in the week, but ducked out in favour of guaranteed giggles, alcohol and challenges. So he offered to come down yesterday (200 miles remember). SO, I thought 'what the hell'. After all, this is my last 'Face to Face', how bad can it be?

Well, not bad at all if you really must know. He turned up on time, and stone me he was bloody sexy as hell! And fit too! So, we spent a fantastic afternoon strolling about (obviously stopping for various refreshments, alfresco style!).

There was a funny moment when I bumped into one of my beloved nieces. She stared at him, bemused, before pointing and saying 'Who's this' (I'm going to have to pop there later to get her verdict!).

Then an evening of tapas, and a couple of glasses of wine. And a lot of chat. Interestingly, most of the Potentials I've dated have always told me I come across as guarded, or vague. But not The Triathlete. He thought I was quite open :)

Has the Ice Queen melted... finally after almost a year I've met someone I don't feel the need to be on my guard with.

He's gone back today to the other side of the country, but we're kind of making arrangements to meet again, soon (As always I have the work/family/golf juggle going on).

So the end of my dating life (for now). I've logged onto the site to take my profile off. It feels a bit like cutting a lifeline, but I honestly can't do it anymore.

I'll keep you posted about The Triathlete (and there are a couple of other Potentials I'm still in contact with)... but this could well be a goodbye from me moment :(


Anonymous said...

You are so cool. Its been amazing to watch you evolve over the last year. I love ya!

-Friend from work

Anonymous said...


It's the Teacher! Instead of calling/texting you, I thought I'd leave a message for all to see. And no 'boisterous testosterone' (is that the phrase?) from me this time...

I really admire the way you approached your 'mission.' Unlike so many people on dating sites, you really do enjoy life; have a great sense of humour; and you are excellent company. Twas a pleasure to meet you...!

Your dating stories are touching, hilarious and, at times, a brilliant commentary on modern life. And they are also very well written (9/10 ;))

I will stop before this turns into an academic book review...

Stay in touch and good luck with the Triathlete. As an intuitive Piscean, I suspect something major might happen... ;)

You're a star!

The Testosteronal (sometimes..) Teacher

Ms Jones said...

Testeronic exuberance... that's the expression!

I'm not holding out oodles of hope with The Triathlete. My bruv thinks it's odds on he's going to fall into the same pattern as a lot of other Potentials. Too intense too soon!

And I hope you haven't forgotten about your impending interview... I haven't ;)

Anonymous said...

Am waiting for details of the interview, Ms Jones. Maybe we should combine with lunch next week?

I (im)patiently await your reply.

The Teacher