Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Option 3

I got a wink of a guy today who had cycling down as one of his hobbies. Well, more than cycling... triathlons.

Super fit, and handy with a spanner no doubt!

So we've started a bit of 'Mutual Contact'. I don't think I'll tell him about my bike problem just yet though. I don't want him to get the impression I'm some sort of dunce!

One thing I did find a little strange about him was the way he signed his emails. Now, I send a squillion emails a day (work related, honestly!), and most of end with "kind regards". To be honest half of me doesn't even know why I do it... I guess it's polite. But I never use it for personal emails.

The Triathlete did... how odd :/

Ooh... got a text off The Teacher too today. It looks like we're on for the 'testing' 3rd date at the weekend! Why testing?

You know me... getting past 3rd date is some kind of achievement :)