Wednesday, 21 March 2007

2 down, 1 to go

Lunch with The Spotter... not much to say about him really. If he was a Revel he'd be an orange one. He was much like his picture, not offensive, but not really my type (although after 30 'Face to Face's I'm not *actually* sure what my type could possibly be anymore!). Can't really see there being a 2nd date with him.

The Dentist is still doing his communication overload! So far today I've had:

  1. a text this morning, to let me know he had a great time (and some cheeky stuff that I can't put here... my mum reads this!)
  2. an email to let me know he had a great time (and more cheeky stuff). He let me know he sent me a text, but he knows I don't often reply, so thought he should email too! I replied.
  3. another email to ask if I fancied meeting again... tonight if I'm free (I'm not... it's my 2nd date with Outdoorsy Guy!). I replied (maybe next week?)
  4. a text at lunchtime, wondering if it was OK for him to call and have a chat. I sent one back to let him know I was busy, and I'd call him later.
  5. a call just after I'd replied, which I didn't take
  6. a text, to ask me to call him later. Didn't we already establish I would :/
  7. another text, with just random cheekiness
He's going to drive me nuts, I can see it!

It's going to have to be a quick call between going home and getting ready for tonight's 2nd 'Face to Face' with Outdoorsy Guy. I'm actually really looking forward to this one. He's cute, funny, and not coming across as at all needy! We're going bowling, so I feel I should set a challenge, but I can't really do the normal golf type one... you know, the first person to lose the ball buys champagne.

I *think* it would be pretty difficult to lose a bowling ball!

Maybe a straight 'loser buys beer' challenge?