Thursday, 25 January 2007

When Irish eyes are winking

Today I got a wink off a guy who 'Seems Nice' (tm) . He's actually a Dubliner (What can I say... I've got a bit of thing for Irish Guys), but he's living this side of the water (not too close though!!).

So I've emailed him back :)

Oh, this guy that used to email me ages and ages ago has been in touch. He's wondering why I'm still 'on the market' (his words, not mine!).

Well, apart from the fact I'm obviously making the most of my free 6 months (well, 5 months now), I'm still 'on the market' because so far all the guys I've met have been either needy, desperate, or insane (and in some cases all three).

But, the quest goes on!