Sunday, 18 June 2006

OK, this is a bit scary. The profile is up and searchable!

Now, I’ll admit I did get up early this morning to 'casually' check my emails, only to find… NOTHING!! Where’s the mailbox full of potentials?? My excuse - the World Cup. It's going to seriously hamper this project… at least until after 9th July.

Anyway, I got on with my day, and vowed not to check email until now. So I log on to my chosen route to "lovedom". WOW… my profile has been checked out 20 times… that’s right, 20 guys (I hope they were all guys anyway) pulled in by my catchy title, and not to wordy description of just how desirable I am!

I also got two "ice breakers". For those of not in the "online dating" know, that’s a little signal (generally by people who are too stingy to pay to subscribe) that your profile has done a little more than make them recoil! Plus, I got a fully fledged email… contact with a complete unknown – arghhh! This might just work!

The downside, he was just not my type (not at all, not a bit!). Now I know the plan was not to turn down a date… but seriously, there was nothing about him AT ALL that would drag me out. Sorry Potential No 1, but a very polite "No Thanks" is in order!

So the plan needs a little revising – I’ve got to have at least one thing in common (apart from location – that doesn’t count as a shared interest!).

Mentioned my plan to my mum in the car earlier, and I don’t quite know how she did it, but within 5 minutes word "marriage" had whistled past my ears... ouch!

Bless! She’s dying to wear a hat!