Friday, 30 June 2006

The weekend is here :)

An early update today... I'm off out shortly with Sis and her friends - some of the funniest people I've met in a long time, who I'm sure can all drink me under the table (yes, me!)

My inbox has seen a flurry of activity all day!

First email from Dubliner 1 of 2... he's so sweet, and he sent it at 06:28am (I'm on somebody's mind at 06:28am... cool). Still talk of him taking a trip over in the summer. I was sorely tempted to email him back and point out the sun is shining today, and to get himself over here NOW ;)

The new Potential (from yesterday) has emailed again - he wants to meet up next week!! Hang on there fella... I know so little about you I STILL haven't thought of a name for you!

A mid morning wink off some guy in London, so I quickly checked his profile, but "not my type" sprung to mind, so blocked him.

A mid afternoon emails (2) of Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar). He's giving me tips on my new hobby (it's his hobby too), and has suggested a nice bottle of wine we could share, should we eventually meet.

And today ANOTHER new Potential. I haven't really had a chance to look at his profile (remember, I do work too!). I would say I'll look later, but after a night out with people who've been known to drink cider at 7:00am (seriously!!) I should remember my golden rule - don't email when drunk!

So he'll have to wait until tomorrow!

Oh GOD... tomorrow! The second 'face to face'. It's going to take me about 4 hours to get ready, especially if I've got a hangover.

That's it... no drinking tonight. Non alcoholic cocktails ONLY!!

Thursday, 29 June 2006


24 hours in the online dating world is so weird. Dumped by Mr Incredible yesterday... today Mr (ever so slightly) Impulsive has turned into Mr (Very Very) Impulsive!

Not only has he emailed me a few times, but after swapping mobile numbers he skipped straight passed the texting stage and phoned me! OK, I missed his call - but he left a message, which was good, because I got to hear his voice before talking to him. Very nice too!

So I plucked up the courage to call him back - 42 minutes and 19 seconds later we've sorted a date!!! We're off for a drink on Saturday lunchtime (not coffee I might add!)

Again, Sis - I'll give you the details.

He's also sent me his pic, and it's not offensive, so under the rules I'm going :)

Still getting emails (and Skype chats) off Sailor Boy, my fav!

Ooh... new guy tonight too. I haven't got a name for him yet... but straight away he wants to meet. I'm going to have to schedule him in for next week!


So we Skyped for a bit... then the crucial moment - exchanging photos.

I'm not Mr Incredible's type :(

Ouch!! (note to self. Next time get the Potential to send his first!). It's strange really, you get on so so well with someone electronically, but looks do count for something in the real world.
So the Superhero is off the list, but it's OK because I've had another email of Sailor Boy (who has had my pic!). Talk of meeting up when his ship comes in :)

And the Dubliners are still here (I'm currently re reading the email off Dubliner 2 of 2... remember, he said I was a "very very beautiful" person!). Dubliner 1 of 2 (my fav) has sent me a delicious cocktail recipe containing Baileys and brandy!

Mr Dependable sent 2 emails... one about his day (as usual), but then another one (more about his evening). Caught me off guard that one... for a micro second I was lost for words. I may have to rename him to Mr (ever so slightly) Impulsive :)

My Potential count is slightly down, so I'm going to have to spend this evening doing a bit of searching to get some new ones, until Sailor Boy returns (I'm counting the days Popeye!!)

Wednesday, 28 June 2006

Just the one

Oh dear... other potentials have been kind of cast aside, ooh... obviously apart from Sailor Boy who did send a fab email from the sea (yes, I will wait for you!) and the Dubliners, who are late nighters!

Why's that... because I'm on Skype with Mr Incredible (and we're both drinking wine!) :)

We're one small step from meeting now... I hope he doesn't shatter my Superhero expectations (apart from the wearing tights one - I really hope he doesn't!). Bizarrely we're both actually nervous about meeting... we get on so well over the internet it seems a big shame for any illusions to get shattered :/

Christ... I'm slowly turning into Queen Geek! Me... more comfortable with online conversations :(

I'll keep you posted... but for at the moment my little Skype window is flashing. Gotta go!

All at sea

Just had a fab email off the Sailor Boy!! The marvels of modern technology :)

Tuesday, 27 June 2006

What's the time?

Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but Dublin is actually the on same time zone as me... yes? Bizarrely got emails off both Dubliners between going to bed (late) and waking up (early) this morning.

And how did I know?? Well, I thought I was being smarter thinking. Instead of checking email constantly (and hogging the laptop, meaning son can't MSN his friends), I've set my PDA thingie to check for me... then I get a satisfying little beep anytime my Potentials are there for me. Works well in theory, but woke me twice last night :)

As I woke ridiculously early I thought I'd have half an hour hula hooping... good fun exercise at 5:30am! I like to hula hoop to music, but didn't want to wake son. No problem... I've an ipod and headphones.

Not really a good combination - the headphone wires kept getting tangled up in the hula hoop! I think tomorrow I'll gaffer tape the wire to my bod :)

Anyway... back to Potentials:

Dubliner 1 of 2 (my fav!) is also thinking of coming over this summer, so that's both of them now. Should I arrange an Irish weekend? Maybe they can get a discount if they book at the same time?

Superhero... did say he would be incommunicado as he's away, but has in fact been quite the opposite. In touch more than today, and sounds so so sweet :) He's my favourite local, and on his way home as I type!

Mr Dependable sent the usual email about his day. I sent the usual email back about my day :/

Got a new Potential too - a Doctor from London! A very funny email, so 'Mutual Contact' has commenced!

Lost the Gorgeous Guy from Dorset :( Seems a bit like life really, condensed into a much smaller timescale. Some people come and go, others stay a bit longer!

I had to dash home quickly today, to make myself as equally gorgeous as Gorgeous H. 30 minutes to shower; eat; apply highlighting, enhancing, plumping goodies to little bits of my complexion; taxi son to beloved family; and arrive at lesson looking relaxed and ready to learn!

Again, 45 minutes with a real person. Fab lesson in the sunshine... swoon :) Rushed home to catch up on emails as I'm not allowed PDA thingies on during hobby!

Ooh... now remember my advice to Potentials on their names - that 'sexiluvmachine' is scary. Well, here's the next bit of advice: it's not a good idea to take a photo of yourself from your mobile phone, while the phone is still on your desk (I expect you don't want your colleagues to know what you're doing!). All I see is a very out of proportion person, with a big body, double chin, and small head!!

Oh, hang on... maybe you HAVE got a big body, double chin and small head - from any angle... In which case, I apologise :)

Monday, 26 June 2006

Well, he's persistent

'Face to face' has emailed AGAIN... please, I'm not a mean person. I just don't want to try again! What do I do??

So today:

A text of Sailor Boy, who by now is sailing one of the seven seas... Bon Voyage :(

Lovely emails of the Dubliners (no, no... not the band). Dubliner 1 of 2 is actually one of my favourites. It's like talking to an old friend now!

Dubliner 2 of 2 (with wine cellar), is seriously charming. I sent him my best pic, and he told me I was a very very beautiful person!!! I KNOW :) Talk of him coming over for a weekend, so I've recommended a hotel (for him!)

My Superhero is away for a few days, but has managed to email me! I'm actually tempted to suggest meeting up... he sounds fab :)

Haven't heard from my other two locals yet.

Did get a couple of winks from some new Potential... I'm currently considering my options with them. To block, or to wink back?

Boring workie moment, which resulted in an 'interesting' work moment. A couple of years ago I was in contact with this consultant guy (who once offered to pick me up in his Porsche for lunch once... all very innocent!). Anyway, I remembered him today for work reasons, so sent off a quick email for advice (well, actually I'm trying to sneakily blag some free software). He got in touch straight away, and after swapping advice, white papers (no software yet), he emailed to say he'll probably be in my area in the next week or so, and did I want lunch. Oh, by the way, he mentions... he no longer has the Porsche, now it's a convertible Jaguar.

I don't know... maybe the tone of my email wasn't 100% professional! I'm going to have to keep my 'work emails' head and my 'sweet emails to Potentials' head a bit more separate! Or maybe not... lunch with a man who owns a Jag (and feels the need to let me know) may not be so bad after all!

Right, I've got another lesson tomorrow with Gorgeous H... I need to start getting ready :)

Sunday, 25 June 2006

Seven days ago...

We decided (as in me and my beloved family!) that I should do the whole online dating thingie, and I'd have never have thought just a week later I'd be having so much fun!

I've had a date (OK, not brilliant, but a date is a date under the rules), but more importantly I've met (in a 'virtual' way at least)a whole host of fab folks!

Seven days ago I wasn't in regular contact with a Sailor, two guys from Dublin (both equally fab!), a dependable local guy, a superhero (his birthday today! We're currently drinking 'virtual' tequila together) and a GORGEOUS guy from Dorset.

And the others who've come and gone this week have all made me smile in some way (OK, except for a couple of dodgy looking ones, who I can just block).

I'm excited for the next few weeks/months. In a way, I'm not sure I want to meet my soulmate now... It would mean leaving all this behind!

The other (and even fabberer... if that's a word) thing is I've been able to grab my 'real' social life back in a big way. The times I've been able to pull myself away from my PC/mobile I've got myself back out there... and no one's taking this away from me :)

Would you believe...

"The UK government recommends a maximum daily drinks allowance of 2-3 units for women". Apparently a bottle of Campo Viejo is 9.8 units.

1 bottle = 1 unit, surely?!?


OK, mega mega hangover :(

No, you’re not reading yesterdays… I’m now accumulating hangovers in the same way as potentials!. I don’t know how this keeps happening – I had ONE glass of wine :)

Fab night last night with real people!! Thankfully I didn’t end up wandering around strange houses… safely back to mine, and I even took off my highlighting, enhancing, and plumping makeup! Good girl.

Checked emails/texts. 2 more new Potentials (one blocked straight away!). Here’s the run down of my new and old virtual people:

No.1 – Sailor. Sweet and constant contact. I’m going to miss him from tomorrow (maybe I should wave him off… a tearful goodbye at the port, like in films!)

No.2 – Dubliner (1 of 2 now!). Fab fab emails, and I’m getting to know him very well. I guess an option for weekends away :)

No.3 – Local (1 of 2). Becoming a little boring, but still worth keeping in contact with!

No.4 – Mr Incredible… Normally a late night one, but I did get a teatime email yesterday. Slightly worried about his apparent love of spandex!

No.5 – GORGEOUS Dorset guy. We’re emailing about chocolate. Yum to both him and chocolate :)

No.6 – Local (2 of 2). Still at ‘Mutual Contact’ stage. Sounds interesting

Edinburgh guy (no number for him). It’s all over (sob!). He’s looking for a “long term relationship”, and thinks the distance between us is too great.

No.7 – Dubliner (2 of 2). This is new one – winked at me last night. He’s got a wine cellar! I kid you not. He must have picked me for my love of wine :)

I have to do domestics today. Seriously... I’ve forgotten where both my washing machine and Sainsbury’s are!

Saturday, 24 June 2006

A map please!

OK, mega mega hangover :(

I had ONE glass of wine, and ONE glass of champagne… next thing I know I’m being escorted back to my niece’s bedroom by my marvellous sis in law, who'd discovered me aimlessly wandering about looking for my son's room?!?

I resisted the urge to check my emails last night. Do not reply when drunk – I’ll make that a new rule I think. Hang on, that’s gonna cut out too big a chunk of my life.

Anyway, this morning I’ve acquired a few more Potentials... 4 more in fact (I know sis, it was 2 earlier, but by the time I’d finished at the hairdressers there was 2 more).

So, here are the new ones (I won’t number them just yet... it’s too complicated):

Scary guy… instantly blocked.
Gorgeous guy (from Dorset) with fantastic eyes… WOW! I emailed back
Interesting guy (local)… I emailed back
Interesting guy (Edinburgh)… I emailed back!

I’m thinking of putting a map up now, with all their pics attached to various parts of the country :)

Still getting sweet texts of the sailor, and emails from my other 3, so now I’m up to 6 Potentials!

I’m going to spend another evening out with real people tonight, and I’ll check back later for any updates (I promise not to break my new rule… no emailing when drunk!)

Oh, one last thing… the first face-to-face guy has emailed back… can we try again! NO, NO, NO

Friday, 23 June 2006

Progress... we're texting!

First things first… I’ve sent Potential No.1 a “nice to meet you, but no thanks” email (felt an itsy bit bad, but this is the plan, and it’s better than stringing him along)

No.2 – We’re texting!!! Oh yes… third base with the Sailor! Call me impulsive, but it seemed the next step! So I’ve had some very nice messages this afternoon! And he’s actually on his way here (not to see me, to catch up with family before his trip. Not 100% sure what he meant by family… I hope he didn’t mean a wife sort of family). Stop, stop, stop being such a cynic

No.3 – he’s a late night one, so maybe later!

No.4 – OK… plodding along with email (am I talking this guy down already?)

No.5 – another late night one!

Down to 4 Potentials… I’m not complaining, this is FAB!!

I’ve decided I’m going to have to get a cleaner in… my usually immaculate place is now covered in a layer of dust, the dishwasher is full, and (shock, horror) unironed clothes are creeping back into my wardrobe!

Off out to see gorgeous family (yes, I’ve got the wine!), who’ll no doubt be fishing for any info they haven’t already read here. I hope my brother lets me use his laptop… I’ll obviously need to check my emails at some stage!

Thursday, 22 June 2006

You have to kiss a lot of frogs!

That's what my friend in work said today!

So, Potential No.1 - not brilliant! Had an OK time, but way too heavy for a first date. I don't want to be talking about my plans for our 'future' etc, over coffee the first time I meet someone.

But got back to some sweet emails though:

No.2 (Sailor, and now No.1) - fab sounding guy! At sea for 3 weeks as from Monday :(
No.3 (dunno about yesterdays order, this is the new one!). Dublin guy... funny as hell, and like talking to family (the mention of Sandy Cove melted me - I remember almost killing my brother there)
No.4 - OK, still doing OK!
No.5 - 'Mutual Contact' ongoing. I'm not sending my pic, only because I know it's a challenge for him. We've now described ourselves as cartoon characters. I'm a Powerpuff Girl, and he's Mr Incredible!

I've got past the hurdle of my first face to face. One frog down, four to go :)

First impressions. They really do count

Ooh. I'm going off No.1 a bit. Just had an email with details of tonight's date (just coffee remember). He's made a 'slight' complaint that I don't email him enough?!?

The thing is No.1, I've got 5 Potentials to keep in touch with, a job to be outstanding in, a son to nag, plus a new hobby (remember... Gorgeous H - the real person). SO I'm a little bit put out, but I'm going for the date anyway, to give him a chance!

I'll keep you posted!

A real life date!

It's happening... a date, tonight! (Sis, I'll call with details!). Here's the rundown on Potentials (renumbered, because I'm confused):

No.1 - This is the date one. Emails exchanged daily, so coffee this evening (I was hoping for a glass of wine, but no, coffee - not a good start No.1, I'm sure I put wine in my profile about 26 times)
No.2 - Hello Sailor ;) Emails exchanged daily, and he's given me his mobile number. This guy *seems* very very sweet, and funny (should put him as No.1... he is my fav at the moment??)
No.3 - Emails exchanged daily
No.4 - Still at 'Mutual Contact' stage! Fab guy though, a Dubliner (the accent, it's going to get me hooked!)
No.5 - Still at 'Mutual Contact' stage. This one is really funny. He's trying to get a picture of me, but I'm being coy at the moment!

All the rest have been blocked. It was getting complicated!

Now, a minor problem (as always) with tonight's date. I haven't actually got oodles of time between leaving work, and arriving at date looking dazzling, so I'm going to magic up some time management skills! You see, I've discovered the brilliance of Benefit cosmetics, so now I have to spend ages with these glitzy little bits and pieces... highlighting, enhancing, plumping tiny little bits of my complexion. It used to take me all of 15 minutes to shower, dress and run... now it takes about 45 minutes just to blend and smudge these gorgeous and essential potions.

And of course, I'll have to check my emails before I go!!

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Hello sailor!

Ok, things are progressing. Today I've moved from 'Mutual Contact' with either No.5, No.7 or No.8 (I'm losing track... where's my PA!), to exchanging email addresses!

You see, when you first have 'Mutual Contact', it's all via the dating site, so no personal details are shared. But this is a pain... you have to log on, and all the other Potentials can see you're online. So there comes a point where you move on - I guess this is like second base, but over the web!!

So, we shared emails (mine is still a vague one though... I'm a girl of mystery), and I discover he's a sailor!!!

Sounds like a sane enough person though, and his emails are fab!

Oops, almost forgot - Potential No.2 still wants to meet. I'm going to have to make a decision on when soon. Thing is... has he got a uniform???

Nightime activity ;)

No, no... not that sort!

Apart from a very strange dream where I was skateboarding to work, while all the time throwing two oversized slugs in front of me (seriously, and the sky was deep red!), I received another 3 emails!!

I'm going to have to start getting picky! Potential No.6 has been discarded. Fabulous email, but then he send his pic. Now I know beauty is only skin deep, and it's what's inside that counts, but I'm not sure I want to have anything other than 'Mutual Contact' with somebody who's a cross between a bad Barney Rubble and Shrek!

So, time to review Potentials No.7, 8 and 9!

One more thing... Guys, when you pick a name to use when online dating, be original!! 'PrinceCharming628' only tells me I've missed the other 627, and 'sexiluvmachine' is just scary!

Tuesday, 20 June 2006

What's that rhyme...?

One Potential, Two Potential, Three Potential, Four... and on it goes!

No.1 - "no thanks"
No.2 - ongoing mutual contact, wants to meet!
No.3 - ongoing mutual contact
No.4 - ongoing mutual contact
No.5 - ongoing mutual contact
No.6 - an email... and I loved his style!

OMG!! I'm going to meet one of these Potentials - the plan says I have to! So, I've agreed to a coffee, somewhere safe (Sis - remember the plan... phone me right!), just need to sort out when.

Now, I've discovered some fundamental flaws in the plan that didn't occur to me when I took this challenge on... It takes up so much of my spare time dealing with 'Ice Breakers', doing the whole 'Mutual Contact' thing, and searching for that perfect champagne/chocolate/dream date profile, I don't think I'm actually going to have time to go out - at all!

Old routine (Well, I say old... it HAS only been 4 weeks): Get up; get son up; get ready for work; go to work (work hard to be outstanding); go home; cook food; nag son; glass of wine; nag son; do a bit of work from home; glass of wine; watch Big Brother; send son to bed; lovely long candlelit bath (with glass of wine); finish bottle of wine; sleep!! This routine would be randomly interspersed with shopping, scrounging food off my beloved family, shopping, going out with friends etc.

New routine: Get up; check email/profile; get son up; get ready for work; check email; go to work (day now split between working hard to be outstanding, and checking email/profile for Potentials); go home; check email; quickly nuke two ready meals; glass of wine; one eye on Big Brother with laptop precariously perched on lap, typing out witty responses one handed with glass of wine in the other hand while son peers over my shoulder vetting Potentials; quick shower; check email; sleep!! However, I do still squeeze in the time to scrounge food off my beloved family - thank you people :)

My son has never been happier, and my alcohol level is down... but I need a PA!!

Ooh... not forgetting the new hobby (with Gorgeous H thrown in for good measure!). 45 minutes in close proximity of a real person!!

My head is spinning, and for once it's not from acohol!

Seems it all happens when the pub closes...

Quick update... Now 39 people have viewed my profile, and I've got a couple of emails!!

It looks like a lot happens when the pub closes! This worries me slightly... they may well be a little tipsy, and therefore more likely to tell porkies! So the email from the guy who's got a ferarri with a boot full of champagne may well not by genuine... WDYT?

However, I may well have Potential No.3 to add to my miniature little black book (not the ferrari guy, the other email seemed a little more realistic). Minor problem though... he has the same name as Potential No.2. My mum is always telling people how forgetful and disorganised I can be. In fact, only this week, when I met 'Gorgeous H', who's going to be giving me lessons in my other new hobby (apart from this one of course), I'm there trying to look all fab and confident, and she says to him "H, you'd better write that down for her, she never remembers anything" - thanks Mum, really!!

But Gorgeous H doesn't fit into this blog, he's a real life person. Not to say I would turn him down though ;)

So, to summarise:
Potential No.1 - no thanks!
Potential No.2 - mutual contact!
Potential No.3 - I'm just thinking about a reply for him

Oh, and Gorgeous H - I'm not forgetful, honestly. Now, what time is my lesson tonight - I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere!

This is going to get a little confusing!

Monday, 19 June 2006

'Mutual Contact' has been made!

No. of profile views: 21
No. of emails: 2!
Units of alcohol: No, no... that's the other Ms Jones' diary :)

Right... I've had more email!!! I've checked one guy's profile, and there is nothing glaringly bad about him, his email was both polite and interesting, so I guess under the (revised) plan worth pursuing.

So I've emailed him back - not straight away mind - obviously I don't want to appear desperate (I know, I know... my profile is live, so I must be, right!). 'Mutual Contact' has been made (this is what they call it in the online dating game)

Nervous now! I've been reading hints and tips for online dating, and apparently there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there, who may not be who they say they are! NO KIDDING!! the dating site sometimes resembles The Worlds Most Wanted (but not in a 'I want you as my soulmate' way!). What I have to remember now though is... I'm one of them!!

So... I've got a Potential No.2. I'm going to have to keep a little book of names and stuff, in case I get them mixed up (although I'm pretty sure it would be hard to mix Potential No.1 with Potential No.2 - I'm just thinking about the future, if I ever get into double figures)

So, aside from my 'Mutual Contact' (and I don't know why, but that phrase makes me giggle slightly!), I've started to be a little more proactive in my search. Now that I've realised that I can see people who've viewed MY profile, the same is true for anyone's profile I view. So a quick keyword search for 'favourite drink: champagne' or 'loves to send flowers', and there you go... at least one of those may be able to treat me to a little more than Burger King!

I'm getting the hang of this!

Sunday, 18 June 2006

OK, this is a bit scary. The profile is up and searchable!

Now, I’ll admit I did get up early this morning to 'casually' check my emails, only to find… NOTHING!! Where’s the mailbox full of potentials?? My excuse - the World Cup. It's going to seriously hamper this project… at least until after 9th July.

Anyway, I got on with my day, and vowed not to check email until now. So I log on to my chosen route to "lovedom". WOW… my profile has been checked out 20 times… that’s right, 20 guys (I hope they were all guys anyway) pulled in by my catchy title, and not to wordy description of just how desirable I am!

I also got two "ice breakers". For those of not in the "online dating" know, that’s a little signal (generally by people who are too stingy to pay to subscribe) that your profile has done a little more than make them recoil! Plus, I got a fully fledged email… contact with a complete unknown – arghhh! This might just work!

The downside, he was just not my type (not at all, not a bit!). Now I know the plan was not to turn down a date… but seriously, there was nothing about him AT ALL that would drag me out. Sorry Potential No 1, but a very polite "No Thanks" is in order!

So the plan needs a little revising – I’ve got to have at least one thing in common (apart from location – that doesn’t count as a shared interest!).

Mentioned my plan to my mum in the car earlier, and I don’t quite know how she did it, but within 5 minutes word "marriage" had whistled past my ears... ouch!

Bless! She’s dying to wear a hat!

Saturday, 17 June 2006

Still day one...

Blimey... how hard is it to sum yourself up in one paragraph.

I have a glass of wine, then think! Have two, then type! Have four then press submit.

All done... my profile is apparently there for oodles of million people worldwide to see... bring on the dates (well, in up to 72 hours - that's how long it takes to review your profile!).

So what do I do now? Do I wash my hair in readiness for my first date... watch this space!

Day one....

4 weeks of being single (I know - it's not the end of the world). I'm looking at my options for meeting people, but to be honest they all look limited:

1 - At work - they're mostly married/hooked up... and besides, I've a policy of not dating people I work with - last time it was a disaster!

2 - Hobbies - none at the moment... and the thought of enrolling in origami classes is just not that exciting!

3 - Out socialising. To be honest my social life has got a lot better since I split (one advantage of being single I guess!). But here lies the problem with meeting guys while you're out drinking... beer goggles are not a girl’s best friend. I don't want to fall into that trap. Mind you, I did meet a fab guy a few weeks ago... if only I'd been sober (then I would've remembered to ask for his number!)

So, after a conversation with my brother and his wife, I’ve decided to go for online dating. Sounds simple… I post my details on a personals site, and the dates come flooding in – right??

We have a plan (I seriously think those two are encouraging me to do this just for the stories they can keep on dragging up for the next zillion years – you know “oh, remember that date with the one legged butcher… blah blah blah". I feel I’m going to be blushing/cringing at every future family event).

The plan is:

1. Don’t turn down a date (within reason)

2. Always have a backup (so Sis in law is going to call 30 minutes into each date, so I can always have some "desperate family emergency" to run to if need be!).

3. Don’t take it too seriously!

First thing to do is write that killer profile…

Ps… I’ve actually got nothing against one legged butchers, I just haven't met the right one yet!